Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 184 The ultimate shock brought by the steam train!

Chapter 184 The ultimate shock brought by the steam train!
"Han Cheng, tell me...should we also move the capital?"

After struggling for a while, Zhu Yuanzhang finally asked this question.

He felt that it would be good for him to listen to Han Cheng's opinion more on this matter.

In fact, if we really count, Zhu Yuanzhang's place of Longxing was not his hometown of Fengyang, but Nanjing.

It was only after Boss Zhu occupied Nanjing that he successfully established a foothold and became different from the other rebels.

Once you have your own territory, you are no longer a bandit.

His real rise only began after he captured Nanjing.

Of course, Nanjing at that time was not called Nanjing, but Jiqing Road.

But Zhu Yuanzhang always had worries about this place.

I always feel that this place is not suitable for a capital city.

In addition to the fact that all dynasties with Nanjing as their capital did not last long, the situation in the Forbidden City also made him feel a little uncomfortable.

When the Forbidden City was built, the site was chosen by Liu Bowen, a man who could figure things out. Liu Bowen was also responsible for the construction.

Liu Bowen chose this place under Zijin Mountain.

At first, this was not land, but Yanque Lake.

In order to build the imperial city here, the lake was filled directly, and then the palace was repaired.

With this method, the Forbidden City was indeed successfully built.

But as time went by, many problems also emerged.

Two of these problems are the most serious.

One is that because it is newly filled soil, the foundation is not stable enough, even if extremely strict ramming of the soil was carried out.

After the Forbidden City was built, the back gradually began to sink, becoming high in the south and low in the north.

Another sequelae of filling the lake is that the climate in the palace is extremely humid.

It is normal for furniture to become deformed due to moisture or even for mushrooms to grow under the bed.

These two points made Zhu Yuanzhang feel uncomfortable.

Originally, Zhu Yuanzhang had given up the idea of ​​moving the capital.

But now, the idea of ​​moving the capital has once again been moved.

Han Cheng was not too surprised that Zhu Yuanzhang would ask such a question at this time.

After all, Zhu Yuanzhang had been thinking about various capital moves.

"Your Majesty, according to what I see, there is no need to move the capital again."

Han Cheng said so straightforwardly that there was no need to move the capital, which surprised Zhu Yuanzhang.

He didn't ask any more questions, but just looked at Han Cheng quietly, waiting for Han Cheng's next words.

“On the one hand, it’s because moving the capital would cost too much and waste too much money and food.

On the other hand, it is because His Majesty is preparing to open the sea and will explore the ocean in the future.

Yingtian is guarding the Yangtze River, and you can enter the sea along the river. The geographical location is very advantageous, and water transportation is very convenient.

Moreover, it is not too far north, nor too south, which is beneficial to the future management of the south and the ocean, and it can also take care of the north. "

Hearing what Han Cheng said, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded. Han Cheng's words spoke to his heart.

The future Ming Dynasty will be different from the previous dynasties.

Especially for the ocean management, after this general strategy was put forward, it became even more extraordinary.

The location here in Nanjing City, which originally seemed not to be a good one, suddenly turned into a favorable situation.

"But what about the north? What to do there?
You know, since the son-in-law Shi Jingtang ceded the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun to the Khitan, the area around Peiping has been outside the control of our Han Dynasty for 500 years.

Since the Jingkang Disgrace, large areas of land in the north have been ruled by foreigners for more than 200 years.

Now, although we have driven out the Tartars, restored China, and driven away the Tartars, we have all these in our hands.

However, many of these places have been ruled by foreigners for too long. It is not particularly easy to completely reverse them and make the people completely surrender.

We have always wanted to move the capital north or northwest. One of the major considerations is to eliminate this gap.

Better control of the north.

Judging from what you told about Lao Si's successive expeditions, it would be a good idea to move the capital to Peking.

At least it would be much more convenient to fight the northern barbarians. "

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Han Cheng and expressed his other concerns.

I am afraid that the capital will always be here in Nanjing and the north will be unstable.

China has lost its north for too long!

Han Cheng heard this and said: "Your Majesty has thought very well about this aspect.

But there is no way to solve it.

For example, Your Majesty can renovate the ancient capital of Bianliang, or simply build the current Peiping into the economic and military center of the north.

