Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 573 Huoer suddenly cheated and set up an ambush. The absurd emperor managed the army conserv

Chapter 573 Huoer suddenly cheated and set up an ambush. The absurd emperor managed the army conservatively.
Huo'er suddenly ran out of eighty-nine miles with thousands of remaining soldiers, covered his head and plunged into Xiaoshixiao. He did not stop until he reached Hongshixiao.

The next step was to dismount and rest to paralyze the Ming army.As soon as the Ming army penetrated deep into the valley, the [-] cavalrymen who had already been ambushing rushed out of the valley, waiting for work, and caught the Ming army by surprise.

Faking defeat and setting up ambushes are traditional skills inherited by the Wala cavalry from the beginning.In the land of Shanxi, cheating defeat and setting up ambushes are tried and true. Although there is no technical content, the Ming army did this.

Huo'er suddenly replied that he was very proud. Although he made some miscalculations at Zijin Pass, his traditional skills of deceiving the enemy and setting up ambushes for total annihilation were not lost at all.

2 people lured the enemy at Zijin Pass, and 2 people set up an ambush in the river valley.There are a total of [-] troops. Where did the extra [-] cavalry come from?

This was also Huoer Huda's clever move, which deceived [-] cavalry from Timur's empire and Yili.Because the number of Gansu garrison troops in the Ming Dynasty increased sharply, several surrounding countries were afraid, so everyone was willing to gather [-] cavalry to support Huo'er Huda and encounter the Ming Dynasty first.

The Ming army believed that Huoerhuda's headquarters had a total of [-] troops, but Huoerhuda actually had an army of [-].This single intelligence blind spot is enough to cause fatal consequences.

For example, once the Ming army's [-]-strong army marched out of the city and entered the valley, they were rushed by the [-]-strong army waiting for work, and it would be another battle at Yao'erling.

But Huo'er suddenly missed something. His opponent this time was Emperor Jingtai of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Qiyu designed a strategy for his pro-army troops this time to build a stronghold and fight a dull war.Just relying on the fortification operations at Zijingguan, the army will never leave the defense line for more than eight miles.

After charging for about five miles, the Yingzhou Guard army began to slow down their offensive.By the time they reached the entrance of Xiaoshixiao Valley, they had completely stopped and had no intention of rushing in at all.

After beheading 3000 people, the Yingzhou Guards and the Shenji Battalion soldiers covered each other and slowly retreated to Zijingguan Pass.

Now Huo'er suddenly went crazy. What was the plan to pursue the victory?Did you agree to pursue and fight fiercely?The regular Ming army shouldn't have the current style of fighting when things get good.

Those two or three thousand watt cavalry were all sacrificed in vain?

More than an hour later, hundreds of cavalrymen protected His Royal Highness King Yi and came to meet Huo'er Huda.Although the Yingzhou guards screamed fiercely, they did not really pursue and kill His Highness King Yi.

Huo'er suddenly fell into Yexian's old habit again. For the next three days, he sent thousands of people to provoke the Ming army at a distance from a distance.Twenty thousand cavalry were still lying in ambush in the river valley.

Liu Chang was not upset, so he made up his mind not to leave seclusion no matter what.

At this time, the Datong defenders were still following their old habits, choosing to avoid fighting against Wala and never attack.Li Bing, the governor of Shanxi, was very anxious in Taiyuan, but he could not organize a fighting force in a short period of time.

Huo'er suddenly sent thousands of cavalry to plunder all over Shanxi.

May [-]th was the eighth day after Huoer Huda led his army into Shanxi.

Wala was almost plundered, and Zijingguan could not be captured. If it continued, the main force of the Ming army would come over, so Huoer suddenly decided to retreat.

At this time, a high-ranking official named Batu, deputy Qianhu of the Dingzhou Guard, came with two confidants to ask for a meeting. Huo'erhu replied, threatening to offer him a clever plan.

Huo'er suddenly called people in and asked curiously: "If Zijin Pass is as strong as this, what clever plan can you have?"

Baitu replied: "Why do you insist on conquering Zijingguan? You will eventually know a path that can bypass Zijingguan."

You can lead the main force to retreat to Datong, and then send 3000 to [-] people to walk along the trail and bypass Zijing Pass.At the end of the day, we will respond internally and raid the Dingzhou Guards to seize dry food for their horses. Then they can take advantage of the Ming army's unpreparedness and drive straight to the gates of Beijing. "

Huo'er suddenly replied that he was amused: "Even if what you say can be successful, is there any point in sending 3000 to [-] people to drive directly to the city of Beijing?

