Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 263: The emperor is so angry that he lays down thousands of corpses and bleeds!

Chapter 263 The emperor was so angry that he laid down millions of corpses and bled for thousands of miles!

Just as Zhu Yuanzhang was thinking proudly, he suddenly heard rapid footsteps outside.

From far to near, he was coming quickly towards Wuying Palace.

Hearing this movement, Zhu Yuanzhang was a little stunned and confused.

Is this something urgent?

Otherwise, no one would be so anxious to come to him.

Could it be that there was a flood somewhere and the Yellow River burst?
That's not right either!
It's almost winter now, and there won't be a flood on the other side of the Yellow River!

Or is there a very serious earth dragon turning over somewhere?
Zhu Yuanzhang's thoughts were spinning rapidly, and in a short period of time, several possibilities had appeared in his mind.

But no matter which possibility, he didn't think about Han Cheng.

Because in his opinion, Han Cheng is the safest at this time.

It can even be said that it is safer than him as the emperor.

As the emperor, he personally arranged security work for him.

There were also Jin Yiwei, the Prince's personal army and others to protect him. Han Cheng also traveled in his own Prince's Crane.

In this case, something might happen to others, but it would definitely not happen to him!

Zhu Yuanzhang was quite confident in his military abilities.

After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, he no longer personally led troops to fight.

However, Xu Da and others made several forays into the Northern Expedition. Their march routes, as well as various strategies and tactics, were all planned in advance by him, the emperor, before the war began.

Even where to set up camp, how many miles to travel every day, and the enemy's reaction are all anticipated.

After so many years, Hongwu was defeated only once in five years.

But that failure cannot be attributed to Zhu Yuanzhang.

The main reason is that the person who led the troops in combat did not fully follow the arrangements he made when he arrived at the back.

If he had followed his plan, that failure could have been avoided.

When talking about people who can hit in the early Ming Dynasty, two names often pop up in many people's minds, one is Xu Da and the other is Chang Yuchun.

But in fact, the person with the strongest military ability in the early Ming Dynasty was not the two of them, but Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor.

It's just because there are too many things going on with him.

And after becoming the emperor, he also stayed behind the scenes and made various plans without personally leading the troops to fight.

Therefore, his ability in combat is often overlooked.

And this is why Zhu Yuanzhang is so confident that Han Cheng is absolutely safe.

A battle involving so many people requires various situations to be taken into consideration. From thousands of miles away, he can predict the situation he will encounter after the battle ahead.

At the same time, it can also predict how the enemy will react and provide corresponding countermeasures.

After a big battle, he could see the result in advance before it even started.

Now it's just a matter of arranging Han Cheng's safety. He will arrange it himself, which is definitely killing a chicken with a butcher's knife.

It's a trivial matter, easy to get.

Under this situation, if something unexpected happened again, he might as well just stop living.

Just find a place and hit him to death.

Many thoughts flashed through Zhu Yuanzhang's mind in a short period of time.

And those hurried footsteps had already arrived in front of the door and entered Wuying Hall.

It was the great eunuch Wang Jing who arrived.

"Come on, something happened!"

Wang Jing's face looked pale, he was panting, and he looked panicked.

The voice he spoke was different from usual.

As soon as he walked into Wuying Hall, before Zhu Yuanzhang could ask questions, he had already started talking.

Because he knows the superior's character too well.

The boss is impatient, especially when he encounters some urgent matters that need to be reported, so don't be indignant if you can!

“Just now, the personal guards of Prince Yan’s Mansion, holding Prince Yan’s token, flew straight into the imperial city.

Said... said that a noble person was assassinated, and rushed eight hundred miles to send the imperial doctor..."

After eunuch Wang Jing said this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He couldn't imagine how the superiors would react after learning the news.


"What did your mother say?!!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes were originally on Wang Jing, who was waiting for Wang Jing to report the matter.

After hearing these words, my whole body felt as if my butt was burned by fire.

He jumped right out of his seat!

Zhu Yuanzhang felt his head was buzzing and he was feeling dizzy.

My heart also beat violently, as if someone had given me a strong fist.

A chill instantly rose from the tailbone and reached the top of the forehead!

The calmness and confidence that I had just now, and the calmness that I had everything under control, completely disappeared.