Established as a companion capital.

Echoing Nanjing, it was used to control the vast area in the north and resist the barbarians in the north.

Establishing an accompanying capital here will be of great significance for Daming to win and control the Northeast and other vast areas in the future.

Otherwise, the territory of the Ming Dynasty is too big, and relying only on the city of Nanjing would be too thin..."

After listening to Han Cheng's words, Zhu Yuanzhang did not speak to express his views, and seemed to be deep in thought.

After Han Cheng paused for a moment, he continued: "Maybe... we can open up the situation a little wider.

For example, we can also support a relatively strong economic center in some important places such as the Sichuan and Chongqing regions, northwest regions, and the Central Plains region to control and stimulate the development of those places.

In this way, Ming can better control various places in China. "

What Han Cheng was talking about was actually those mega-city concepts from later generations.

Such as Chengdu, such as Chongqing, such as Xi'an.

Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked by what Han Cheng said about setting up a capital in Peiping.

At this time, when I heard Han Cheng say these words again, I was even more shocked.

This... Han Cheng's courage is a bit too bold, right?

How could he come up with such a method!

Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a while, then considered his words and said: "If you do this, it will easily lead to many disasters, right?
For example, dispersing the power of the imperial court, and even causing the separatism of the feudal town..."

Han Cheng shook his head and said: "The power structure of the imperial court is mainly divided into three aspects, one is military power, the other is financial power, and the other is the power to appoint and remove personnel.

Without any one of them, nothing can happen.

One of the important reasons why the Tang Dynasty would form separate vassals and towns was because as time progressed, the power in the hands of those Jiedu envoys became more and more powerful. Later, they held three powers at the same time.

How to prevent local separatist regimes from forming? Your Majesty is more professional than me on this matter. "

After listening to Han Cheng's words, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and didn't say much.

"Actually, as long as Ming's technology develops fast enough in the future, your Majesty's worries can be greatly eliminated.

China is indeed a vast country with vast resources and great distances between places.

But what if the traffic conditions have been greatly improved?
How long does it take to travel from Nanjing to Peiping in one day and one night?

Under such circumstances, is His Majesty still worried that the place is too big and cannot be controlled, and that there will be separatist rule among vassal towns? "


Zhu Yuanzhang, who looked a little worried there, was stunned when he heard what Han Cheng said and almost jumped out of his seat!

What did you hear? !
From here to Peiping, it only takes a day and a night? !

What did Han Cheng say?
Is he stupid?

How is it possible to get there in one day and one night?

Even if he had to hurry up and run for eight hundred miles, he would not be able to go this fast.

What's more, the [-]-mile rush is only used for urgent information.

It is small in scale and cannot be used to mobilize troops on a large scale. It is not universal.

"Han Cheng, are you confused because of the fever? Why are you talking nonsense?
No matter how fast the horse is, it can't do what you say. "

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Han Cheng and said this. While he was puzzled, there was also a faint expectation in his eyes.

Based on his understanding of Han Cheng, he was wondering if there was something magical that he didn't know about.

Not a horse, but faster than a horse?

But is there really anything faster than a horse in this world?
"I'm not talking nonsense. The thing I'm talking about is called a train...well, that's about it."

Han Cheng said, reached for the quill and started drawing on the paper.

It didn't take long before he drew two railroad tracks and a train that was emitting smoke.

Of course, the drawn things are as abstract as ever.

"This thing is a train. Here is the locomotive, and behind it are the carriages."

Han Cheng pointed to the more abstract train picture he drew.

"A locomotive can pull about fifteen carriages, and a train can pull about 800 or even thousands of people.

After this thing is perfected, if it is pulled and driven normally, it can reach between 120 and 160 miles in an hour.

One hour is between 240 miles and 320 miles.

From here to Peiping, it's only two thousand miles.

If you drive normally and don't encounter any accidents, ten hours is enough. "

Upon hearing Han Cheng's explanation, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes suddenly lit up and he became excited.

When Zhu Yuanzhang first saw what Han Cheng had drawn, he thought what Han Cheng was drawing.

It looks like a child's graffiti. Han Cheng is going to torture his eyes again.

But now, after listening to Han Cheng's explanation, Zhu Yuanzhang no longer cared whether his eyes hurt or not.

