Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 659: The purge of the court is staged again. Plans are made in advance to kill the king and

Chapter 659: The purge of the court is staged again. Plans are made in advance to kill the king and the prince.

As long as a country or region reaches a population of more than one million, it will be difficult to completely conquer it.

Especially when a killer comes in from outside, it is very difficult to kill him in a short time.

Therefore, the most effective way is to provoke enemies to fight among themselves.

It would be even more perfect if the leader of the enemy believed that in order to resist foreign aggression, one must first settle the domestic affairs.

Zhu Qiyu didn't know what Ashikaga Yoshimasa and Ashikaga Seiji were thinking, but for the Ashikaga Seiji, Ashikaga Yoshimasa's father had a grudge against him for killing his father and brother.It is only natural that the father's debt should be repaid by the son.

They are born from the same root, so there is no need to rush into conflict with each other. Zhu Qiyu firmly believed that the two branches of the Ashikaga clan could not be reconciled.

This is a big problem for the big guys in Seoul. The emperor has spoken to support the Kamakura shogunate, so everyone has no choice but to overcome all difficulties and transport strategic materials there.

Armor, weapons, cannons, gunpowder, and even medicines, tea and other items had to travel more than 3000 miles at sea. They could not stop at Sakai Port and other places for supplies in the middle, but had to be transported directly to Kamakura.

Although Han Minghui was very active and wanted to perform meritorious service, this request was too embarrassing: "Dong An, we have a lot of armors and weapons. After all, so many soldiers died in several battles, and the weapons and armors they left behind Too many to put anywhere.

But we don’t have enough cannons and gunpowder, and Japan’s Kantung is too far away from us, so the ships of our Korean navy are simply not up to the task.

You can't use us as a fleet for the Sanbao eunuchs to sail to the West. "

Xu Heng nodded: "Then prepare weapons, armor, and firearms and artillery that can still be used. Prepare as many as possible, and then hand them over to the Ming army stationed in Busan for unified distribution."

Xu Heng gave in, and Han Minghui couldn't hold on any longer, so he nodded and agreed.

In fact, aiding the Kamakura shogunate is secondary in Xu Heng's mind. The more important purpose is to collect North Korean weapons and armor and collect them in Busan. Then a small part will be used to support the Kamakura shogunate, and most of them will be used by the Ming army. The unused ones will be transported back by the Shandong Navy.

This was Qin Shihuang's strategy at that time: to collect all the troops in the world and gather them in Xianyang.

Taking away North Korea's weapons, armor, firearms, and artillery now can effectively prevent it from rebelling in the future.


April [-]th, early morning.

Zhu Qiyu got up and saw that it was raining again.

With so much rain this year, Zhu Qiyu was a little anxious.Once floods continue in the capital, Shandong, and Shanxi, there is a risk of civil unrest.

It would be okay if a civil uprising occurred in Shanxi, but it would be quite troublesome if a civil uprising occurred in Shandong.

Zhu Qiyu thought about it for a long time, and finally waited until Qianxue, Suxi, and Linglong came in carrying a large basin of fish.

"You're going to stew fish so early in the morning?"

Qianxue smiled and said: "We have been busy all morning, just to give my husband a good supplement. It will rain for another day. Let's eat something warm, and then we can go to sleep."

Zhu Qiyu laughed at himself: "The Ming Dynasty's state system was so well designed that it could still operate smoothly even if the emperor did not go to court. There were no powerful officials to usurp the throne or military generals to rebel."

Qianxue asked: "Then there are no shortcomings in the national policy formulated by Taizu?"

"From the perspective of the ruler, Taizu has designed a very perfect plan. If we have to talk about shortcomings, there are probably three. One is that it treats the clans too favorably. If it is not strictly controlled, it will definitely become a heavy burden for the court and the people.

Second, the household registration and health system system has made life extremely difficult for the people at the bottom.At the slightest sign of trouble, the people would rebel one after another.

The early days of the dynasty were fine, but at the end of the dynasty, the court was dragged to death by civil unrest.

Third, Taizu regarded the Great Yuan Dynasty as the Zhengshuo of China, which caused the entire ideological system to be fundamentally rotten, which is the same as the Sima family's rule of filial piety.

The result was that from the emperor down to the civil and military officials, there was a serious lack of pioneering spirit.

Future generations will definitely laugh at the fact that the territory of the Ming Dynasty was too small and that it had no ambition to develop. On the contrary, its territory was not as good as that of the Han and Tang Dynasties 1000 years ago. It really became more and more cramped as time went by.

Not much else.To us, Taizu was really a good ancestor. He really cared about his descendants. He was completely opposite to Xuanmiao.