Not to mention Beijing's defense, 3000 to 3000 people would not be able to get in.Even if they can get in, two to three thousand people are not enough to kill the Ming army in the city.

I was dissatisfied with the slow promotion of Ming army officers and soldiers, so I took the initiative to kill them, right? "

Baitu replied: "It is true that two to three thousand people cannot enter the city of Beijing, but the Grand Master is still imprisoned in Beijing. Don't you want to rescue the Grand Master and then use the Grand Master's reputation to reunify Oara?"

"I also want to rescue my father, but how can we successfully rescue two to three thousand people when they arrive at the gates of Beijing?"

He leaned closer and replied: "The general's uncle, Bazhai, is the commander of the Dingzhou Guard. Recently, he was urgently recruited to Beijing with hundreds of soldiers to consolidate the city's defenses. As long as you send two to three thousand people to the city, my uncle will Can lead his men to rescue the Grand Master, and then secretly drop him down into the city in a hanging basket at night."

Huo'er suddenly heard the words and fell into deep thought.

In the end, Huo'er Huda accepted Ba Tu's offer.If his father could really come back, his third brother Amasangchi's subordinates would be able to gather them back immediately, and even Boyan Timur would probably not dare to do anything anymore.

This is called having an elder in a family, just like having a treasure.

The plan was finalized. Huo'er suddenly selected three thousand elite soldiers to follow Tu Tu on a secret path in the mountains, bypassing Zijing Pass and entering the hinterland of Zhili. He himself would retreat to Datong the next day.

The Datong defenders did not dare to leave the city to fight. Huo'er suddenly replied that he could advance or retreat. If the situation was good, he would wait for the three thousand elites to rescue his father; Yanghekou exits the Great Wall and enters the grassland.

On May [-], the capital commander Xu Tong led the Duoyan Three Guards to Dongsheng City and blocked the news to prevent the Oara army from escaping upon hearing the news.

May [-]th, early morning.

Zhu Qiyu sat on the soft couch and read Xu Youzhen's report word by word.The situation in Beijing was relatively stable, and Zhu Qiyu began to pay attention to the south again.

Half a month has passed since the news of the fall of Dongsheng City came, and Beijing City has made preparations for war.

But the news that the Wala army retreated to Datong made the people in the capital relax a little.

Qianxue asked curiously: "Husband, don't be in a hurry to dethrone the emperor. I'm afraid the people's anger will subside in a few days."

Zhu Qiyu smiled and said: "How could it be possible? Every link is linked and everything is under control. If everyone's prediction is correct, the situation will change tomorrow morning.

Has newspaper production increased now?How many newspapers can be published in a day? "

Qianxue replied: "The General Affairs Department employs more than 3000 people in total. Some are copying quickly and some are copying slowly. The total number of copies per day is about [-]."

Zhu Qiyu nodded. The reason why he was not eager to develop technologies such as movable type printing, but instead hired so many people to copy by hand, was another consideration:

These more than 3000 people were selected and trained from the poor, old, weak, sick and disabled, and received generous treatment.These people are carrying the rice bowl given by the emperor, and naturally their hearts are devoted to the emperor.

If you pick up the bowl to eat and then put the bowl down to scold your mother, that would be very inhumane.Firstly, there are no such weirdos among the workers who copy newspapers, and secondly, even if there are, they will be kicked out immediately.

After dinner and when visiting relatives and friends, these people would actively or passively preach current affairs to the people around them and promote the emperor's virtues.

These people vividly explained current events to the people in the capital, which was much more vivid and vivid than simply reading newspapers.

Zhu Qiyu has gradually shown his effect in shaping public opinion. People in the capital have developed the habit of understanding current affairs through newspapers and newspaper copywriters.

Slightly more important military and political affairs can spread throughout the capital two or three days after the news is sent out.

This summer, there was a lot of rain in Zhili, Shandong, and Shanxi.

At night, it started raining again.

There was thunder and lightning, strong wind and rain, and most people got into warm beds and slept.

The officers and soldiers guarding the city and patrolling the city were also drinking in the towers and duty rooms and refused to go out.

Only the commander of the Dingzhou Guards, Qian Shi, took no shelter from the wind and rain, and led his [-] trusted subordinates to rescue Grand Master Yexian who was under house arrest in a small courtyard behind the Sanfa Division.

(End of this chapter)

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