Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 652 Official Impeachment Wang Wen admitted that he was ill and confirmed that the general wa

Chapter 652 Official Impeachment Wang Wen admitted that he was ill and confirmed that the general was preparing to attack Japan
At lunch time, Superintendent Shang Shan delivered sumptuous meals to the cabinet.

In the past, the food for the cabinet was purchased by Guanglu Temple, but this has been changed recently.

Shangshan Supervisor was originally a larger supervisory bureau in the inner court, but since King Yi and the Crown Prince moved to Nanjing and Xuanmiao Rufei died, Shangshan Supervisor had nothing to do.

There are no more members of the royal family in the Forbidden City. Only three imperial concubines live on Qionghua Island in Xiyuan, accompanied by princes and princesses. However, these people cook their own meals and do not eat even a morsel of food from the Shangshang Supervisor.

Even the ingredients are not provided by Shangshan Supervisor, Guanglu Temple, or Shanglin Yuan Supervisor. Instead, they are transported from Siyuan Supervisor dozens of miles away, and the spring water from Yuquan Mountain is also transported.

The entrance to Qionghua Island was surrounded by Tiance Guards and Jingjun Legions. Without the imperial concubine's handwriting, any trespassers would be accused of treason and would be executed immediately.

So if you want to poison, it is a bit difficult to reach the sky.

As a result, the Shangshan Supervisor had nothing to do and could not be abolished, so he began to cook for the chief officials of the cabinet and the six ministries.

The academicians in the cabinet are all old foxes, so they can naturally understand the emperor's intentions.Today, since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the emperor has paid the most attention to food safety, and he has attached great importance to it to an extreme degree.

While Wang Wen was eating, he secretly looked at everyone.Although the cabinet is calm on the surface, it does not rule out that someone wants to replace him. Who wouldn't want to be the chief minister.

But it seems that He Wenyuan, Luo Tong, and Zhou Chen are old and can't work for a few more years.Shen Yi was focused on the household department and was not particularly concerned about cabinet affairs.

Later, Wang Yining and Xiao Tan had too low qualifications, and it was obvious that they would not be able to become the first assistant in the short term.

The meal was tasteless, and in the afternoon, another memorial was delivered to the cabinet: Li Chun, the former governor of Liaodong, impeached Wang Wen for accepting bribes and making false accusations, leading to his dismissal from office.

I don’t know who was secretly colluding with him. In the six subjects, more than ten famous officials wrote to impeach Wang Wen for using power for personal gain. First, he falsely accused Li Chun, the governor of Liaodong, and later, he obstructed the fairness of the rural examination.

Wang Wen was so embarrassed that he reported illness at home the next day and did not come to the cabinet.

Zhu Qiyu said nothing and allowed the government and the public to make noise.

March [-], North Korea, Seoul.

Anguo Duke Xu Heng, Dingguo Duke Xu Yongning, Shenwu Hou Fan Guang, Nanhe Hou Fangying, and the left minister of the Ministry of War Jiang Yuan gathered in the former Korean palace.

The former King of Korea Li Hongwei, the former King of Shouyang Li Yao and other royal family members, together with their families, have all been sent to Beijing, and North Korea has completely fallen into the control of the Ming Dynasty.

This was Zhu Qiyu's consistent strategy. All the vassal royal families that were destroyed were sent to Qiongzhou to let them spend the rest of their lives on Hainan Island.In this way, it can not only show the generosity of the Celestial Dynasty, but also prevent the local people from supporting the restoration of the old royal family.

Xu Heng, Xu Yongning, and Fan Guang were very happy. All three of them had made contributions and their losses were not big.

However, Fang Ying and Jiang Yuan were not happy. Fang Ying's direct descendants were all wiped out, and Jiang Yuan also lost first and then won in North Korea, and the battles he won were not commanded by him.

Compared with Xu Youzhen who was far away in Annan, he fell behind again.Not only did Xu Youzhen not lose any troops, but all the emperor's personal troops returned to the capital intact.

More importantly, the Guangdong and Guangxi armies loyal to the imperial court fought more and more and became stronger. They did not need Beijing to worry at all and stabilized the situation in Annan.