This news is really too unexpected!
Hit him by surprise!
Who is Zhu Yuanzhang?

I have so many things to do every day, I have experienced so many storms, and my mind is spinning very fast.

Although Wang Jing's words just now did not say who the person who was assassinated was.

But he immediately confirmed the identity of the assassinated person, who was Han Cheng! !

The people who can make King Yan's personal guards come to the imperial city urgently at this time to look for the imperial doctor can only be related to the fourth child.

At this time, outside the imperial city, in Yingtian City, among the people related to Lao Si, they could be called nobles.

There was only the fourth child, his wife, and Han Cheng.

If the accident happened to the fourth child or his wife, then the people who came to shout could only mean that King Yan was assassinated, or that Princess Yan was assassinated.

Instead of saying that a noble person was assassinated!

Moreover, if Lao Si was assassinated, it would not be said that it was on the order of King Yan.

Therefore, the person who was assassinated could only be Han Cheng!

A result that he had not thought about before, and also the result that he least wanted to see, was suddenly placed in front of him!

"The Royal Physician! Call the Royal Physician immediately!
Let all the imperial doctors get out of the imperial city immediately!

Go as fast as possible to save Han Cheng!
People bring all their stuff with them!

Tell them that Han Cheng's life must be saved!
If Han Cheng is gone, neither of them will be able to survive! ! ! "

Zhu Yuanzhang suppressed his dizziness and immediately spoke quickly and issued this murderous and unreasonable order.

The left hand that was pressed against the table was digging into the table, and veins popped out on the back of the hand! !
At this time, he didn't even have time to ask Han Cheng how he was doing!

But he knew without asking him that Han Cheng's situation must be extremely urgent!
Otherwise, the fourth child would not have made such a big fuss and let people just take his token and run to the imperial city.

Wang Jing, who had just ran into the Wuying Hall, had no time to stop for a moment. He hurriedly responded and immediately turned around and ran out faster than before!

He knew that after the superiors learned the news, their reaction would be extremely violent.

But now, after seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's reaction with his own eyes, he was still secretly surprised.

The noble man named Han Cheng's status in the eyes of the superiors was higher than he imagined! !
"Come here! Immediately send an order to the Governor's Mansion, use all the troops and horses, blockade the whole city, and find the murderer!!!"

As soon as Wang Jing left, Zhu Yuanzhang's voice rang again.

The voice was cold, and seemed to contain endless murderous intent and anger.

In a short period of time, the Wuying Palace became filled with murderous intent, as if Shura had arrived!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang was like an angry lion. In a short period of time, his eyes had turned scarlet!

As soon as the voice fell, he picked up the pen, quickly wrote the troop deployment document, stamped it with a jade seal, and threw it to the eunuch who hurried in and knelt on one knee waiting to receive the order.

The eunuch took the order with both hands and immediately turned around and ran away.

Don't dare to pause at all.

The eunuch who ran all the way out of Wuying Palace and went to the Governor's Mansion with the decree was still feeling frightened!

The soul has not caught up yet.

He has been following the superior for several years, and he has never seen the superior be so terrifying!

Even when Hu Weiyong rebelled last year, when the superiors learned the news, their reaction was not so strong.

There is no such thing as being afraid of people!

The feeling he had just received from taking the position was as if he was about to choose someone to devour at any moment!
Just one look made him feel like he was going to die!

He desperately ran to the stable, untied the reins, got on the horse, and as soon as he got on, he whipped the horse wildly with his whip!
Make the war horse run faster.

Zhu Yuanzhang had strict orders. Except for him, Queen Ma, and Prince Zhu Biao, everyone else walked in the imperial city.

You are not allowed to ride in a car or sedan chair, let alone ride on horseback.

However, this does not include emergencies.

If you encounter an emergency, of course you can ride a horse and run as fast as you can!
"Prepare our horses! We need to leave the palace immediately!"

After the eunuch who went to deliver the order to the Governor's Mansion flew away, Zhu Yuanzhang issued the third order.

Immediately someone quickly went to lead the horse.

"Get our armor and wear it with us!!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's voice was cold and he issued an order again.

After learning that Zhu Yuanzhang was going to wear armor himself, everyone who heard the news was shocked!
You know, since he became emperor and no longer led troops to fight, Zhu Yuanzhang basically never wore armor again.

