Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 602: Deprived of the status of a country that cannot be conquered, Emperor Jing officially d

Chapter 602: Deprived of the status of a country that cannot be conquered, Emperor Jing officially declares war on Japan
What the North Korean envoy didn't know was that the Emperor of Heaven was already very polite.

On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, Zhu Qiyu summoned Japanese envoys and announced in person that Japan's status as a country without conquests would be revoked and trade between Japan and the Ming Dynasty would be prohibited.

Most importantly, the Ming Emperor officially declared war on Japan and threatened to kill all descendants of Empress Daigo.

The Japanese envoy was puzzled: "Why is His Majesty the Emperor so decisive?"

Zhu Qiyu smiled and said: "Back then, Prince Huairiang, the son of Emperor Go-Daigo, killed five Ming envoys. My ancestor didn't care, but I don't care.

Anyone who offends our strong men will be punished no matter how far away they are. Have you never heard of this saying?
Even after more than 80 years, few people dare to forget this hatred.

I, the great Ming Dynasty, have come to the country, and I will not carry out sneak attacks. Let me go back and let your emperor prepare for war. "

After saying that, Zhu Qiyu walked away without even leaving a chance for the Japanese envoy to refute.

As for why we had to capture Japan?In more than ten years, Japan will enter the Warring States Period.

After more than 100 years of brutal fighting, at the end of the Warring States Period, Japan had a population of more than 500 million and more than 30 elite soldiers. Then it took the initiative to use troops against the Ming Dynasty.

In the Wanli Korean War, although Japan was defeated, all the elite Ming troops in Liaodong were lost.

This battle triggered a chain reaction, with the Jurchens rising and eventually burying the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, as a responsible emperor of the Han Dynasty, we must practice Laozi's teachings: The difficulty is greater than the simplicity, and the details are greater than the details.The difficult things in the world must be done with ease; the great things in the world must be done with details.

While Japan has not yet risen, there is no need to worry about the Warring States Period, just nip it in the bud.

Returning to the Hehuan Hall, Zhu Qiyu leaned back on the couch and laughed at himself: "It feels really good to declare war on the enemy forcefully. No wonder that kind old lady wants to declare war on eleven countries at the same time.

Anyway, it's quite enjoyable when you're addicted to it. "

Lin Xiangyu came up and asked, "Husband said that you are addicted to talking. Are you asking me to serve you?"

"It's okay to serve me for a while, but I mean I just declared war on Japan, so I'm quite satisfied with my addiction."

"Declaring war so early? Will we attack Japan this year?"

Zhu Qiyu spread his hands and said: "The ships haven't been built yet. Why attack Japan?" Zheng He's fleet on his voyages to the West contained more than 7000 people at most.

I will build at least three times the number of ships to transport 8 people to Japan at one time.

Don't underestimate Japan, they can easily gather an army of 10,000+. I transported 3 to [-] people up at one time, and they were all gone in a short time. "

"You're not going to fight, so why did you declare war so early?"

"Declare it first, and let them talk about it later. Without declaring war and cutting off trade, how could the Japanese pirates invade Shandong and go deep into the hinterland?

If they don't take action, I can't mobilize my own troops to quell the Confucius Mansion.

That's a bit stressful. Although I'm arrogant, I'm not arrogant enough to be stupid.

Besides, the battlefield for the decisive battle with Japan cannot be placed in Japan, but in North Korea.

After consuming Japan's main elite in North Korea, I will take advantage of the situation and attack the Japanese mainland.

Completely annihilate Mongolia, then take over North Korea and Japan, and let future generations choose the great emperor. Should I be left with a place then? "

Ningxiang asked with a smile: "When the time comes, can we leave our names in history with my husband?"

"Of course. The Imperial Concubine of the Southern Qi Dynasty and the Yunu slaves of the Southern Qi Dynasty can leave a beautiful legend of lotus flowers growing every step of the way. Why can't our Imperial Concubine of the Ming Qi Dynasty be famous for generations to come?"

"Then what allusion should we make?"

Lin Xiangyu responded quickly: "The gentle lamentation and startling step by step are the most suitable for our imperial concubine and the empress of the palace." As soon as these words came out, the two beauties started quarreling together again.

