Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 534: The poisonous plan drives the wolf soldiers to fight in the Luchuan Copper Mine to supp

Chapter 534: The poisonous plan drives the wolf soldiers to fight in the Luchuan Copper Mine to support the war
As soon as Xu Youzhen asked for instructions, Zhu Qiyu knew what Xu Youzhen was going to say next.

Luchuan reached its peak at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, occupying half of Yunnan and directly pushing into Kunming and Dali.To the south it controls Burma and to the west it borders India.

The Yuan Dynasty was defeated and retreated, and the Luchuan Kingdom became the overlord of Central and South Asia.

After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, under the huge pressure from the Luchuan Kingdom, Taizu even went to the extent of gathering an army of 20 for a conquest.

In the 21st year of Hongwu's reign, Silun, the leader of the Luchuan Kingdom, mobilized all the strength of the country to attack Yunnan with an army of 30, and fought with the Ming army led by Mu Ying at Dingbian.

With a small number, Mu Ying defeated a large number, beheaded more than [-] people and captured more than [-] people. This was the only way to curb Luchuan's expansion in Yunnan.

Later, in the Zhengtong Dynasty, Wang Ji and Jiang Gui worked hard for ten years and dispatched more than [-] main troops three times before finally defeating Luchuan.

But Lucchuan has not been completely leveled yet. Fifty years after the historical orthodoxy leveled Lucchuan, Luchuan rose again and wiped out Myanmar.

Thinking of this, Zhu Qiyu looked at Xu Youzhen expectantly, wanting to hear Xu Youzhen explain how to completely destroy Luchuan and how to establish a stable rule over Annan.

After getting Zhu Qiyu's approval, Xu Youzhen first talked about geography and population: "When Taizong regained Annan, the population of Annan exceeded 500 million. At that time, the population of Ming Dynasty was around 5000 million.

The population of Annan is about [-]% of the population of Ming Dynasty.

The eastern part of Annan is the Red River Plain, with fertile land and abundant products, which can support a population of more than five million people, while the western part is surrounded by mountains.

Our Guangdong, Guangdong and Guangxi together have a population of less than 200 million.

After Taizong regained Annan, the Ming army mainly occupied the plains in the eastern part of Annan, while the western mountains and forests had almost no control.

In the last Xuande Dynasty, the people of Annan rose up in resistance. Soon the Ming army was defeated and could only occupy a few cities to defend it.

On the contrary, the west of Luchuan is a plain, and the east, which occupies our part of Yunnan, is a mountainous area that is easy to defend and attack from the south.

The Luchuan Kingdom was extremely enterprising and placed its capital in the east, always maintaining an offensive posture against the Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, the part of Yunnan occupied by Luchuan has many open-pit copper and iron mines, so Luchuan's army is well-armored. Coupled with the military system of all soldiers, Luchuan's combat power far exceeds that of surrounding countries.

The strategy suggested by the minister is to regain Annan first, and then take advantage of the situation to completely destroy Luchuan.

In the past, Luchuan had little operational value for us.But after the Holy Emperor ascended the throne, he reformed the fundamentals of the economy and minted silver coins and copper coins to replace treasure banknotes.

In this way, the value of the copper mines in Luchuan was highlighted.

We can follow the example of the Duke of Guizhou who ruled Yunnan, and granted him the title of vassal king and honored him to guard Lucchuan and Annan.

Combined with the copper mines in Luchuan and the control of surrounding trade routes, the vast cultivated land in Annan's Red River Plain, and the convenience of maritime trade, Ming Dynasty created huge wealth to make up for the consumption of war. "

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "Eldest brother respectfully asked the emperor to conquer Luchuan three times. Although it was a great achievement, it also transferred half of China's salary, which greatly consumed the national power and led to frequent civil unrest.

He also mobilized elites from Jingying, Ganliang, Huguang and other places to march south, which ultimately led to the defeat of Tumu and the near-annihilation of the country.

We really have to find some ways to make money from Luchuan and Annan to replenish our national strength.

Yuan Yu, how do you want to attack Annan? "

Xu Youzhen replied: "I think we should fight according to the strategy set by the Holy One before. Jing Yuanbo has experience in mountain warfare, so Jing Yuanbo should lead the army from Yunnan to attack the western mountainous area of ​​Annan.

We in Guangdong and Guangxi need to be slower. We must first quell the local rebellion and reorganize the army before launching an attack.

As long as Jing Yuanbo's army wins a few battles, Champa, Lancang, Zhenla and other countries will follow suit.

At this time, Annan had internal suspicions about the country and many conflicts. It could also be exploited and divided and ruled. "

Zhu Qiyu was very keen on the idea of ​​reorganizing the army, and immediately asked: "Yuan Yu, how do you plan to reorganize the army?"

