Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 647: The Great Internal Affairs Hongxu and the Snake Emperor Covet the Stone to See the Silv

Chapter 647: The Great Internal Affairs Hongxu and the Snake Emperor Covet the Stone to See the Silver Mountain
He Yi was there chatting nonsense with Hongtian, the great internal affairs minister, from north to south, from east to west.

The further they talked, the more they looked like they were having a great time chatting and regretting meeting each other so late.

Zhu Qiyu sat on the couch, and the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong.This Ouchi Masahiro now manages part of Iwami Country.

In this way, it will be difficult for everyone's cooperation to be stable, because in the future it will inevitably involve the competition for Iwami Ginzan.

Under normal mining conditions, Iwami Ginzan produces 100 million taels of silver per year, while at its peak, Japan can produce 500 million taels of silver per year.

Other things can be shared and bestowed.But when it comes to silver mines, Zhu Qiyu doesn't want others to get involved.

According to the plan, after the conquest of Japan, all silver mines would be returned to the imperial court and jointly managed by the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry. They would be jointly supervised by the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Engineering, together with the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Dongchang, and Jinyiwei.

The imperial court received at least 400 million taels in revenue from Japanese silver mines every year, and another 200 million taels in profit from the trade surplus with Japan.

In this way, Japan alone can provide the imperial court with at least 500 million taels of silver every year, not counting the tax revenue of Japan's tens of millions of people.

At that time, the government and the public, from the civil and military officials to the common people, will not be able to praise the saintly virtues with sincerity, it will be really unjustifiable.

You know, the imperial court now receives far less than 500 million taels of cash a year. After conquering Japan, the cash income more than doubled. What a great political achievement.

This is called martial arts.

The entire negotiation lasted for more than two hours before the two sides finally reached a consensus.

After seeing off Ouchi Masahiro, Zhu Qiyu sincerely sighed: "You guys are really good at talking. I haven't been this tired for a long time. Just listening to you guys talking back and forth for more than two hours makes me feel dizzy."

He Yi smiled and said: "There is no way, the navy sets out from Busan, and the most suitable places for landing on the opposite side are all under the rule of Ouchi Hong.

Without his cooperation, it would be very difficult to log in.

The reason why the Yuan Dynasty's conquest of Japan failed was not because Japan's defense of the coast was extremely tight and the Yuan army could not find a suitable landing place.

The Yuan army's ships drifted helplessly at sea for dozens of days, until a big storm finally came. "

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "That's true, but this time Japan is suffering from internal and external troubles and is in a precarious situation. It cannot survive it no matter what, otherwise Masahiro Ouchi would not surrender."

"Your Majesty, do you think Ouchi Masahiro is faking his surrender?"

Zhu Qiyu said with a smile: "That's not the case. The most likely way for him is to be the leader of the rat. He will sit on the mountain and watch the fight. If he sees that we are in sight of victory, he will surrender and then ask us to implement the agreement; if our war situation is unfavorable. , he was able to play both sides, sitting on both sides of the fence.

Regardless of anything else, let’s get the business done first.This is an old fox, waiting to amuse our monarchs and ministers at any time.

If he has read the history books of our Han people, maybe he is comparing himself to King Wuling of Zhao now. "

He Yi smiled and said: "It's difficult for him. After all, he has never seen how powerful our navy is, so it is understandable that he is a little too optimistic."

Zhu Qiyu waved his hand: "Just sit in the well and watch the sky. Okay, let's not talk about him. The girls in our family are busy setting up matchmakers. Do you want to arrange some concubines for you?"

He Yi quickly made a gesture of wiping his neck: "Xu Wan said that if I dare to take a concubine, I will be killed."

Zhu Qiyu stood up and patted He Yi on the shoulder: "We are really in the same boat. If I dare to have a concubine, then they will have to feed me medicine.

Okay, let's go back to our homes and eat. We're starving. "


The Forbidden City, in the Sixth Subject Duty Room.

Qiao Yi, the official in charge of the affairs, smiled and said to Zhang Rang, "Brother Meng Qian, the official business has been taken care of. I want to go home an hour early."

Zhang Rang asked: "What's wrong with Zhihong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Qiao Yi shook his head: "No, I want to go home and cook for my son." "Huh?"

Hearing this, other colleagues also joined in.

As the saying goes: A gentleman is far away from the kitchen.

Qiao Yi is already in his fifties, so his son must not be too young either.

Even if he has to cook, the son should be filial to me, and the son should cook for me.

Qiao Yi explained with a smile: "Shanxi has been hit by disasters for many years. My son went to Beijing alone, borrowed his citizenship and went to Zhili to take part in the Shuntian Prefecture Township Examination this year.

The exams will start in a few days. Rice is expensive in the capital, making it difficult to live there.I don’t have any maids or servants at home, so I have to go home and cook for him. "

Zhang Rang suddenly realized it and quickly replied: "I see, then you should go home early to take care of your son. How old is my eldest nephew this year?"

Qiao Yi replied: "I am actually eighteen years old this year."

Zhang Rang nodded repeatedly: "You should really pay attention to it. If you win the imperial examination this year and the Jinshi next year, your future will be limitless."

Qiao Yi waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, the treacherous son is stupid, it's just a matter of time."

Zhang Rang smiled and said: "You can't say that. Heroes come from young, and I believe that my eldest nephew will definitely win. In this case, you can take care of my eldest nephew at home these days.

I will give you a personal leave. The Holy Emperor attaches great importance to the imperial examination and no one will say anything. "

Qiao Yi thanked him quickly and thanked his colleagues for their blessings before heading south, out of Zhengyangmen, and back to the outer city.

On the way back, Qiao Yi bought two bottles of wine, a chicken, two fish, and some fruits and vegetables.Then he returned to a small courtyard he rented in Sanyanjing Hutong with a smile.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw his son Qiao Feng sitting in the courtyard in a daze.

Seeing her father coming back, Qiao Feng quickly stood up and went to pick up what Qiao Yi was holding.

Qiao Yi shook his head quickly: "You don't need to get involved, just sit there. The Yamen has given me a leave, so I don't have to go there these days.

Now that the weather is getting warmer, we will sit in the yard while I cook and have a couple of drinks with the food. "

Hearing this, Qiao Feng didn't insist anymore.

More than half an hour later, the food was finally served.

Qiao Yi poured a large glass of wine for his son, filled it for himself, and then joked: "Feng'er, don't be stressed, just do well in the exam and do your best.

There is only one important thing I have to tell you. Before the results of next year's palace examination are released, no matter who woos you, you must not promise an engagement. "

Qiao Feng said with a smile: "Dad, you think too much, and you really treat your son as meat and potatoes."

Qiao Yi replied: "I'm not kidding you, haven't you heard of catching a son-in-law under the results of the examination? As soon as the results of the rural examination are released, as long as they are unmarried new candidates, groups of dignitaries will rush to catch them.

In the Song Dynasty, Yan Shu captured Fu Bi, and Fu Bi captured Feng Jing. Do you think it was a joke?

Especially Feng Jing, who was a great talent in Sanyuan.Song Renzong's favorite concubine Zhang Guifei had an uncle named Zhang Yaozuo. Yaozuo sent someone to drag Feng Jing to his family. In the end, Feng Jing refused, so it didn't happen.

So if you want to catch your son-in-law at the bottom of the list, you are really trying to rob him from your family, not just for fun. "

Qiao Feng smiled helplessly and said: "We in Ming Dynasty are not so exaggerated, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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