He stared at the abstract train drawn by Han Cheng with bright eyes, not wanting to look away for a moment.

It's like looking at some rare treasure.

This is not the product of children's graffiti!

This thing is a military artifact!
After having this thing, no matter how big China is, it can be here in an instant!

Whether it is transporting troops or food, it is extremely convenient.

In this way, the distance between the entire world can indeed be shortened, and the land under its control can be better ruled.

With this thing, as long as it plays well, Daming's land area can be increased by half, or even doubled, and it can be controlled!

good stuff!
Really good stuff!

After getting excited, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was already in trouble, forced himself to calm down.

"Han Cheng, something is wrong with this matter, you missed something!

This thing is definitely not as useful as you say!
Just like a war horse, it runs very fast at the beginning, but soon the speed will slow down.

A war horse that can run for twenty miles with a man on its back is already a good war horse.

The farther back you go, the slower you run. Even the Mongolian war horses with extremely good endurance cannot run non-stop.

If it marched for three or five hours in a row, the horse would even lie on the ground and would not get up, it would be so tired that it would not move.

It may even lead to death from exhaustion.

You don't know if you haven't fought. Even if the horse runs so fast, whether it's a short distance march or a surprise attack, the cavalry is really fast.

But for long distances and long marches, the speed of cavalry is far inferior to that of infantry.

Once time goes on, any animal will be far from a human rival in endurance competition.

You said this weird-looking car can run 120 miles in half an hour, I believe it.

But when you say you can reach Peiping in ten hours, we don’t believe it at all!
How is it possible to run at this speed for more than 2000 miles without stopping?

Even if I am tired, I will exhaust it to death!

Don't let it pull so many things, don't let it pull anything, let it run like this on its own, it can't do it! "

Zhu Yuanzhang came out of his state and looked at Han Cheng for analysis.

I feel that what Han Cheng said is too outrageous and not credible at all.

It goes against common sense!

After hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Han Cheng also felt a sense of enlightenment.

Feel cheated.

Of course, I was not deceived by the steam train, but by the many movies and TV dramas seen in later generations.

In the movies and TV dramas that later generations watched, there were always riding horses for a whole day and a night, or even for several days and nights.

In terms of marching speed, the cavalry beat the infantry.

This has led Han Cheng to always feel that the speed of cavalry is invincible, at least it must completely defeat infantry, whether it is long or short distance.

As a result, now, after listening to Zhu Yuanzhang, a man who had been fighting for most of his life, I was shocked to realize that this was not the case at all.

During the long distance march, the infantry actually defeated the cavalry!

This was really unexpected.

But if you think about it carefully, it is indeed the case.

Human endurance is indeed invincible.Besides, eating is fast.

As long as you carry dry food and water with you, you can eat while walking and even save time for meals.

The horse cannot do this and needs to stop.

Moreover, the time it takes for a horse to eat a meal of fodder is much longer than that of a human.

It also takes a lot longer to recover one's physical strength...

Zhu Yuanzhang saw Han Cheng's reaction after hearing his words, and thought that Han Cheng was like this because he had caught a loophole.

This made him feel happy for his carefulness and intelligence, but also deeply disappointed.

In fact, rather than being caught in a loophole and discovering that this matter was false, he would rather see that everything Han Cheng said was true.

But... is it possible that such a thing really exists?

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Han Cheng's voice.

"Your Majesty, you have thought too much about this, and the example you gave is wrong."

What I said is wrong? !
Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned.

What did you say wrong?

While he was stunned, a lot of joy also rose in his heart.

After all, what he likes to hear most at this time is Han Cheng saying that what he said is wrong!

Zhu Yuanzhang had never thought that one day he would be so happy because others contradicted him.

"The train I'm talking about is called a steam train.

It is a kind of machine, and it is two completely different things from the cows and horses that pull the cart as we usually understand it.

It is not flesh and blood and does not need to eat food and grass, but obtains power by boiling water.

As long as there is enough fuel and other things on the train, and people are arranged to add fuel to the train while the train is running, and the train does not break down, it can continue to run.


It can run at a constant speed and can also accelerate..."

Han Cheng explained to Zhu Yuanzhang the common sense about steam trains.

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned when he heard this.