During the year, the armor is usually put on only when reviewing troops and horses.

But now, the superior issued the order to wear armor immediately!

What is this concept? !

Those who had already received the news about what happened would definitely be furious if they knew that this time they would be in power!
But at this time, many people were trembling in their hearts after learning that the superiors actually had to wear armor themselves.

I know what happened this time will definitely not end well!
It is bound to kill a person whose head is rolling and blood is flowing like a river!
When he first came to power, when Hu Weiyong rebelled, he didn't even wear a battle armor!

With their hearts filled with shock, no one dared to show any signs of neglect.

They quickly got Zhu Yuanzhang's armor and helped Zhu Yuanzhang put it on as quickly as possible.

Zhu Yuanzhang put on his helmet, reached for the Emperor's Sword and hung it on his waist.

Without saying a word, he strode towards the outside of Wuying Hall.

As he moved, the sound of armor clashing sounded, with a murderous aura!
Zhu Chongba, who had not been to the battlefield in person for many years, led troops to fight, and worked extremely hard on the battlefield, is back again!
Before he even walked out of Wuying Hall, he had already pulled out the Emperor's Sword hanging from his waist and held it in his hand!

Before even seeing the enemy, the Emperor's Sword has already been unsheathed!

The people who followed him out couldn't help but their eyelids jumped wildly when they saw this admiration!

The Emperor's Sword has been unsheathed and will never be taken back without blood!

This time, things are really big!

Who is this heartless person who dares to do such a thing?
Really desperate!
Zhu Yuanzhang came outside the palace fully armed and holding the Emperor's Sword.

At this time, the person who went to lead the horse had already led the horse and ran over.

Zhu Yuanzhang got on his horse and without saying a word, he hit the horse and galloped towards the city gate.

At this time, a group of hundreds of elite cavalry had gathered.

Follow Zhu Yuanzhang and run wildly in the palace with Zhu Yuanzhang.

Get out!

The leader of this hundred-man cavalry was named Liu Ying.

He is a person whom Zhu Yuanzhang absolutely trusts.

He was loyal to Zhu Yuanzhang.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was young, his family suffered a great disaster, and two families were kind to him.

One of them is named Wang Ganniang.

At first, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't survive, so he went to become a monk. He couldn't afford the money, so the temple didn't want him.

It was Wang Ganniang who sent some food to the temple for him, and the temple accepted Zhu Yuanzhang.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang did not stay there for too long, the temple could no longer take care of food.

Let many monks fend for themselves.

But Zhu Yuanzhang kept this kindness in his heart.

The other person is Liu Ying's father Liu Da.

Zhu Yuanzhang's family suffered an accident, and his parents died of starvation one after another.

At that time, their family was so poor that they did not even have a piece of land to bury their parents.

Liu Ying's father, Liu Da, saw that their brothers were really pitiful and gave them a small cemetery so that Zhu Yuanzhang's parents could be buried.

After Zhu Yuanzhang became famous later, he returned the favor.

Whether it was Wang Ganniang's son or Liu Da's son Liu Ying, he took them all to his side.

Take care of them personally and let them follow you as bodyguards.

As a commander, he has a transcendent status.

It's just that some of Wang Ganniang's sons are confused.

Many years ago, before Hu Weiyong rebelled, he made some mistakes and turned his elbows outward.

As Zhu Yuanzhang's personal army commander, he was not of the same mind as Zhu Yuanzhang.

If this kind of thing is done to others, they will definitely die.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang still tolerated him and did not kill him. He just sent him back to his hometown in Fengyang to see the imperial mausoleum.

As for Liu Ying, she has stayed with Zhu Yuanzhang for so many years.

He was truly loyal to Zhu Yuanzhang and had withstood all kinds of tests.

On top of the war horse Zhu Yuanzhang was riding, the horse galloped wildly.

The overwhelming anger rolled back and forth in his chest.

In the scarlet eyes, there is a real murderous intention!
Do these bitches really think that he, Zhu Chongba, can't even lift a knife? !

Today's matter was arranged by him personally!
Biao'er even took out his crane and asked Han Cheng to sit down!

No need to say what it means!

