Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 635: Detailed explanation of the situation between Japan and Korea. The Emperor’s Crown Prin

Chapter 635: Detailed explanation of the situation between Japan and Korea. The Emperor’s Crown Prince’s words and deeds

He Wenyuan, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, was very capable in his work. He immediately asked for instructions: "Your Majesty, may I ask who should take over as the Minister of the Ministry of Hubu?"

Zhu Qiyu's stubborn temper also increased today, and he replied without thinking: "Zhang Feng, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment in Nanjing, has been transferred to the position of Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs."

Zhang Fenglian was diligent in enforcing the law and was nicknamed "Ban Zhang", which means rigid, stubborn and selfless.

The Ming Dynasty had many capable ministers and officials, but without Zhang Butcher, would I have to eat pigs with hair on them?
Zhu Qiyu glanced around the crowd expectantly, hoping that if someone else stepped forward to resign, all the senior people would be gone.

Unfortunately, it backfired and the remaining people showed no sign.

Zhu Qiyu could only wave his hand: "Let's continue."

Wang Yining, the Minister of Rites, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, Shang Boli, the nephew of the King of Ryukyu, and others want to buy gauze, rags, comprador nails and other items in Suzhou to repair ships.

The Ministry of Rites was afraid that he would disturb the people and refused to comply with his invitation.Shang Boli wrote many times to ask for the emperor's decision on how to deal with it. "

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "Ryukyu has always obeyed the king's law, which is different from other barbarians. It should be given special treatment. Just follow their request.

At this time, the few remaining foreign vassals should be treated more favorably, so as to prevent them from panicking and being too frightened.

Japan is a negative example. Their lineage of Emperor Go-Daigo must be completely wiped out. "

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. The emperor was really cruel today and even said such words as to kill everyone.In the past, even when facing Wala, the emperor never said that he would completely kill them.

Zhu Qiyu patiently explained to the ministers: "In the past, our Emperor Taizu was so good-tempered that he almost turned his back on us.

Japan killed my envoy of the Ming Dynasty, but Taizu just smiled and passed away.

Taizu also sent two missions to the Timurid Empire, but they were both detained and killed. Taizu actually smiled and passed away.

Unlike Taizu, I can't handle these two things.

Even after 100 years, I will kill all the murderers back then, so that they can have no descendants and avenge the unjust envoys.

Here I only have one sentence: Anyone who offends my strong men will be punished no matter how far away they are.

Anyone who cannot accept my philosophy of governing the country can resign immediately and return to his hometown. I will never give him any trouble. "

Upon hearing this, Xiao Fan, the left minister of the Ministry of Rites and the minister of Honglu Temple, immediately knelt down solemnly and shouted loudly for the emperor's sage.

This is because the butt determines the head. As the minister of Honglu Temple in charge of diplomacy, Xiao Tan must act on behalf of the interests of all Ming envoys.

The emperor wanted to kill him even though he was far away, not only to avenge the Ming Dynasty envoys who were killed in the past, but also to increase the personal protection of ministers who would go on envoys to foreign vassals in the future.

Only by letting the foreign vassals know clearly that if they kill the Ming envoys, their entire family will inevitably die, can the Xiaoxiao generation be completely frightened.

Because the emperor stood on the moral high ground, others had no choice but to kneel down and chant the emperor's wisdom.On this issue, no one dared to stand up and tell everyone that if a few envoys died, they would just die, and there was no need to pay attention to them.

It is understandable that Taizu did not take the lives of civil servants as his fate.But as a civil servant, if you don't take the lives of other civil servants as your destiny, you will be looked at with suspicion by your colleagues.

After unifying his thoughts, Shen Yi, the Minister of Revenue, stood up and asked: "The situation in North Korea and Japan is complicated, and most of us are confused. Please ask your Majesty to clear up our doubts."

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "About 200 years ago, Japan's Emperor Gosaga abolished his eldest son and established a younger one. In the end, after a long battle, the government and the opposition reached an agreement and decided to let the descendants of Emperor Gosaga's two sons take turns to become emperors, which is known in history as two unifications.

What do you mean, it’s like passing the throne to the eldest brother in Xuan Temple, the eldest brother passes the throne to me, I pass the throne to the eldest brother’s son, the eldest brother’s son passes the throne to my son, and my son passes the throne to the son of the eldest brother’s son. .