Our wise and mighty Emperor Xuanmiao has a different outlook on life: As long as I am happy myself, it doesn’t matter what future generations will do, it doesn’t matter to me.

To be narcissistic, Taizu and I are on the same side. Although I stay at home every day, I really think about my descendants. "

Qianxue smiled and said: "The labor intensity between you and Taizu is really very different. I heard that Taizu never stopped in the morning and afternoon. He worked early and late to process the memorials. One person could do the work of several people. ." Zhu Qiyu said with a smile: "The national conditions at that time were different from those now. When the Ming Dynasty was first established, it was impossible not to be diligent in government.

Now, even if I go to court in the morning, it is just a lot of useless work every day; even if I don't eat, drink or sleep, reviewing memorials, it won't have much effect.

Ninety-nine percent of those memorials are stuff that is a waste of emotions.

This is the trap dug by civil servants for the emperor. The more diligent you are, the more energy you will waste on things you don't know the so-called.

The right way is to be like me now, eat well, drink well and have fun every day, and then quietly think about Ming Dynasty's national strategy.

Let the civil servants and generals take care of all tactical matters. "

Qianxue teased with a smile: "We talked about it with my husband, and then we came back to Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty."

Zhu Qiyu smiled sheepishly: "Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty was right. The Han Dynasty was in his period, and the emperor was responsible for designing strategies.

Moreover, Emperor Wen of Han also wanted to fight very much, but the national strength at that time did not allow it.

Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty was purely engaged in strategy, and other entrusted ministers were indeed models for me to learn from.I was better off than him. Although Xuan Miao and Zhengtong were messing around, the power of the Ming Dynasty had not declined, which gave me a great opportunity to establish military merit.

Especially the Tumu Fort incident, times make heroes. "

Lin Xiangyu laughed when he heard this and said: "Hero guard, after eating the fish, do you dare to fight against the five concubines with one Zhu?"

When Zhu Qiyu heard this, he sat up straight, straightened his sleeves, cleared his throat, slammed the table, and said seriously: "I'm scared, I don't dare."

Lin Xiangyu was so angry that she stretched out her hand and pinched Zhu Qiyu: "Don't worry, why are you still panting? With such a tone of voice, I thought you were as powerful as Lu Bu."

"Why is he so powerful? Lu Bu would say: If I don't give up, I would like to be my adopted father."

Qianxue smiled and said: "Stop making trouble and let's get down to business. The cabinet wants to ask you, who will review the examination papers and who will write the questions for the palace examination?"

"Yao Kui and Geng Jiuchou will preside over the examination papers. Let He Wenyuan come up with the questions for the palace examination."

"Why is this?"

"I don't want to mark the papers anymore. This time the Enke and Zhengke exams are combined. There are so many test papers that I can't finish them even if I'm tired and vomiting blood."

As for the questions, I was tossing and turning in my stomach and found only a few things. If I asked the questions again, the secret would be revealed.

Besides, we can’t deny the ministers any rights, otherwise they would still have the motivation to do their work.

Wang Wen's son has participated in the examination, so Wang Wen must not be allowed to write the questions.Then it was the turn of He Wenyuan, the Minister of Civil Affairs.

Moreover, He Wenyuan is a supporter of Yi Chu, so I have to be kind to him to show my trust. "

Qianxue nodded and asked again: "Wang Ao has arrived in Beijing. Wang Wen, please tell me how to arrange your stay?"

"Let the Third Law Department examine whether Wang Ao knew anything about Li Chun's actions in Liaodong, and at least he should be found guilty of dereliction of duty.

And why did Wang Ao sit back and watch tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians being kidnapped by the enemy when the Wala invaded? This was also dereliction of duty.

Please ask Pei Dang to convey this meaning to Wang Wen in person, instead of putting it into words.

I don't want to do anything to Wang Ao. He should be decent and just write a letter requesting to be appointed to the official position. He can go home and take care of his children. "

"Are you trying to investigate Liaodong, or are you trying to force Wang Ao to retreat?"

"My main purpose is to force Wang Ao to retreat. Now there are only two loyal ministers of Xuan Temple who are at the level of Shangshu, one Wang Ao and the other Yu Qian.

I have killed all the loyal ministers of Xuan Temple at the level of minister.

After all the loyal ministers of Xuan Temple at the level of minister and minister leave the court, Zhu Qizhen can be sent to the town.

Otherwise, I am here to punish King Yi and the deposed prince, and suddenly a loyal minister of Xuan Temple is stabbed sideways. What an embarrassing scene it would be. "

(End of this chapter)

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