But the result is that under such circumstances, there are still people who are so bold as to dare to take action in Yingtian City!
Assassinate Han Cheng who is sitting on the crown prince's crane!What does it mean?
This is shitting on their heads!
Didn't take him seriously at all! !

It seems that he has killed too few people!

Still haven't killed these people!
In this case, let’s have another good fight! ! !

The horse's hooves nailed with iron shoes stepped on the stone slabs of the palace.

Make a frightening sound.

Hundreds of war horses galloped together, rolling like thunder!


At this time, riots had already occurred in the imperial city.

Officials of the six ministries also received news that a nobleman had been assassinated, and they urgently sent the imperial doctor out of the palace for treatment.

After hearing the news, except for a very few people, the rest of the officials, regardless of their official position, were all shocked and their hearts beat wildly!

How dare someone dare to commit an assassination these days? !
And the person who was assassinated was still a noble person?
Is the location of the assassination still in Yingtian City?

Who is this brave? !

Is this fatal!
Do you really think that His Majesty can't carry a sword now? !
While their hearts were shocked, many people also imagined the scene of Han Cheng sitting on the crown prince's crane and leaving the palace majestically today.

Could it be that he was the one who was assassinated? !
It’s really very possible that it’s him!

After all, he is the only one leaving the palace today!
He was also highly regarded by Zhu Yuanzhang and others, and he could be called a noble person.

More importantly, this person who came out of nowhere has been so popular recently!
He touched interests that he shouldn't touch and offended a lot of people.

It seemed that he had no direct conflict with anyone.

In fact, there are quite a few people who have recently regarded him as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, and they are unhappy about it!

In this case, the possibility that he was the one who was assassinated is really not small!

After realizing that the assassinated person was Han Cheng, many people felt secretly happy.

Especially those civil servants.

Let this guy not practice medicine properly!
How dare he, a bad doctor, compete with the emperor and his grandson for their education?

Do you still dare to point fingers at matters concerning saints such as the Hongwu Dictionary?

I really don't know how to live or die!

Are you okay now?Are you hated?
Live it!

I just don’t know which warrior is so brave and dares to attack this person.

Solved it so neatly and neatly!
If you know who it is, you must treat him to a drink and celebrate!
Some people are also worried about how much Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and others value Han Cheng, and this man also cured Queen Ma's disease.

Today, I even rode the prince crane out.

Assassinating him is basically the same as assassinating the prince!

In this case, Zhu Yuanzhang was determined to be furious.

This old killer will cause a bloody storm if he doesn't get it right.

Is the person who did this a little too reckless and impatient?

It would be better if I could wait a little longer to do it.

At least not when he's riding a crane.

This man has already made an engagement with Princess Ningguo, and I'm afraid it won't take long for them to get married.

After getting married, can you still live in the palace?

It must be moved outside.

By then, there will be more opportunities to take action.

Now, to assassinate him when he left the palace for the first time, riding on the crown prince's crane, was like touching the tiger's butt.

He slapped Zhu Yuanzhang and Prince Zhu Biao on their faces.

If something like this happened, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao would definitely not let it go easily!

For a time, many people were happy that Han Cheng was assassinated and his life seemed to be in danger.

At the same time, I am worried about the serious consequences that may follow.

Just as they were discussing and having different thoughts in their minds, they heard the muffled thunder.

When I looked up, I saw a veteran who was over fifty years old and fully armored, riding a war horse and roaring towards me with a sword in one hand!

Who is so arrogant that he dares to lead so many cavalry in the palace?
Don't die? !
Taking another closer look, how come this... this arrogant man looks so much like the current emperor? !

Take a closer look and you will see that he is really the current emperor!
Suddenly, everyone became frightened!
At this time, everyone knew that things were really serious!

It’s more serious than what they just imagined!

Zhu Yuanzhang, who had not personally commanded an army for many years, actually put on armor and went out with the Emperor's Sword in hand.

It can be seen how angry Zhu Yuanzhang was about this matter!
When the emperor is angry, he will lay down millions of corpses and bleed for thousands of miles. This sentence rises in the hearts of many people!
If this sentence is applied to other emperors, they may think it is a description.

But when used on Zhu Yuanzhang, an old killer, it is not a descriptive word at all, but the most realistic portrayal!

This old killer can really do such a thing!
Just over a year has passed since the Hu Weiyong case, and there have been many deaths and rivers of blood.