Zhu Qiyu's meaning is very simple. You have no problem reorganizing the local troops of Guangdong and Guangxi, but if you want to reorganize my three pro-army guards, don't you want to live?
Xu Youzhen heard what was said and quickly explained: "I want to conquer the Yi people of Guangdong and Guangxi and form a wolf army of [-] combat soldiers and [-] auxiliary soldiers. The wolf soldiers are brave and brave. As long as they are promised heavy profits, the wolf soldiers will fight in In the front, the Beijing Army supervises the rear.

The 15-strong army pressing down on the border was enough to bring down Annan.

If Annan is not heavily defended, I will directly take its capital.If Annan is heavily defended, the pressure on the armies of Jing Yuanbo and Champa will be greatly reduced, and they can march straight into the hinterland of Annan.

When Annan is fighting on all sides, our army will replicate the feat of pacifying Nan in the seventh month of the Yongle Dynasty. "

Zhu Qiyu nodded with satisfaction and ordered the Guangxi wolf soldiers to take the lead. This Xu Youzhen was really cunning.

By the end of the Ming Dynasty, Guangxi wolf soldiers were repeatedly recruited by the court to participate in various battles.The good thing is that the Guangxi wolf soldiers are not afraid of death and have extremely strong combat power.

The bad side is that the military discipline of the Guangxi Wolf Soldiers is really poor.

But using the Guangxi wolf soldiers to conquer Annan, well, how to subdue and restrain these wolf soldiers was something Xu Youzhen had to consider.

Zhu Qiyu is an emperor who is willing to delegate power. As long as the big strategy is decided, I will not micromanage how to fight in the future.

Wei Ji asked: "The war is over, may I ask the Holy One how to deal with the Annan royal family?"

Zhu Qiyu replied: "Place the Annan royal family in Qiongzhou, give them a fiefdom of hundreds of miles, and promise to inherit the throne. It will not only win the hearts of the Annan people, but also relieve the worries of the southern vassals. It is the best of both worlds."

In addition, marrying Princess Annan to the Crown Prince as his concubine would also have a miraculous effect in appeasing the people of Annan. "

After hearing this, the ministers all understood that the emperor was waiting here.No wonder the marriage between Ming Dynasty and Annan was successfully approved by the emperor.

The current situation is that the emperor Gong Rang thinks the emperor is stupid, and the emperor thinks Gong Rang the emperor is stupid.

The final decision of who was stupid was the result of the conquest of Annan.

If the expedition to the south fails, it means that the emperor is stupid and allows the crown prince to get help from a country for nothing.

If the expedition to the south is successful, then the emperor will be fooled. Not only will his help be lost, but he will also allow the crown prince to marry a subjugated princess as his concubine.

Now the ministers had a clear understanding of the whole story: this was just a gamble, you could make a decision and leave without any regrets.

Winners celebrate, losers cry.

Next, we completely entered the Q&A session with hundreds of officials.Xu Youzhen had a legacy of verbally quarreling with other scholars. She responded to everyone's inquiries by herself, spoke endlessly, and answered fluently.

At the same time, Annan Princess Ruan Yuyao went to Chonghua Palace and met with Emperor Gongrang and Queen Gongrang.

Zhu Qizhen chose to meet in person.

Queen Zhou, Concubine Qian Ling, Concubine Wan Chen, and Concubine Cheng were all called over by Zhu Qizhen.

As soon as Ruan Yuyao entered the Chonghua Hall, she felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere: the emperor's face was as white as paper, and he looked like he was exhausted of energy and blood, which was nothing more than that.

The tension between the three women can be sensed very easily.

Ruan Yuyao had been in Beijing for a few days and already had a general understanding of the relationship between the characters: Concubine Qian Ling was originally the queen of the main palace, but she was demoted because she was involved in a mutiny.And he also gave a very unkind "Ling Fei" title, which was almost insulting.

Queen Zhou was the prince's biological mother and was promoted as the emperor.Concubine Wan Chen was the emperor's favorite concubine, but the two princes she gave birth to had died in infancy, which is a pity.

Is it possible for just three people to get together?On the contrary, the concubine who was responsible for taking care of the crown prince sat there quietly without arguing or making any noise, as if she didn't exist.

Besides, Ruan Yuyao was used to the fights in the harem in the Annan Kingdom. Those who were as harmonious and friendly as the concubines of today's emperor were the exceptions in the palace that were rare to see in a thousand years.

After Emperor Gongrang saw it, he was very satisfied.After just a few words of concern, he got up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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