Fortunately, there are five little concubines who accompany him to play around every day, so this long career as emperor is not so boring.

After playing until evening, Zhu Qiyu wandered out and went to have dinner with Hao Yi, Pei Dang, Huang Qi, He Yi, Lian Gang and Liu Chang.

Hao Yi finally returned to the capital from Burma, while Liu Xiang temporarily stayed in Burma to continue supervising the army.

After drinking for three rounds, Zhu Qiyu asked the question he was most concerned about: "How are Duke Jingguo and Duke Ning doing now? What about the Beijing army under their command?"

Hao Yi knew what his emperor was most concerned about, and quickly replied: "The plains of Myanmar and Bangladesh are really big. The Beijing army was roughly divided into three parts. There were 3 people who returned north under the leadership of Nan Hehou. The remaining Half of the people were divided into Burma and half in Bangladesh.

Those who stayed were each assigned at least one hundred acres of land.

There was also Mengyang, which was occupied by Min Fan.

In addition, King Meng and King Burma of our family have each reserved [-] hectares of fertile land, which will be temporarily managed by the eunuchs stationed by the internal officials.By the time the two young masters came of age and became feudal lords, the land would be ready.

Duke Jingguo and Duke Ning also want to come back. After all, if you don't return to your hometown in rich clothes, it's like walking at night in rich clothes. "

Zhu Qiyu shook his head: "I don't think so. Do they want to leave their son in the fiefdom and return to serve in the court?"

Hao Yi nodded, unable to refute this sentence.

Zhu Qiyu asked again: "What exactly is Nanhe Hou Fangying thinking? Is he loyal to King Yi, loyal to the crown prince, or loyal to the court?
And what about the [-] soldiers who came back? "

Hao Yi thought about it carefully and then replied cautiously: "The title of Marquis Nanhe was conferred by the emperor, so naturally he should be loyal to the emperor.

If the throne is not passed down through the imperial family, will future emperors recognize Nanhehou? "

Zhu Qiyu shook his head again and sneered in his heart: If I didn't know the history, I would really believe this.As long as the title is conferred by me, there will be no betrayal?
Is there a possibility that historically, Shi Heng's title was also conferred by Jingtai?

Moreover, in the battle at Yanghekou, Shi Heng lost his master and humiliated the country, which was a crime to be punished.It was only because of Yu Qian's recommendation and Jingtai's promotion that he was able to make meritorious deeds. Not only was he not punished, but he also got the hereditary title of marquis.

In the end, Jingtai dug his heart out and found out that Shi Heng became the mastermind of the coup.

It was precisely because of this lesson that Zhu Qiyu became superstitious about submitting certificates of fame.Important ministers who cannot hand over their names will either be killed, demoted, or left idle.

Seeing the uncertain expression on his prince's face, Hao Yi quickly added: "Nan Hehou is indeed a talented general, and he cherishes his soldiers and has a good character. He is at least loyal to the court, and I am willing to vouch for Nanhe Hou."

Zhu Qiyu glanced at Hao Yi in surprise. This was his direct confidant. If another eunuch wanted to protect Xungui, wouldn't he be courting death?

Sighing, Zhu Qiyu replied: "Let Nan Hehou take [-] troops to Liaodong to fight first, and then I will transfer the remaining Shang Zhiwei from Nanjing to Liaodong.

If Marquis Nanhe makes great achievements again, I may consider giving him the title of Duke.

No matter what, check it out first.Annan and Burma are too far away, and I cannot grasp the situation on the battlefield.

But attacking North Korea is different. I want to inspect them carefully. "

Hao Yi asked again: "Are you going to go to Liaodong to supervise the army?"

"No, you stay in Beijing and form the Shenshu Battalion with Marquis Wu'an. I want to follow Taizong's example in setting up the imperial army avant-garde for the Xuan Temple, and also build a Shenshu Battalion for the Crown Prince.

The Shenshu Camp has six guards under its jurisdiction, serving as the de facto six leaders of the East Palace.

I want to quickly build a team for the Crown Prince. "

(End of this chapter)

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