Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 508 The coffin-covering conclusion 3 The Meridian Gate dynasty of the Yang-Yi people re-dete

Chapter 508: Closing the coffin and making a conclusion
Zhu Qiyu nodded: "You think King Wu is too mysterious. In the third year of Hongwu, the Taizu appointed the fifth prince as King Wu.

The five sons of the emperor had been king of Wu for nine years before being changed to king of Zhou by Taizu.

So we can also grant the title of King of Wu, but as long as we have the title of king, we cannot really grant the title to Hangzhou.

Places such as Shandong, Shanxi, and Henan can no longer be feudal vassals.I plan to implement the strategy of separating the king's title from the fiefdom.The king of Chu does not have to be sealed in Huguang, the king of Wu doesn't have to be in Zhejiang, and the king of Jin doesn't have to be in Shanxi.Wherever there is a need, it will be sealed there.

I want to rebuild another city of Guangning, another city of Shenyang, and another city of Jinzhou in Liaodong, and seal my three sons there. "

Ningxiang smiled and said: "Guangning is good. It's close to the capital. The slave family can see their son often."

"Okay, then make your son the King of Chu and guard Guangning. Guangning is a strategically important place among strategic places. I have to learn from Jia Yi's theory and send real princes to guard it.

Only when Guangning is firmly stuck, can the Jianzhou Jurchen and Mongolian cavalry be completely kept out. "

There were some things Zhu Qiyu couldn't say. In the late Ming Dynasty, Tianqi and Chongzhen dynasties struggled for more than 20 years. They were trapped in Jinzhou and couldn't reach Guangning.

Poor thing, just because of the loss of Guangning City, Da Ming has been in a strategic passive position, unable to turn around.

Now Zhu Qiyu decides to do as much as he can for future generations. Come to Guangning, Shenyang, and Jinzhou to stand together and jointly control Jianzhou Jurchen, and also strengthen the control of North Korea along the way.

Silent all night.

On the second day, Zhu Qiyu came to the Meridian Gate and made a rare morning court.

This is also Zhu Qiyu's first time at the Meridian Gate.

Civil and military officials lined up on both sides outside the Meridian Gate, while men, women and children knelt in the middle.

After all the officials had saluted, Zhu Qiyu loudly admonished the officials: "You have all seen that these are all members of the Sanyang tribe.

Why should I kill the entire Sanyang clan?Do you see what they have done?
First of all, it is abandoned.If you say abandon the land, just abandon the land, San Yang is still rejoicing, insisting that he has made great achievements for Daming.

This is the first time I heard that abandoning the land can be regarded as an immortal achievement?

Where did a shameless person like San Yang come from?

I put my words here today. If any civil and military official dares to abandon the Ming Dynasty's land, San Yang's fate will be an example.

Secondly, they colluded with the concubine Li and bewitched the abolished Empress Xuanmiao. Among them, Yang Rong's face was the ugliest.

The emperor is the father of the world, the queen is the mother of the world, and Yang Rong made no secret of it in front of the Xuanmiao, eager to abolish his mother.

I really don't understand, which sage book Yang Rong read told him that he could still do this as a courtier.

Did Confucius teach him to do this?Or did Mencius teach him to do it?Which chapter of the saint's etiquette did he rely on?
Thirdly, they colluded with Oirat, controlled Shanxi, and smuggled various materials to Oirat.Oala relied on these materials to arm the cavalry, and finally destroyed 50 soldiers of our Ming Dynasty in the battle of Tumubao.

This alone is enough for the Yi tribe.

In the end, Sanyang took advantage of his position as an assistant government to use his power for personal gain.Relying on accepting bribes and merging land, the total income from corruption was 160 million taels of silver.

No matter how many crimes are subdivided, I will not read them one by one.The cabinet will issue an imperial decree and spread it to the world.If you are interested, you can go and read them one by one.

Alright, Yi tribe, let's execute. "

After all, Zhu Qiyu sat on the dragon chair and watched the executioner behead Sanyang's people one by one.

Most of the nobles and generals present were optimistic about their success.

And the faces of the civil servants were all extremely ugly.The so-called officials protect each other, things hurt their kind.For civil servants, most of them are unwilling to make such a decisive move.

But no civil servant stood up to defend San Yang.

The main reason is the things that Sanyang did, it is really impossible for people to speak for them.

If there hadn't been the Tumubao Incident, everyone would still be able to stand up and support us.But the bad thing was the Tumu Fort incident.