He also directly killed the Prime Minister and Zhongshu!

Many existing officials in the Ming Dynasty have changed because of this!
After that, many people were promoted as fast as riding a galloping horse.

This... won't it be the same this time?
Someone is starting to get scared!

The worry in my heart surpassed the joy when I just learned that Han Cheng had been assassinated!

And began to curse secretly, the person who did it deserves to die.

Can't we change the time?

At this time, the few people who knew the inside story also seemed a little panicked.

My heart is beating like a drum.

Speaking of which, when they heard the news that someone had been assassinated, they felt so happy in their hearts.

If they weren't worried about exposing their flaws, how could they pretend to be shocked?

He jumped up on the spot and celebrated!
Their plan this time is really good!
There is no need for one's own people to take action at all, only a sharp tongue can be used to instigate Li Qi, Li Shanchang's stupid son.

A fatal blow was given to Han Cheng.

Their guess was indeed correct. Li Shanchang, a legendary figure in the Ming Dynasty, had been deprived of his rights by Zhu Yuanzhang several years ago.

But the hidden strength is really not small.

He really has a trump card!

When used at this time, extraordinary results were achieved immediately.

Let’s see if anyone dares to be arrogant in the future!
Anyone dares to touch their Confucian interests.There is only a dead end!
No one can be an exception!

No one can protect me!
But at this time, after seeing Zhu Yuanzhang, wearing strong armor and strong swords, beating his horse and galloping out of the imperial city, a lot of the joy and pride in their hearts suddenly disappeared.

This...how could Zhu Yuanzhang's reaction be stronger than expected?
This Han Cheng thief actually managed to trick the old killer into doing this in such a short period of time? ?
They were all too aware of this veteran killer's ruthless manner in killing people without batting an eyelid.

This matter won't... go away, right?
You won't burn the fire on yourself and others, right?
When this thought arose in their hearts, their hearts could not help but beat wildly, and they were filled with fear!

They are very bold when they are allowed to hide behind the scenes, use their lips and tongues, and treat others as dead soldiers to do things.

But when they thought that this extremely terrible consequence would most likely happen to them, the confidence and ease in their hearts all disappeared.

They held back their panic and tried hard not to think too much.

No matter how angry Zhu Yuanzhang is, he can't find them at all!
This is what Zhu Yuanzhang's son-in-law Li Qi did by using the secret power left by Li Shanchang!

When Zhu Yuanzhang attacked Li Shanchang before, he didn't dig it out.

This shows how deeply these people hide themselves.

This time, even if Zhu Yuanzhang was furious, he might not even be able to find Li Qi's head.

After all, who would have thought that the Li family suffered a devastating disaster, and Li Qi spared his life because of the face of his eldest daughter, Princess Lin'an.

It was too late to be afraid at this time, so how could he be so bold and dare to continue to cause trouble?
Even if Li Qi could be traced, they were not afraid.

They also have a layer of protection here.

So, they don’t have to be afraid at all!
Zhu Yuanzhang is an old man and a veteran killer. No matter how furious he is, he can't find any real evidence or anyone who can do it, so he can only be furious and helpless!
Find some innocuous people to vent your anger on.

And these people will be perfectly hidden behind the scenes and become the unknown great contributors to Confucianism!

And continue to use his own way to fight wits and courage with killers like Zhu Yuanzhang to safeguard the dignity and status of Confucianism!

One day, Confucianism will flourish again in the Ming Dynasty!
Once again achieve the achievement of scholar-bureaucrats and kings sharing the world, and restore the glory of scholars!


In the Governor's Mansion, Cao Guogong Li Wenzhong had also gotten some news at this time.

Even Li Wenzhong was shocked!
Li Wenzhong is Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew and has been in charge of the Governor's Palace for ten years now.

Zhu Yuanzhang's trust in him can be seen from this.

Li Wenzhong not only has a close relationship with Zhu Yuanzhang, but he is also really good at fighting.

The fact that he can have the status he has today and be named the Duke of the country has something to do with him being Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew.

But it's not all because of this relationship.

The most important thing is that his ability is strong enough.

Completely different from his son Li Jinglong, the God of War.

Li Wenzhong and Li Jinglong put together, they are a typical tiger father and son.

