Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 207 Queen Ma made an exception for Han Cheng

Chapter 207 Queen Ma made an exception for Han Cheng

"In the future of our Ming Dynasty, there will be such descendants who are worse than pigs and dogs?!"

"Why doesn't he die!!"

Queen Ma's roar rang out in Kunning Palace.

Empress Ma, who had kept saying before that she could just let Zhu Yuanzhang rest assured and not worry about her being unable to withstand him, had already forgotten all those words she had said before.

Queen Ma has always felt that her character is pretty good.

Following Zhu Yuanzhang, he came from troubled times step by step and experienced many ups and downs.

He has long since tempered his mind to become perseverant.

Especially before, through Han Cheng's spoilers, we knew that the Ming Dynasty was destroyed, Biao'er died prematurely, Lao Si Jingnan became emperor, and a series of things such as the fate of Zhu Yunxi and others.

She felt that after all these tempers, she could not even say that she would be able to survive the collapse of Mount Tai in front of her.

But at least no matter what happens later, she can definitely bear it here.

It won't make her lose her composure.

But now, after hearing what happened to Zhu Qizhen, I couldn't bear it anymore.

Zhu Qizhen immediately broke his defense.

It's really not that she can't bear it, it's just that what Zhu Qizhen did was too outrageous.

Makes your blood pressure soar!
Originally, Empress Ma felt that the things Zhu Ping had done in history were enough of a bastard to make people angry to death.

Who would have thought that compared to Zhu Qizhen, the second child was so far behind.

It's like a cloud and mud.

"Sister, sister! Let's calm down, calm down!
These are all unworthy descendants of future generations, far away from us!
It’s okay to just listen to these things, but you can’t get on top of them or make them angry.

Girl, you should learn from us.

Now, when we hear these things, we just listen to them and read them purely as stories.

I don't take it seriously at all.

He won’t get angry and smash the tables, chairs and benches to vent his anger, and he will definitely not be knocked unconscious by anger, let alone call the fourth child over and beat the fourth child to vent his anger!

Sister, you really should learn from us on this, but don’t get angry by these things..."

Zhu Yuanzhang was on the side, anxiously trying to persuade Queen Ma.

In order to calm Empress Ma down, Zhu Yuanzhang even used himself as an example.

However, his words made the broken tables and chairs shed tears.

When Zhu Di heard it, he asked Lao Zhu to feel whether his conscience was still there and whether it hurt.

After Zhu Yuanzhang persuaded her for a while, he was still angry when he saw Queen Ma, and his chest heaved violently.

Later, I even started to cough, and I couldn't help but feel worried.

"Sister, how about... let's call the Fourth Brother over. That bastard from Zhu Qizhen is his great-grandson. You can definitely beat him well!"

Zhu Yuanzhang sacrificed his own son without hesitation.

"By the way, if only the fourth child is not enough, bring the eldest son of the fourth child, Gao Chi, and beat him up too!
Zhu Qizhen is this boy's grandson.

The grandson is unfilial and it is reasonable for him as a grandfather to be beaten! "

As Zhu Yuanzhang spoke, he was about to go out and give instructions to the people to quickly notify King Yan Zhu Di and ask him to bring his son to Kunning Palace as soon as possible, saying that it was his mother who favored him.

"Chongba! Forget it! Don't let the fourth child come over.

This is the fault of their descendants, and they have been separated from them for so many years, so what's the use of beating them now. "

Queen Ma called out to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Why doesn't it work? It's very useful!

Girl, you don't know if you haven't beaten him. After you beat him, you will find that beating the fourth child can really express the sullenness in your heart. "

Zhu Yuanzhang was busy here, asking Queen Ma about his knowledge.

"You also said you were calm, but you definitely didn't beat the fourth child.

Are you saying you didn't beat the fourth child? "

"Um...hehehe...sister, it's different from what you think. What I'm talking about is the experience I gained from beating the fourth child last time.

Real girl, if you are really angry, then we will bring the fourth child and the fourth son over and let you beat him up to vent your anger.

Anyway, the fourth child is still very young, so there is no harm in giving him a good beating. Soon he will become a lively and heroic man again! "

(Zhu Di shed tears: I thank you, Dad! You are really my biological father!)

Between his wife, son and grandson, Zhu Yuanzhang decisively sided with Queen Ma.

In his opinion, this is a good deal.

Of course, if the girl beat him to vent her anger and feel better, then Zhu Yuanzhang wouldn't mind taking the feather duster and handing it to the girl himself so that she could beat him.

Hearing what Zhu Yuanzhang said, Queen Ma was quite moved...

But in the end, he still did not agree to Zhu Yuanzhang's proposal.