The fiasco of Tumubao proved that Xuanmiao and Sanyang's national policy of abandoning land and seeking peace was simply wrong.

Sanyang was so kind to Wala, but not only failed to influence Wala with the morals and ethics of Confucius, Mencius, Cheng and Zhu, but instead he raised a monster with a bloody mouth that almost bit Ming Dynasty to death.

The ministers also wanted to stand up and debate with the emperor, but what San Yang did was unreasonable.

If the minister wants to fight with the emperor face to face, the only possibility is to completely occupy the right name. Other than that, there is no other way.

If you want to play an unreasonable three-point game with the emperor, it is purely because you don't think you will die fast enough.

As a result, the ministers were eerily quiet, and just stared blankly at the Sanyang tribesmen being beheaded one by one.

After chopping for a whole morning, Zhu Qiyu asked loudly at the scene of blood flowing into rivers: "The widow is determined to take back Annan, whoever objects, please stand up."

Baiguan you look at me, I look at you, all silent.

There is no way, on the issue of recovering Annan, the emperor's right to justice lies in the hands.

The meaning of the emperor is obvious: whoever opposes is not a Han Chinese.You must say that Annan is not the territory of the Han people, then I can only send you to the north, and you go as a Mongolian.

"Hanshu" clearly states that Annan is the territory of the big Han, so it's useless for you to argue.The only way is to be a Mongol, or to be a Jurchen.

Seeing that the officials are honest, Zhu Qiyu continued to ask: "I want to build a navy, go to the West, open customs, and reduce business taxes.

Who agrees?Who objects? "

As soon as these words came out, the ministers finally responded, and began to whisper and whisper.

First of all, there is no objection to the reduction of commercial taxes. As long as the emperor does not think that his money is not enough, the ministers have no objection.

On this issue, the ministers felt their conscience and had to agree with Zhu Qiyu.

For example, after every emperor ascends the throne, he will immediately start building a mausoleum.Emperor Gongrang spent 600 million taels just to build the mausoleum.

But Zhu Qiyu insisted on refusing to build the mausoleum. This item alone is equivalent to saving the court 600 million taels of white money.

The emperor has done this, and you still insist that the emperor is not really thinking about the court and Ming, then it is meaningless.

It doesn't matter whether you like the emperor or not, but you can't tell nonsense with your eyes open.

The focus of all officials is on opening customs and restarting Western trade.

But opening customs and restarting Western trade are not exactly the same thing.Western trade can be completely run by the government, and once the customs are opened, the private sector can also participate.

At this time, Zhou Chen took the lead in the class and started to play: "Dare to ask your majesty, which customs will be opened specifically? How do these customs collect taxes? How can commercial taxes be reduced or exempted?"

Zhu Qiyu replied: "Let's try it first in Shandong, Zhejiang, and Fujian. We need to conduct a pilot first, and then gradually liberalize it.

In the early stage, in order to encourage merchants to participate in Western trade, the customs temporarily stopped collecting taxes.

To build a fleet and build a navy, it will be funded from internal funds.The money earned by the fleet from the Western trade was uniformly controlled by the Ministry of Household Affairs.

After receiving this huge income, the Ministry of Household Affairs reduced and exempted commercial taxes in the country and carried out corvee reforms.From now on, the government will pay to hire workers and no longer impose corvees.

However, these are all big projects, and they are not as simple as I say. We also need all of you to be willing to work together with me to create a prosperous and prosperous world for China. "

After all, Zhu Qiyu added: "Once the overseas trade is on the right track and the court's income increases, the widow will also greatly increase the salaries for the loved ones, and further increase the privilege of tax reduction and exemption from labor."

The ministers heard the words, and the discussion below became more heated.

Although the gossip about the opening of the sea ban and the voyage to the West has been circulating for a long time, it was the first time that the emperor made an official announcement in front of all the officials at the Great Court Meeting, and the officials still had a lot of reactions.

Zhu Qiyu didn't dissuade him, so he let the officials discuss it.

Why Zhu Qiyu is so confident, first of all, the Ministry of Rites will not object, because the officials of the Ministry of Rites almost died in the mutiny, and the positions are still suppressed and there is no replenishment.

Secondly, the household department will not object.The cost of the voyage to the West was paid by the emperor's internal funds, and the emperor was unlucky if he lost the money, and all the money he made would go to the Ministry of Household Affairs. There is such a good thing in the world, and the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, Shen Yi, wished he could support it with both hands and feet.

(End of this chapter)

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