i am in the world sims

Chapter 277 The Meeting between Qi Yuanming and Pol Pot

Chapter 277 The Meeting between Qi Yuanming and Pol Pot

"What happened?" Lin Ling stared outside: "I can't see clearly."

Since the black appeared, with the ability of her low-level power user, she couldn't see the content behind it at all.

"It's nothing, Wang Si is here." Qi Yuanming paused, and added: "I won."

"Huh?" Lin Ling was still a little confused.

"Wang Si came to suppress the metal life from another universe, and then Pol Pot seemed to use something. The light of purification far surpassed before, and began to gradually affect the metal life until..."

"How's it going?" Lin Ling asked eagerly.

Qi Yuanming looked into the distance, with some doubts on his face: "Until...the metal lifeform turned into a sphere, which changed on its own, as if, as if...it seemed to be transformed into this when it encountered an irresistible attack. kind of form."

"However, that sphere has already been contained by Pol Pot in the Absolute Nullification Prison, so nothing unexpected will happen."

Absolutely nullifying the prison is one of the most famous research results of the Optimus Research Institute.

It is an absolute space, which has nothing to do with anything outside, and the things inside are always motionless, whether it is time, space, light, or any tangible and intangible substances, they are all in a state of absolute stillness.

It has been verified that as long as the absolute nullification prison is in the star universe, any life can be imprisoned in it, and the limit-breaking level is no exception. There are no accidents at present.

Even if it is a limit-breaking life form from a different universe civilization, there is currently no record that they can escape from the absolute nullification prison.

Lin Ling also knew about this.

"Then it should be fine." Lin Ling murmured: "Are we safe? Victory? Win? Can we go home?"

Qi Yuanming shook his head: "It's still early."

After storing the metal sphere in the Absolutely Nullified Prison, Pol Pott and Wang Si rushed towards Wuxian No. [-].

They had a hunch that the unknown Breaker was hiding in this starship.

Qi Yuanming looked at the two approaching people through the window.

In the previous battle, without the protection of his super power position, it would have been unknown how many times the two starships Wuxian No. [-] and Wuxian No. [-] were destroyed.

It was precisely because of his protection that Pol Pot seemed to have no scruples. Every beam of purification light seen by the personnel in Wuxian No. [-] was enough to melt them away, turning them into a kind of monster that belonged only to him. The power of Pol Pot.

Qi Yuanming didn't have much thought about the exposure of his identity.

He is possessed by the existence force of an omniscient civilization, and he can leave the universe of stars in any situation. No matter what the situation is, he cannot stop the operation of the existence force.

Even in the absolutely nullified space, the power of existence can still exert its original power.

Because existence itself is a concept that transcends all things.

The only concept on the same level that can be opposed to existence is nothingness.

But obviously, according to the boundless information of the omniscient civilization and Qi Yuanming's knowledge, the star civilization has not mastered the power of nothingness.

As Pol Pot and Wang Si got closer, Lin Ling showed an extremely confused expression: "If I read correctly, are they getting closer to us?"

"No, did you just come to see us?"


"what's the situation?"

"Wow wow wow wow, they are really coming in!!"

Qi Yuanming pressed Lin Ling's head: "Quiet."

In Lin Ling's eyes, Pol Pot and Wang Si passed through the thick armor layer, passed through the external rooms and corridors, and arrived at Qi Yuanming's room as if they were visiting friends.

This is something beyond her imagination.

She has seen a lot of limit-breaking levels, and indeed she has seen a lot, but she has seen them all with the company of her grandfather. Without her grandfather by her side, no one would talk to her, it's as simple as that.

After all, her grandfather "Ordinary" was just an ordinary class-breaker, not a member of the upper-level council, nor the most popular and outstanding dozen or so members of the lower-level council.

At this moment, out of nowhere, two limit-breakers suddenly came in front of me, and one of them was one of the most famous members of the lower council. Why?
Could it be that grandpa asked them to do so?

Grandpa has such a big face?

Lin Ling suddenly figured it out, maybe Grandpa helped Pol Pot!

You must know that Grandpa Ordinary is also a very old limit-breaker. He has been fighting against civilizations of other universes on the border in his early years. Although he has no outstanding record, he has old qualifications!

And Pol Pot was the limit-breaking level promoted in the war, maybe grandpa gave him a hand!
right!It must be like this!

Thinking of this, Lin Ling couldn't help but stand up first, bowed to the two limit-breakers, and asked with great respect: "You two have worked hard!"

Wang Si looked at the delicate girl in front of him, with a puzzled expression on his face: "Who are you?"

Not because of me?
Or... what's going on here?

so awkward!
Lin Ling stared blankly at Wang Si in front of her, while Pol Pot didn't seem to have glanced at herself.

"I...my name is Lin Ling, I'm..." Lin Ling said in a low voice.

Before she could finish speaking, Qi Yuanming pulled her behind him.

"She is nothing." Qi Yuanming said lightly.

"Then you are?" Wang Si had an inexplicable smile on his face.

"My name is Qi Yuanming. I was born in the Mufu star field. Not long ago, I came to work as a researcher at the Three-ring Galaxy Research Institute in the Hercules star field." Qi Yuanming looked at the two calmly.

Lin Ling was completely stunned.

She didn't know why Qi Yuanming was so bold, let alone what the situation was now.

But Pol Pot and Wang Si showed a hint of doubt on their faces at the same time.

The moment Qi Yuanming said his name, or the moment Qi Yuanming let go of the information around him and let them see his face, they extracted an ordinary person with the same appearance, name, experience, etc. from the cosmic network. people's information.

How can this be?

Who wants to impersonate Qi Yuanming?

Or is Qi Yuanming pretending to be someone?
No matter what it is, this is a war zone, and this is a dangerous zone. Any life that enters without an order has the right to be under the jurisdiction of the legion.

Even the breaking limit level is no exception!
Just before the two of them were on guard at the same time and were about to ask further questions, Qi Yuanming continued: "I am that Qi Yuanming, the Qi Yuanming in your file."

Pol Pot sneered and said, "I don't know of anything that can turn an ordinary person who is not even an extraordinary person into a limit-breaking level in just a few months, or even a few days."

"For you, it's only a few days, or even a few seconds, but for me, 10,000+ years have passed." Qi Yuanming blinked his eyes.

It was an inexplicable look in the eyes that only experienced the passage of time.

(End of this chapter)

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