This is the difference of the times.

Just like Han Cheng misunderstood the speed of cavalry, Zhu Yuanzhang also couldn't understand the steam train.

It sounds like listening to a myth.

"This... is this thing so amazing? Listen to what you said, it seems... this thing can be made by boiling water with fire?"

Zhu Yuanzhang held back some confusion and looked at Han Cheng to ask according to his own understanding.

Han Cheng nodded and said: "It can also be understood this way. After all, a big step in the progress of human science and technology is to boil water."

Is it really that simple?
Zhu Yuanzhang was hesitant when he heard the words, and then immediately became extremely excited.

"We have firewood, pots, and water! Get these things out quickly!"

If the well water is not enough, use water from Xuanwu Lake. If the water in Xuanwu Lake is not enough, then use water from the Yangtze River to open up the supply!
If firewood doesn't work, use the best charcoal. If charcoal doesn't work, use stone charcoal!

As long as you need it, we will get you the best!

If it doesn’t work, I’ll give you all the food I need! "

He looked at Han Cheng and asked with burning eyes, as if he was willing to risk everything.

Zhu Yuanzhang was excited, he was really excited!

He never expected that such a thing that could be called a magic weapon could be made by boiling water.

When Han Cheng heard this, his eyelids jumped. He shouldn't have said this so straightforwardly.

"Your Majesty, father-in-law, what should I say about this matter? The principle is this, but there is a huge gap between how to achieve it.

It is true that it is essentially boiling water, but there are too many techniques that need to be overcome.

There is a huge difference from ordinary cooking and boiling water. "

Han Cheng waved his hands repeatedly to dispel Lao Zhu's unreliable idea.

Under such circumstances, let alone Zhu Yuanzhang giving his pot to himself, even if he made a bronze cauldron for his own use, that would be useless.

Hearing what Han Cheng said, Zhu Yuanzhang's enthusiastic expression calmed down a lot, with disappointment.

"Then...can you make this?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Han Cheng and asked. When asking Han Cheng this question, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, full of nervousness.

He was really afraid of getting a negative answer from Han Cheng again.

In this case, it would be too cruel for him!
This feeling of knowing that there is a good thing that can help the country and benefit the people, but cannot get it, is really terrible!

"There should be no problem with this. My biggest goal now is to push Ming Dynasty into the steam era.

Not the simple era of steam, but the era of comprehensive development of steam!
Of course, it is unknown how many years it will take to complete the project before the steam train can be put into use to the extent I mentioned. "

"That's enough! That's enough! Just get it out!"

Zhu Yuanzhang breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Han Cheng doesn't say it can't be done, it will be fine.

Although it can't be done immediately, which makes people feel itchy and unbearable, it is good as long as it can be done.

It's right to think about it. This kind of military artifact sounds incomprehensible. It seems that it is really unreasonable if something that is extremely magical can be made easily.

"Han Cheng, in your future generations, are things like this everywhere?
You have been born into a good era!
To be able to see such a good thing! "

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Han Cheng and said sincerely, thinking about the future here.

Based on what Han Cheng told him, he imagined the happy life of future generations.

Han Cheng shook his head: "No."


Zhu Yuanzhang was full of surprise when he heard Han Cheng's answer.

But he immediately felt relieved: "Yes, this thing is so magical. It is extremely important to a country, so how can it be everywhere?

We thought it was wrong. "

"Well... Your Majesty, in fact, in the era I live in, steam trains were too backward, both in terms of speed and transportation capacity, and were eliminated by more useful trains."

After thinking for a while, Han Cheng decided to tell Zhu Yuanzhang the real situation.


Zhu Yuanzhang's voice suddenly rose an octave higher.

Looking at Han Cheng, his face was full of shock and disbelief.

What did I hear?

The reason why later generations did not have steam trains running around was not because they were too precious and rare, but because later generations disliked them because they were not easy to use, so they eliminated them?

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't want to speak for a moment.

Are people in later generations so extravagant and irritating?
I am so shocked that something that I thought was an important weapon of the military has been eliminated in later generations?

This...can you please stop hitting people like this?
Can you not go too far?
Zhu Yuanzhang was numb.

"Then for future generations, if you travel from here to Peiping, how long will it take?"