Such a comparison put Jiang Yuan under great pressure.The next attack on Japan will involve naval battles and landings. It is expected that the war will be more difficult.

Jiang Yuan, Xu Heng and others were gathering together to discuss the next strategy. Personal soldiers came to report, and a high eunuch came to deliver the order.

Everyone rushed out to welcome him, and to their surprise, Huang Qi, the emperor's personal eunuch, came to announce the decree.

Jiang Yuan was promoted to Shangshu of the Ministry of War, Grand Scholar of Jiawu Yingdian, and Governor of North Korea and Japan's military affairs.Xu Heng was the commander-in-chief of the Japanese army, Fan Guang and Fang Ying were the deputy commander-in-chiefs of the Japanese army, and Xu Yongning was the participating general.

Huang Qi served as supervisor.This is also in line with Zhu Qiyu's original promise that he did not send a supervisory army to conquer North Korea, allowing Jiang Yuan and Fang Ying to develop freely.But attacking the Japanese mainland is much more difficult, and it would be impossible without a supervisory army.

In addition, out of selfish motives, Zhu Qiyu also wanted to arrange for Huang Qi to accumulate some qualifications.

So the five-person meeting turned into a six-person meeting.

However, Huang Qi sat there and only listened but did not speak.

Jiang Yuan first explained his thoughts: "According to the emperor's strategy, we should form a North Korean army of 5 people, and then cooperate with the North Korean Navy's [-] large and small ships and [-] naval troops to set off from Busan to capture Tsushima Island. .

After capturing Tsushima Island, we can use this as a springboard to continuously send troops into the Japanese battlefield.

If the Japanese Navy uses all its strength to defend Tsushima Island, then we will first use the Korean Navy to stalemate it, and then use the Dengzhou Navy and Jiaozhou Navy to outflank its retreat and annihilate its main force in one fell swoop.

According to the information we received, the Muromachi shogunate sent 6 troops to support the Uesugi clan, the leader of Kanto, and at least [-] people had to be left to guard Kyoto. They could no longer send an army to stop us.

The only ones who can really resist us are the so-called guardian daimyo across the sea from Busan.

I think the Holy Spirit is a little too well prepared. With the strength of the newly built navy, destroying the Japanese navy is really killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. "

Xu Heng shook his head: "The Holy One has repeatedly emphasized that Japan cannot be underestimated. The entire Japan has a population of about 800 million and has huge potential for war.

Moreover, Japan's terrain is mountainous, so it would be extremely difficult for us to fight across the sea without being several times stronger than our opponent.

Therefore, the Holy One has another plan, which is to give Japan a three-point world.We occupy southern Japan, alongside the Muromachi and Kamakura shogunates.

Then through blockade and consumption, the Muromachi shogunate and Kamakura shogunate were dragged until their collapse. "

Jiang Yuan asked: "If we are only satisfied with three parts of the world, what benefits can we get?"

Xu Heng replied: "Silver mines and gold mines, the Holy One has determined that there are many silver mines in southern Japan. By mining these silver mines, it can bring an additional income of 500 million taels to the court every year.

Of course, few people in the government and the public believed this.

But over the years, all the plans of the Holy One have been realized. Anyway, I am willing to believe that I can get 500 million taels of silver from Japan every year. "

"500 million taels of silver?"

Jiang Yuan was willing to believe the emperor in his heart, but the amount of 500 million taels of silver was too huge and unimaginable.

Five million taels of silver can buy grain and rice for about 500 to 1000 million shi.

The imperial court's annual income from grain and rice ranged from 2000 million to 500 million shi.

It can be seen how huge purchasing power 500 million taels of silver has.

If the imperial court's annual income increases by 500 million taels, the entire situation will completely change.

Jiang Yuan, Xu Heng and others were imagining a better future in Seoul, but the generals who conquered the barbarians in the Muromachi shogunate in Kyoto, Japan, were almost crying.

After Ouchi Hiro secretly contacted the Ming Dynasty, Ashikaga Yoshimasa also wanted to send a special envoy to the Ming Dynasty to pay homage to the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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