The first time Li Wenzhong heard the news, his first thought was, who doesn't want to live anymore!
This is going to cause another bloody storm in the Ming Dynasty!
Then he immediately issued an order, ordering soldiers and horses to be on alert, and hurried to see Zhu Yuanzhang.

As a result, as soon as he went out, the man with Zhu Yuanzhang's will was already galloping towards him.

He gave Zhu Yuanzhang's will to Li Wenzhong.

After Li Wenzhong saw the hastily written decree, his eyes shrank.

All the soldiers and horses were dispatched to immediately blockade the entire city and conduct a massive search throughout Yingtian City to capture the assassin!

The movement from the top is a bit loud!
But it can also be seen from here that the superiors are really angry this time.

This... the person who was assassinated could not be his old cousin, King Yan, right?
When Li Wenzhong knew this order, he did not dare to hesitate and immediately issued a series of orders.

Following the issuance of these orders, teams of elite soldiers and horses were quickly dispatched.

Even the imperial city is under martial law. Many ministers in the imperial city have their freedom restricted and are not allowed to move around!
These experienced blood and fire, in the troubled times like the end of the Yuan Dynasty, as Zhu Yuanzhang fought all the way out, defeated the arrogant Northern Yuan Tartars, and retreated to the north, the lingering iron-blooded soldiers were dispatched again!

Knives out!

With a frightening momentum, he quickly took action in Yingtianfu City.

In a short period of time, all the city gates in Yingtian were closed.

The soldiers and horses were heavily guarded.

A large number of soldiers and horses cleared the streets, and people were asked to return home immediately and were not allowed to come out!
Yingtianfu City, which was originally very prosperous, suddenly became chilly.

Many people were shocked and confused, not knowing what was going on.

You know, even when Hu Weiyong rebelled last year, the commotion was not so big!


Prince Zhu Biao learned the news of Han Cheng's assassination almost immediately after Zhu Yuanzhang.

When he learned the news, Zhu Biao's reaction was equally intense.

His vision went dark and he almost fell to the ground.

The reaction was even more intense than when he learned about the things Lu had done before.

He reached out and held down the desk to prevent himself from falling to the ground.

At this time, Zhu Biao felt that his anger was about to break through his Tianling Gai.

These bitches are really too much!
How dare you do this!

"Send to the imperial doctor! Hurry and send to the imperial doctor!!"

After reacting, he immediately sent someone to call the imperial doctor!

Then he endured his dizziness and ran outside.

He was about to leave the palace and go see Han Cheng quickly.

See what happened to him.

Then he learned the news that his father had been dispatched outside the city.

Zhu Biao forced himself to calm down and did not go out again.

Although he missed him, he rushed to his second brother-in-law immediately to see how he was doing.

But he still forced himself to stay in the palace.

The father has already been dispatched. As the prince, he needs to take charge of the overall situation in the palace at this time!

Don't go outside again!
This time, a large number of people must be killed!

Not killing is not enough to quell the hatred in my heart!

Without killing, it is not enough to shock people!

Zhu Biao, the prince who had always been kind and did not want to cause more killings, now had overwhelming thoughts of murder in his heart.

They really deserved it, they shouldn't have done anything to their second brother-in-law! !


"Father! Father!!"

Zhu Yuanzhang rode his horse and ran all the way out of the imperial city. Not far away, he met Zhu Di and others who were returning in a hurry on the prince's crane.

After Zhu Di saw Zhu Yuanzhang, he couldn't help shouting.

Zhu Di, who had always been strong and calm, now had a vibrato in his voice.

"Stop howling here! Shut up!!!"

Zhu Yuanzhang reprimanded him unceremoniously, and Zhu Di immediately shut up.

At this time, an imperial doctor was beaten and placed on the back of a horse.

He ran all the way to Prince Hejia.

The imperial doctor was so shaken that his eyes were filled with stars and his stomach was churning.

But he didn't care at all, and immediately climbed onto the prince's crane to diagnose and treat Han Cheng.

Whether it was Zhu Di or Zhu Yuanzhang, everyone was quiet at this time.

He watched nervously as the imperial doctor treated the pale and motionless Han Cheng.

Afraid of seeing the results they least want to see!

At this time, Xiaohe also stumbled into Shouning Palace...

(End of this chapter)

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