Zhu Di thus avoided the fate of being mixed with his parents.

And the unlucky boy Zhu Gaochi, who had no idea what was going on, avoided the fate of being beaten three times...

"Girl, eat a popsicle to calm down your anger!"

With a smile on his face, Zhu Yuanzhang took out a heart-shaped popsicle and handed it to Queen Ma.

Zhu Yuanzhang naturally got this popsicle from Han Cheng.

Lao Zhu is really rude as a father-in-law.

Eating a popsicle at Han Cheng's place wasn't enough. When he left, he bought all the remaining popsicles from Han Cheng's stock.

After he performed a magic trick on Queen Ma here, he put the popsicles he got, including the container, on the ice he made and froze them.

It is intended to be used at this time.

The reason why Zhu Yuanzhang got all the remaining popsicles from Han Cheng.

The most important thing is that he knows his sister's temper and will definitely listen to what Zhu Qizhen does.

You will definitely be angry.

In this case, this popsicle becomes very important.

Queen Ma took the popsicle and tasted it, and immediately felt that the popsicle tasted really good.

Especially this refreshing feeling, which comes all the way to the belly, is very comfortable.

For a time, even the anger in his heart disappeared a lot.

"Did you also get this from Han Cheng?"

Empress Ma looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and asked.

Zhu Yuanzhang pretended to be exaggerated and praised Queen Ma: "Sister! You are so smart! You can tell it at a glance!

This thing was obtained from Han Cheng. "

After saying this, Zhu Yuanzhang felt relieved when he remembered that when he took away all the popsicles from Han Cheng's place, Han Cheng's face was full of pain, but he had to bear the pain to help him wrap the things.

It feels so good to get something good without spending any money!
But Zhu Yuanzhang's good mood did not last long.

Because he quickly thought that his precious daughter was taken away by Han Cheng. This guy is still okay and calls him his father-in-law.

The most important thing is that not only did she agree to the marriage between him and Yourong, but she also set the wedding date within a year...

As soon as these things came to mind, Zhu Yuanzhang's good mood suddenly disappeared.

Even the popsicles no longer taste good.

"Chongba, I want to meet Han Cheng."

Queen Ma's words immediately stunned Zhu Yuanzhang.

Your sister is going to see Han Cheng?

Was it so sudden?

"Sister, it's getting late today, how about... let's go tomorrow?

Early this morning, Biao'er went to see Han Cheng to practice the eight steps of Vajra Kung Fu to strengthen his body.

Later, Biao'er and I went to ask Han Cheng about Xungui's decline, which delayed Han Cheng a lot of time.

Sister, if you go again, I'm afraid Han Cheng will be too tired

Besides, sister, you just heard what happened to this guy Zhu Qizhen, and you were so excited and unstable that you even coughed from anger.

It would be somewhat undesirable if this happened rashly.

Or we have to wait another day. Han Chenggong is in the palace and can't run away. It doesn't make much difference to see him one day earlier and one day later..."

Zhu Yuanzhang quickly made a calculation in his mind and looked at Queen Ma and said these words.

"Chongba, you are so weird! You are thinking about Han Cheng like this."

Queen Ma nodded and said: "You are right, it is indeed not early at this time, the sun is going down.

If I go there again, my whole family will be there from morning to night, harassing Han Cheng and making Han Cheng restless.

This is indeed not good.

Then go see Han Cheng tomorrow.

My illness is basically fine.

The imperial physician gave a diagnosis yesterday and said that he was recovering very well and would no longer be able to pass it on to others.

But it's better to be careful about this.

It would be best to go tomorrow. "

Hearing Queen Ma's words, Zhu Yuanzhang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


Fortunately, I was smart and temporarily stabilized the girl.

He can take advantage of this time to resolve the marriage contract issue between Yourong and Han Cheng.

If not, with Han Cheng's temperament, if he directly greets his mother-in-law after meeting his sister, then he would be doomed!
The girl who has always been very kind and caring to Yourong will never let her go after knowing the whole story!

If it weren't for this matter, Zhu Yuanzhang would not care whether it was late or whether going at this time would disturb Han Cheng.

For a super energetic workaholic like Zhu Yuanzhang, if the time is less than 02:30 in the morning, it is not too late.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang himself went to Han Cheng to talk to Han Cheng in the middle of the night more than once.

Of course, if you think this way in your heart, what you say will definitely be different.

"We must be good to Han Cheng. Apart from anything else, just because this boy cured your sister's disease, we must treat him well.

Not to mention his special status and extraordinary significance to Ming Dynasty! "

Zhu Yuanzhang said with an upright face.

