i am in the world sims

Chapter 293 Basement

Chapter 293 Basement

But since there are main quests, there must be side quests.

The newcomers on the forum must know that they should try their best to discover side missions and complete them, because side missions can not only advance the main line, but also provide rich rewards, and finally improve the overall evaluation of the dungeon to obtain higher income.

It's just that the truth has already been found before the side mission can be triggered.

Qi Yuanming doesn't care about any rewards, he just wants to quickly advance to the upper level of the paradise.

Back in the study, Wilson had already left.

The other three people inside continued to check and think. Seeing Qi Yuanming approaching, Ladakh couldn't help frowning: "Why have you been here for so long?"

"Don't stay too far away from us. Although the villa looks safe, who knows if there are any murderers or the like... Don't run around. If Wilson is annoyed, I will drive you out of the villa..."

There was dissatisfaction in the tone, and there was some disgust.

That's right, he's a newcomer after all, so just be obedient and don't do other things.

"Well, I see." Qi Yuanming was not dissatisfied, but just nodded: "I seem to have found a little clue, which may help us solve the problem."

"Let's hear it, it'd better be useful." Ladakh didn't sneer.

"I heard that the villa has a basement. It seems that Pooh the butler has been here recently."

"Who did you listen to?" 12v3 suddenly asked.

"Maybe it's a maid, maybe it's a bodyguard, who knows?" Qi Yuanming didn't answer directly.

Ladakh frowned: "What nonsense are you talking about? How on earth did you know this news? How can you, a newcomer..."

"Okay, let's ask Wilson." Dragon City Della interrupted Ladakh's questioning.

As a master who has completed five dungeons, she certainly understands that the problem is either with the owner Wilson or the housekeeper Pooh.

It's just that there is a higher possibility of Pooh's problems. After all, the Wilson she just came into contact with doesn't seem like a lie, much less a disguise.

Compared with meaningless internal quarrels, it is better to directly verify Qi Yuanming's words.

As soon as Longcheng Daila opened her mouth, Ladakh had no choice but to calm down and said no more.

He didn't really want to teach Qi Yuanming a lesson, but there was something wrong with his attitude. How dare he speak like that for a mere newcomer?
His face was a little ugly, and he glanced at 12v3.

12v3 on the side shrugged, saying that he didn't care about these things, and he didn't want to intervene to teach the rookies.

Afterwards, following the bodyguard watching at the door of the study, the four of them went to the second floor of the villa together, and found Wilson who was watching the outside world from the balcony on the second floor.

Beside Wilson is the butler Pooh.

Following Dragon City Della's gesture, Ladakh took a step forward: "Mr. Wilson, we heard that there is a basement in the villa, I don't know..."

"How did you know that there is a basement in the villa?" Wilson suddenly turned his head, his eyes extremely sharp.

The fact that the villa has a basement, other than himself, only Pooh knows, and other maids and bodyguards are not qualified to know about it!
Even his wife and two sons don't know that the villa here has a basement.

How did these outsiders know! ?

Could it be... that the theft of ancient books was related to them! ?

Qi Yuanming stepped forward and said unhurriedly: "It's like this. Through, um, some occult methods, we discovered that ancient books may be stored in the basement."

Butler Pooh vetoed it flatly: "Impossible! I never went to the basement, let alone put that book in the basement!"

"So, we think that the theft of this valuable ancient book may be related to occultism. Presumably the two of you know what occultism is?" Qi Yuanming continued unhurriedly.

Just after hearing his words, both Wilson and Pooh's faces changed.

Occult, what a mysterious vocabulary.

Modern technology has been developed to use electric energy today. It seems that occultism is just a beautiful fantasy and legend, which only exists in fairy tales or weird secret talks.

Ordinary people will never encounter a occult event in their lifetime, because everyone knows that it is just superstition and legend.

Now is the age of science.

But Wilson is not an ordinary person. As the most famous rich man in this city, he has participated in several clubs related to occultism, and has also come into contact with some real "mysterious people".

How could he not know about mysticism?
Moreover, this ancient book is very likely to come from the Roland Dynasty. You must know that the Roland Dynasty was the last dynasty in history that experienced a large-scale revival of occultism.

There are countless powerful mystical schools that originated in the Roland Dynasty, and a large number of mystical classics have been handed down among them, which are still pursued by many high-ranking people to this day.

And it was after he had seen the mysterious phenomenon that he put all his effort into obtaining this ancient book.

"Are you sure?" Wilson asked slowly.

"We are very sure." Qi Yuanming had a polite smile on his face.


Wilson couldn't help hesitating a little. The basement was full of good things that he put in. Even among his three treasure houses, the treasure house here was the most important one.

In case this group of people are interested in making money...

After thinking for a full 3 minutes, he said with difficulty: "Okay."

Later, Wilson called more than a dozen bodyguards, and ordered Pooh to notify the person in charge of the "White Wolf Club" immediately if he found something wrong.

After preparing for a long time, according to Qi Yuanming's suggestion, the bodyguards were all loaded and loaded, and Longcheng Daila and the other two were also fully prepared, and they would take action immediately if there was any change.

It wasn't until the sky showed the color of fire that Wilson took Qi Yuanming and his bodyguards to the basement of the villa.

A group of people walked through several corner paths and walked nearly a kilometer on the first floor of the vast villa before reaching the hidden staircase leading to the basement.

Go down the stairs, to the basement door.

A bodyguard took a silver key that Wilson took out from his pocket, and just inserted it into the door of the basement, when he suddenly discovered... the door of the basement seemed to be left open.

Boom! !
Sudden upheaval!

With a loud bang, the door to the basement fell down, and the bodyguard who opened the door was crushed under the heavy door, with a bang, the crushed flesh was bloody, and his life and death were unknown.

A black shadow rushed out directly, and rushed outside extremely quickly.

bang bang bang! ! !
For a while, gunshots rang out.

The black shadow dodged countless bullets at a speed that humans couldn't see clearly, until the bullets ran out, they didn't even hit him!
Just when the black shadow was about to pass through the crowd and leave the ground, Dragon City Della made a bold move!
[Name: Miles Grappling Technique]

[Type: Skill]

[Quality: Ordinary]

【Effects: None】

[Requirement: Basic grappling]

[Explanation: The unique grappling technique created by Miles, a fighting expert who surpasses human limits, is famous for its fast speed, high precision, and strong explosive power. Miles once used this trick to capture a hummingbird in flight. 】

(End of this chapter)

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