The throne is passed between these two lines. I'm just making this analogy, don't take it seriously.

After decades of taking turns as the emperor of Japan, Emperor Go-Daigo refused to abdicate, so Emperor Kogen and Emperor Go-Daigo of another lineage stood side by side, forming the divided Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Then the Kamakura shogunate fell and the Muromachi shogunate was established.The Northern and Southern Dynasties fought for 40 years, and finally the Muromachi Shogunate promoted the unification of the Northern and Southern Dynasties on the condition of restoring the two unifications.

However, the establishment of the two unifications failed to materialize in the end. The remaining officials of the Southern Dynasty resisted and established the Later Southern Dynasty.

Now I have just received a secret report that Emperor Zhongxing of the Later Southern Dynasty has entered Kamakura, and made the former Kanto general Ashikaga Shigeji the general of the conquest of barbarians, and restored the Kamakura shogunate.

Therefore, internal strife broke out in Japan, and it became the Northern and Southern Dynasties again. Now there are two emperors, two shogunates, and two generals who conquered barbarians at the same time. "

Japan's history and political situation are too abstract. After talking so much, I don't know if the ministers who only read the books of sages and ignore the outside world can understand it. Zhu Qiyu took a sip of tea and continued:
"In short, in a nutshell, there was internal strife in Korea, and the Shouyang King Li Yao overthrew the Korean King Li Hongwei; and now Japan is also in internal strife, turning into the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

This is God helping me. We, the Ming Dynasty, are taking advantage of the fishermen and taking advantage of their illness to kill them.

As for the specific strategy, we first use the navy to invade North Korea, and attack Pyongyang's Ming army from the north and south to eliminate the Japanese and North Korean coalition forces.

Then the main force of the Navy set off from Pusan, North Korea, and landed in Japan.First occupy a base area, and then have a Romance of the Three Kingdoms with Japan's northern and southern shogunates.

Once Japan and North Korea are conquered, with their population of 2000 million, the whole game will be alive.

At that time, we will occupy Japan's silver mines, and at the same time dump the local silk, porcelain, and tea, and get their stock of silver into the hands of the imperial court.

I conservatively estimate that in the first ten years, 500 million taels of silver would flow from Japan to the imperial court every year.It will decrease later, but it can still reach 300 million taels per year.

Think about it, will our lives still be so miserable by then? "

When everyone heard this, they had no choice but to flatter him against their will.Everyone didn't believe the cake painted by the emperor and didn't dare to eat it, but it was hard to question it.

Zhu Qiyu was not difficult to do, and after handling the court affairs for another hour, he sent the important ministers back.

After everyone left, Zhu Qiyu picked up Zhu Wenfang and walked back while explaining to him: "Brother Fang, you have to remember that when you become an emperor, you cannot be fooled by the many rules and regulations of civil servants.

Civil servants will tell you that when you are an emperor, you have to attend morning and afternoon court, hold sutra feasts, offer sacrifices to heaven and ancestors, and so on, a lot of trivial things.

If you listen to them, all your energy will be consumed on these meaningless things.

The emperor's energy should be used to think, judge and control the overall situation. "

Zhu Wenfang nodded as if he had some understanding.

Zhu Qiyu asked curiously: "Can you really understand it?"

Zhu Wenfang smiled and said: "I can really understand it. Dad is saying that the Han family should use the king's domineering power in the world and not be obsessed with the red tape of Confucianism."

Zhu Qiyu pinched Zhu Wenfang's little face and said, "You are really a brat. It's hard for a woman as beautiful as your mother to give birth to a son who is extremely smart.

When I was your age, I could only mix urine and mud. "

Zhu Wenfang asked again: "What does dad do in Lingyu Palace every day? Is he quietly meditating on military and political affairs?"

Zhu Qiyu teased: "What are you thinking about? I suspect you are yin and yang. It's true that dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and the son of a mouse can dig holes. You are exactly the same as your mother, and you are also a narrow-minded ghost."

I am living a sweet and warm life with you and your ladies in Lingyun Palace.

You will understand the elegance of living in the mountains and the joy of a boudoir when you grow up.

In another fifteen or six years, I will pass the throne to you.However, I can’t pass the Lingyu Palace on to you. I want to live there until my death, so you should stop worrying about my Lingyu Palace as soon as possible. "

(End of this chapter)

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