After chatting with Queen Ma here for a while, he ate at Queen Ma's place and gave Queen Ma some medicine. After confirming that the anger in his sister's heart had subsided a lot, Zhu Yuanzhang left Kun. Ning Gong leaves here.

When I was in Kunning Palace, I couldn't see anything yet.

But after walking out of Kunning Palace, Zhu Yuanzhang showed a sad look on his face.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt extremely headache when he thought about what problems he would face next.

Emperor Hongwu, who had always been decisive in killing, could no longer be decisive at this time.

How should I tell my daughter that she will marry Han Cheng from now on? What if the original expedient turned out to be true?
Yourong will definitely be very sad in the future when he learns about this.

My own daughter is unfortunate enough, and now she has to accept this. Thinking about it makes people feel extremely distressed...

This is also the reason why Zhu Yuanzhang has been delaying the matter until now and has not done it.


Zhu Yuanzhang let out a long sigh, and then walked towards Shouning Palace.

We can't put it off any longer. If we put it off any longer, things will become more difficult...


In Kunning Palace, after Zhu Yuanzhang left, Empress Ma seemed very excited when she thought about going to see Han Cheng tomorrow.

You know, Queen Ma has a calm temper.

Now that she has been a queen for many years, she is working hard to learn from famous empresses in history.

Relying on her status and character, she has already developed the habit of being calm and calm no matter who she meets.

It was always the people she saw who felt nervous.

It had never happened before that she felt nervous when preparing to meet others.

Today, Queen Ma made an exception for Han Cheng.

Then he became even more nervous and excited when he thought about his plan to see Han Cheng tomorrow and adopt Han Cheng as his adopted son.

Somewhat worried that there would be twists and turns in this matter, some were afraid that Han Cheng would not agree with it.

After thinking about this for a while, Queen Ma shook her head and told herself not to think so much.

Relying on his status, once Han Cheng expresses his intention to adopt Han as his adopted son, Han Cheng will never refuse.

There will definitely be no trouble in this matter...


In a nice-looking house in Nanchang, Jiangxi, a gray-haired old man was half-lying on a rocking chair.

Holding a volume in hand.

But at this time, he was not reading a book, but looking at the sky in trance.

Following his gaze, he saw the sky filled with burning clouds.

The magnificent clouds coated the houses, trees, and people's faces with a golden-red light.

It's spectacular.

The shape of the fire cloud changes.

At this time, it seemed that the fire clouds that covered most of the western sky looked like a sea of ​​clouds.

Some clouds look like islands on the sea.

Others are like large ships sailing on the sea...

A middle-aged man came over, originally wanting to call the old man for dinner.But seeing the old man looking at the clouds in the sky, he looked up to see this magnificent scene.

With just one glance, this man understood why his father was like this.

He didn't speak, just stood here quietly accompanying his father, looking at the spectacular clouds in the sky.

He knew that when these red fire clouds fell into his father's eyes, they were definitely not red, but blue.

It is the color of the boundless sea.

After watching here for a while, dusk fell and the clouds in the sky gradually became normal.

Only then did the old man withdraw his gaze.

"Dad, do you miss the sea again? How about...when can we go out for a walk again?"

The middle-aged man looked at the old man and said with a smile.

The old man closed the book in his hand, put it on the recliner, stood up, and sighed: "Forget it, I won't go out if I have a handful of old bones. If I can't feed the fish with one, it won't be good."

As he spoke, he had already left the small courtyard and headed towards the place where he would have dinner.

Without his son having to say anything, he knew that he was coming to call him to eat.

"Dad, I heard that the imperial court has made big moves recently, and Wu Zhen and Wu Liangdu have become the current emperors.

It looks like they are going to clean up and prepare the Japanese navy.

Isn't this an opportunity?
Let's take this opportunity to go out, and we will definitely make a lot of money on our next trip to Nanyang.

In the past, there were Wu Zhen and those pirates, and the sea was firmly controlled by these people. Unless they cooperated with them, they would not leave any chance to make money to others.

If you go out to do business without them, you will most likely be robbed or killed.
Now that Wu Zhen and others are being dealt with, the sea is definitely not as strict as before.

Let's take the opportunity to go out and make some money.

In this way, the third and fourth children will have enough money to get married.

Our family has not done business overseas for many years.

A lot of the money I earned before has been spent.

This... if I don't take the opportunity to go out and make some more money, I'm afraid... life will become increasingly difficult in the future. "

The middle-aged man looked at the old man trying to persuade him, and seemed a little reluctant.

The old man shook his head and said: "I also want to go to the sea again. I have been dealing with merchants on the sea for most of my life. I am really worried about it.
But... I really can’t go to sea right now.

