Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 571: Public sentiment is raging and public opinion has followed the trend to tighten Skynet

Chapter 571: Public sentiment is raging and public opinion has followed the trend to tighten Skynet
What Liao Zhuang didn't expect was that not only the imperial palace of the Ming Dynasty would be penetrated like a sieve, but the interior of Wala was not much better either.

The undercurrents and spies under the calm water are not something that a Minister of Rites can see clearly.

Wang Wen didn't know the emperor's full plan and wanted to continue arguing with Liao Zhuang. Zhu Qiyu stood up and waved his hand: "Okay, that's it. I'm tired.

When Huo'er suddenly comes to the city with troops, you can tie me up and go to greet the emperor and restore him to the throne. "

After saying that, without waiting for anyone's reaction, Zhu Qiyu quickly went downstairs and went home.

He teased a few words in a weird way, saying that if he didn't move faster, the ministers would have to kneel down to show their loyalty. Zhu Qiyu was still very considerate of the ministers.

Everyone gathered together in twos and threes, communicated quietly for a while, and then left one after another.When leaving, everyone distanced themselves from Liao Zhuang, completely isolating Emperor Gongrang, the last loyal minister.

Anyone with a keen sense of smell can already tell that Emperor Gongrang is in danger this time.The emperor's last words were not just out of anger, but more likely a hint that the emperor was really going to be deposed this time.

The emperor only showed his face and left in anger without discussing the military details.

But the ministers were relieved because the emperor was not in a hurry about the invasion of Oara.

Relying on the achievements of the past four years, the emperor has established a very high military prestige.Since the emperor is not in a hurry, it means that there is no big problem, and everyone does not need to panic. They can just go back and perform their duties.

The next day, the entire capital was in turmoil.

Huang Pu, Yin of Jingzhao, and Wang Cheng, eunuch of the Bureau of Ceremonies, commanded the Shuntian Prefecture and the Wucheng Military and Horse Division to mobilize the whole city.Distributing rations and copper coins to the poor, old and weak, temporarily recruiting strong men in the city to support the defense of the city at any time, arresting spies in the city, transporting more grain and rice from Tongzhou warehouse to the city to stabilize prices, and a series of other war preparation measures are being carried out in an orderly manner. .

Because there had been a successful defense battle for the capital four years ago, and the situation this time was much better than last time, the people were not too panicked.

But everyone knew that it was Emperor Gong who led the enemy here.

Although everyone didn't say anything, they were extremely dissatisfied in their hearts.What's more, Emperor Gongrang also appointed Huo'er Huda's daughter as the crown prince's concubine. The two were sons and daughters, and now they couldn't even wash it off.

In addition, Emperor Gongrang actually left an illegitimate son in Oala. The emperor kindly named him King Yi, but in the blink of an eye, King Yi was used by Huoerhuda as a tool to attack the Ming Dynasty and used him to cheat him away. The city gate of Dongsheng led to the fall of Dongsheng, and nearly [-] defenders were killed.

The more you look at this, the more it looks like a repeat of the incident in which Emperor Gongrang called out after the Tumubao Incident.

Zhu Qiyu waited for four years, and the balance in the hearts of the people was finally broken.

The Tumu Fort Incident, the Defense of the Capital, the Mutiny in the Capital, the Disaster of Witchcraft, Dongsheng's fall into the city, four years and five chaos, have completely annoyed the people of the capital.

Whether they were the original neutralists or the common people who had always preferred to respect the emperor as the orthodox people, they all began to hope that all this could be ended quickly and completely, and they could live peacefully.

In the afternoon, Lian Gang issued another issue of the newspaper, announcing the latest battle situation: Huoer Huda's cavalry had arrived in Yuzhou and would soon begin to attack Zijingguan.

When it comes to Weizhou, the people are even more disgusted.This Yuzhou is Wang Zhen's hometown. Emperor Gongrang and his army had already reached Yuzhou. As long as we work harder and march into Zijingguan, the following things will not happen at all.

As a result, the army had to turn around and go back, passing through Xuanfu to the north, and then east to Juyongguan.Finally, they were overtaken by Ye Xian's main force in Tumubao.

Therefore, the following series of turmoils were all caused.

When the sky is angry and people are angry, it often rains.

In the evening, the clouds were thick and the thunder was rolling.

Not long after, there was lightning and thunder, and heavy rain poured down.

Zhu Qiyu was leaning on the soft couch, covered with a thick quilt. There were two top-notch little beauties on the left and right of the quilt, and three other little beauties on the opposite side of the quilt.

The six masters and slaves huddled together like this, looking at the thunderstorm outside the window.

Qianxue smiled and said: "My husband is really good at grasping people's hearts. Now the dissatisfaction of the people in the capital has reached its highest point, and there is nowhere to vent it.

While they are hot-headed, if you depose Emperor Gongrang, I am afraid that not only will there be no resistance, but there will also be a lot of people applauding you.