Han Cheng thought for a moment and said, "If you take the high-speed rail, it will take about...three or four hours."


Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes suddenly stared like bells!
Although through Han Cheng's words, he already understood that in the era when Han Cheng lived, the speed would definitely increase a lot, and he was already prepared.

But after actually hearing this answer, I was still shocked!


It's amazing!
As his contact with Han Cheng increased, he was able to understand a lot of the new terms Han Cheng said.

I know that later generations will divide a day into 24 hours.

One hour equals two hours.

In other words, it only takes two hours to get to Peiping from here!

I sleep for two hours every day, which means that I lie down to sleep, and then when I open my eyes, I have crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, from Yingtian to Peiping? !

Zhu Yuanzhang was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

This is too amazing, too dreamy!
“This is a result of the fact that there are stations along the way that require stopping from time to time.

It would be faster if it was direct, it would take about two and a half hours. "

Han Cheng looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's shocked look and thought it was very good. After thinking about it, he decided to give Lao Zhu some more exciting information.


Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes widened even more.

Even faster!

People in this future generation want to go to heaven!
"Is there any faster?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Han Cheng with some numbness in his voice and asked.

"There are faster ones." Han Cheng nodded.

"If you take a plane, it will take about an hour and a half to two hours."


Zhu Yuanzhang was instantly shocked and didn't know what to say.

There really are?
There really are? ! !
In other words, although he asked like this just now, he actually didn't really expect to get a faster answer from Han Cheng.

If the time can be shortened to a short time, one hour and two quarters of an hour, he is already so shocked that his eyeballs are about to pop out.

In his opinion, there is absolutely nothing faster than this.

Unexpectedly, there is actually something faster!
The fastest one didn't even take an hour to come to Peiping from Nanjing?

If it weren't for the eye sockets blocking it, his eyeballs would definitely fall out!
What did you hear?

How did later generations do this?
Wouldn't this be able to catch up with the immortal's celestial skill of riding the wind and wielding a sword?

In the side hall of Shouning Palace, there was no sound for a while.

There was left Zhu Yuanzhang who was completely shocked and dumbfounded, and Han Cheng who was sitting here watching Zhu Yuanzhang being shocked and dumbfounded, and felt secretly happy.

"What is this flying chicken? A chicken that can fly in the sky?

What kind of chicken can have such incredible abilities? "

It was quiet for a long time before Zhu Yuanzhang recovered from this extremely strong impact.

Looking at Han Cheng and asking.

"Uh... this airplane is not a chicken, it is a means of transportation made by later generations.

This kind of tool can take people flying in the sky.

high speed. "

Han Cheng explained the aircraft to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Can that be faster?They are all flying in the sky!

While being extremely shocked by the wisdom of later generations, Zhu Yuanzhang was also deeply curious about future generations.

In his opinion, where is the ordinary world where Han Cheng lives?It is no exaggeration to say that it is a place where immortals live!
Can go to heaven!

Oh my god!
According to legend, only immortals can go up to the sky!

Can people from later generations go up there? !
Moreover, from Han Cheng's demeanor and tone when he said this, Zhu Yuanzhang could tell that this aircraft was very common in later generations.

In other words, in future generations ordinary people will be able to go to heaven!
It’s really unbelievable! !

"The plane is flying in the sky, so it must not be able to seat too many people at one time, right?
If there are many people sitting there, wouldn't it be suppressed? "

"As far as I know, the largest passenger plane in future generations can seat more than 800 people at a time."


Zhu Yuanzhang was deeply shocked again.

He finally discovered that things in later generations cannot be viewed with common sense.

"Forget it, forget it, you should tell me about the fourth child.

Did he do anything else worthy of praise while he was in office? "

Zhu Yuanzhang really wanted to see the era where Han Cheng lived.

Look how amazing that is.

But I also know that this is simply impossible.

After sitting here and thinking with longing and regret for a while, Zhu Yuanzhang retracted his thoughts and looked at Han Cheng and asked again.


"there is none left?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was deeply surprised. He hadn't heard enough about what the fourth child had done.

But think about it, it is indeed very rare for the fourth person to be able to accomplish so many things in his 22 years in office!

"Then... tell me what happened when Gao Chi ascended the throne. I'm afraid it wasn't that peaceful, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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