In my opinion, going to sea and Southeast Asia now is more dangerous than when Wu Zhen was alive!
In the past, when Wu Zhen was here, although he wore the same pants as those pirates, there were still some rules.

Now Wu Zhen and others have been cleared out at once. No one knows what Emperor Hongwu wants to do and what regulations will be followed.

The sea will definitely be noisy for a while.

If you go to sea at this time, you will be killed if you are not careful.

Making money is important, but it is not as important as life.

Our family has not yet reached the stage where we have to fight tooth and nail because we cannot survive.

The two boys under your knees, if the people over there want too much, please change it to someone else.

It’s not like the boys in our family can’t have a family except for their daughter.

If you really can’t move on, there’s no need to worry.

You can take it slow a little longer.

As long as there is money in hand, it is never too late for the boy in the family to start a family.

It is absolutely impossible to go to sea at this time.

Otherwise, if someone in our family can’t handle it well, they’ll all have to go inside! "

The old man didn't speak loudly, but he was very steady in what he did.

With some age-appropriate poise.

Hearing what the old man said, the middle-aged man was filled with regret.

He felt that his father was too timid and this was definitely a good opportunity.

But the head of the family is still my father, and my father has experienced many ups and downs over the years.

Very prestigious.

Therefore, this middle-aged man, no matter how unwilling he was, would never dare to go against the old man's wishes on this matter.

"What do you think Emperor Hongwu wants to do? Why did he suddenly do this?
Hasn't he never cared about the sea all these years? "

The middle-aged man looked at the old man and said, with some discomfort in his voice.

"Who knows! What these big men do is not something we little people can guess.

When he thinks about it, it is like a heavy mountain to us.

This matter has little to do with us.

Let's just hold on tight and wait a little longer to see what happens.

Some people want to be the first, and some want to make money, then let them do it. "

The old man shook his head and said aloud.

Just as he said this, he heard some different noises coming from the front yard, as if someone was coming.

The father and son stopped talking.

The middle-aged man quickened his pace and walked forward, while the old man slowed down a bit.

The middle-aged man walked to the front and found that it was their chief and chief, leading a few people who seemed to be wearing ordinary clothes to come.

Middle-aged people are not ignorant.

At the first glance of meeting several people, one can confirm that these people are all on duty.

Moreover, it seems that he is not an ordinary errand.

Even though these people are not wearing official uniforms, they still have completely different temperaments.

The middle-aged man, after greeting the chief, smiled and asked them about the identity of the visitor.

"May I ask, are you Mr. Huanzhang?"

Among the people who came, the one who seemed to be the leader held his hands to the middle-aged man and said with a smile.

As the saying goes, listen to what you are told. When he saw the tone and attitude of this man's words, the middle-aged man felt relieved and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Those who come are not enemies.

That's good!

Although their family has a certain amount of energy that ordinary people can't match, but if they really meet an official, they really can't get on the stage.

"That's my father, I call him Wang Yang."

The middle-aged man said and invited a few people to sit in the room.

After confirming that the person who came was not malicious, he didn't bother to ask them about their purpose at this time.

Anyway, wait a moment, they will definitely say it.

At this time, the old man walked out from behind.

A warm welcome, and then a warm invitation to dinner.

Originally, their family had already prepared a meal, but at this time they ordered people to quickly kill the chickens and geese to add vegetables.

But the visitor was not in a hurry to eat, but first confirmed his identity: "Are you Mr. Huanzhang, your surname is Wang Dayuan?"

"The little old man is Wang Dayuan, and Huanzhang is my name."

"Then you are the one who wrote the Chronicles of Daoyi?"

The old man couldn't help but be stunned, why did he get involved in this?
But I also know that the other party has already come to the house and asked such questions, which is actually quite confident.

He nodded immediately and said: "This is indeed written by a young man. It is all the words of a family and cannot be put on the stage.

This… I don’t know…”

This old man is Wang Dayuan who Han Cheng told Zhu Yuanzhang to look for before.

The one who started sailing in the Yuan Dynasty and came to Africa.

It was several decades earlier than Zheng He's voyages to the West.

But at this time, Wang Dayuan was pounding in his heart.

Some of them were confused about the purpose of their visit.

"I finally found you! Pack your things quickly and come with us.

I want to see you by name above. "

Wang Dayuan was a little confused. He let himself go as soon as he came and said he wanted to see him from above?
Where is the top?
Could it be that he is a big shot in the county?

When did I have such great dignity?