In the past, slaves were curious about how to complete the dethronement of the emperor and minimize the negative effects. Now it seems that it is simply what people want, and there are no negative effects. "

Zhu Qiyu smiled and said: "It's not over yet, it hasn't reached the highest point yet, and it will continue to advance one by one. I will take this opportunity to completely eliminate the opponents in Beijing.

From now on, only the emperor faction and the neutral faction will be left in Beijing.

This year I will exterminate the tiles and control the seedlings, so that at least the country will be completely peaceful.

Within three years, I will lift the sea ban and put the currency into operation.By then, both civil and military skills will be available, the people will receive tangible benefits, and people's hearts will be completely stable. "

Lin Xiangyu asked: "Then when the time comes, you will be able to be the emperor completely and comfortably if you have good political control and people's control?"

Zhu Qiyu shook his head: "It's a beautiful thought. When the time comes, we will have to destroy the Tatars, explore deep ocean routes, conquer Siam, Champa, and Chenla, and initially pacify Annan and Myanmar.

It will probably be Jingtai’s 12th year when these things are finished.Then I have to go to war with the West and nip all possible rising powers in the bud.

Domestically, the salt-tea-iron-horse trade must be reformed, and efforts must be made to balance the economic gap between the north and the south.

There are things going on everywhere, and when things are almost done, let Brother Fang take over.I have endless worries, I don’t want to be this bad emperor for a long time.

Being an emperor is not as fun as being comfortable at home and playing with women. "

Lin Xiangyu laughed when she heard this and said, "Which one of the five of us has the most fun?"

Zhu Qiyu laughed and said: "Hahahaha,..."

After talking about the love affair between men and women, Ningxiang asked curiously: "It should have rained at Zijingguan. How will the battle be fought after it rains? Will firearms get damp?"

Zhu Qiyu smiled and said: "The firearms of the Wala army will definitely get wet. The defenders at Zijingguan are fine. Our pro-army troops all have oil paper bags.

Besides, the city defenses at Zijingguan were fully reinforced after the battle to defend the capital.Moreover, I transferred Baoding right guard and Baoding guard to be stationed at Zijingguan.

I also sent many Jin Yiwei to Shanxi before. Now Shanxi has the largest number of Jin Yiwei among all provinces in the country.

Let the Jin Yiwei scout the whereabouts of the Wala army, and then ask the three Duoyan guards to go around Dongsheng City, enter Yanghekou, and bite and beat the Wala army from behind.

This time, let Duoyan's three guards be the main force and attack from behind.Twenty thousand battalions of state guards, [-] battalions of Shenji guards, and [-] Baoding guards were deployed to contain the enemy from the front.In addition, [-] Xiaoqi Battalion and [-] Shenji Battalion threatened the flanks of the Oara army from the direction of Xuanfu.

The most critical and core part of the entire strategy is for the three Duoyan guards to quickly circle around the Dongsheng guard and cut off the return path of the Wala army. "

Ningxiang was still puzzled: "With such a disparity in strength between the two sides, why did Huo'er suddenly lead an army into the encirclement?"

Zhu Qiyu explained patiently: "First, he didn't know that the army that conquered Annan had returned to Zijingguan. Second, he relied on the powerful maneuverability of the Wala cavalry and ran away if he wanted to grab it.

Since last winter, I have ordered Duke Cao Guo and King Su to burn the wasteland in the pastures of Wala.Then there are the embargoes on various grains, salt, tea and other supplies.

Wala has been hungry for more than half a year, so he can't help but come and grab it.

Huo'er Huda's plan was to rush to Zijingguan. If the Ming army's defense was lax and they rushed in, they would capture Zhili.

If you can't rush in, you'll have to make do with grabbing Shanxi.

In any case, it only took more than ten days from entering Yanghekou to evacuating after the robbery. According to Huoer Huda, the danger was very small and the Ming army had no time to mobilize on a large scale.

What he didn't expect was that I had been preparing for the war since last year and had been waiting for the chance.

After the defense of the capital, and during the counter-attack on Oala, I also gave the captives to the three guards of Duoyan as slaves.

They can't take my benefits in vain. Now is the time to repay God's kindness. "

Ningxiang smiled and said: "We sisters can't take the master's money in vain. Let us be slaves tonight."

Zhu Qiyu waved his hand quickly: "Forget it, forget it, I'm taking a rest on a rainy day."

Ningxiang reluctantly hugged Zhu Qiyu's neck and acted coquettishly: "It's so cold, let me warm my master up."

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "That's right. I'll just try to warm myself up with you cheap slaves."

Hearing this, the five little women were all made happy. The next scene was not suitable for children.

But at the same time, at Zijin Pass, Wu'an Hou Liu Chang was wearing strong armor and guarding the city wall overnight.

Liu Chang leaned back on his chair, stroking a piece of priceless jasper in a daze.At this time, Wang Lin, the commander's colleague, came in with food and drinks: "Boss, it's so cold. Let's have a glass of soju and some hot food to warm up."

Liu Chang nodded and asked Wang Lin to have a drink with him.

 Thanks to 20200629231117537 for the reward of 500 points
(End of this chapter)

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