How could he actually make people from the county government come to find him?
Apparently, is it because of the story I wrote about Dao Yi Zhilue?
This... I didn’t write anything prohibited!
The only interesting story is about a person in a certain place. The chief likes to punt boats and take the women of the tribe out to make money. As a result, many people are prone to getting sick.

This is not something I just made up, it is real.

In a short period of time, what he wrote quickly flashed through his mind several times.

"I don't know how many of you..."

He hesitated to speak.

"We are here in Yingtian, from His Highness the Crown Prince."

As the leader said, he took out a cherished sign and showed it to Wang Dayuan.

Tai... from His Highness the Crown Prince? ?

Just one sentence made Wang Dayuan's head buzz! !
For a moment, my brain was about to be fucked to death.

What's the situation?
His Highness the Crown Prince sent someone here specifically to find him?
It turned out to be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?
For him, county magistrates are figures far above the sky.

Why is it that now, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has sent someone to look for him?
This... I'm afraid I'm not dreaming, right?
That is the prince of the dynasty!

Who doesn't know that the prince had great power at that time, and what he said as the prince was actually no different from what Emperor Hongwu said.

Because as long as the prince said it, Emperor Hongwu would support it.

And in the future, the person who will succeed Emperor Hongwu in charge of the Ming Dynasty will definitely be the prince.

How...why now...

Even if Wang Dayuan travels all over the country and has seen a lot, he is still completely confused at this time.

The level of the person who summoned him was really too high!
It was so high that he couldn't even imagine it!
Not only him, but the middle-aged Wang Yang was also completely confused.

Why was his father suddenly visited by the Crown Prince's people?
Moreover, you speak so politely?
What the hell is going on?

An hour later, Wang Dayuan, accompanied by his son, was already riding in a carriage, following the people sent by Prince Zhu Biao, leaving home overnight and heading towards Yingtian.

Sitting in the carriage, Wang Dayuan still felt unusually unreal.

Judging from the information he received from the person who claimed to be His Highness the Crown Prince, he fell into the eyes of His Highness the Crown Prince because he wrote the Chronicles of the Islands and was familiar with overseas affairs.

If everything goes well on this trip, it is very likely that he will become famous!

Wang Dayuan, who had been sitting here waiting for a long time without saying a word, suddenly raised his hand and slapped his son hard.

Wang Yang was slapped twice by his father and was stunned.

Okay, why did you hit me? ? ?

Wang Dayuan looked at his son's red and swollen cheeks and said to himself: "It's not a dream, it's not a dream, it's actually real..."

Wang Yang: "..."

Although he was sure that he was not dreaming, Wang Dayuan still felt as if he was in a dream.

I still can't figure out why such an ordinary person like me suddenly fell into the eyes of the prince.

Wang Dayuan was not a stupid person. In conjunction with Emperor Hongwu, he suddenly took action against Wu Zhen, Wu Liang and others, and some thoughts appeared in his mind.

Could this be what Emperor Hongwu wanted...

When he thought of this, his heart couldn't help but beat fast.

If it's true, then I'll be really prosperous this time!

But he still couldn't understand why he could enter His Highness the Crown Prince's Dharma Eyes.

Anyway, he felt that it was definitely not enough to rely solely on the story he wrote about Nadao Yi Zhilue...

With excitement, anxiety, and expectation, Wang Dayuan is getting closer and closer to Nanjing...

As Han Cheng stays in this era longer and longer, and his influence becomes greater and greater, more and more people like Wang Dayuan will be hit suddenly.

For example, the young Zheng He who is still in the Southwest...

However, many of them will not know that Han Cheng changed their destiny.

At least we won't know for a while...


Shouning Palace.

Zhu Yuanzhang finally met his daughter Princess Ningguo again.

He wants to show his cards to his daughter.

However, looking at his daughter's sensible appearance, and then looking at her somewhat uneasy reaction following his arrival.

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart became even more painful.

This was definitely because Yourong had guessed his purpose of coming, so that was why he was like this.

However, what Zhu Yuanzhang didn't know was that the reason why Princess Ning Guo was in such a state was that she had had too many interactions with Mr. Han recently.

He was worried that his father would come to see him now because he had received some news.

Be prepared to warn or reprimand yourself.

After all, when my father came here this time, whether it was the time or his reaction after arriving here, everything was unusual.

This made Princess Ning Guo feel anxious.

After drinking two cups of tea poured by Princess Ning Guo, Zhu Yuanzhang finally gritted his teeth and became cruel.

Anyway, this matter has to be said sooner or later!
"Yourong, um... we came here this time because there is something we want to tell you..." Lao Zhu cleared his throat and said.

When Princess Ning Guo heard this, her body couldn't help but tremble, and her heart suddenly rose to her throat...

(End of this chapter)

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