Chapter 357 A three-dimensional soul
In the blink of an eye, it has been more than half a year since the children of the Chen family of Lianhua Mountain set out to conquer the Upper Territory. Nearly a year ago, the ancient barbarians invaded the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, triggering another war between the human race and the ancient barbarians in the Upper North Territory.

States like Leiling Prefecture, which has cross-domain teleportation arrays within their borders, are the fastest to support the front line of the war. They are the first batch of reinforcements to arrive at the front line among the three regions.


The pressure is also the greatest.

He firmly resisted the invading army of the ancient barbarians and limited the battlefield to the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, which had already lost most of it.

In the first few months, news came back from the front line one after another from time to time, but these news did not look optimistic.

In the past six months or so since the ancient barbarians invaded.

As soon as they arrived at the front line, most of the entire Northern Wilderness Cultivation World had already fallen.

The Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm, which had just been occupied for more than a thousand years, was unable to reach these armies that were invaded by barbarians. They were simply encircling the territory with overwhelming force.

Fallen three thousand miles in one day!

The entire Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World has completely failed to achieve its due effect and role. At the most dangerous time, some barbarians even approached the first level of the human race border, Five Elements Mountain, also called Five Elements Pass. This is where the Transformation Spirit Lord is always present. Sit in charge, known as the natural chasm pass that will never fall in front of the barbarians! !

since ancient times.

I don’t know how many ancient barbarians are buried at the foot of Wuxing Mountain, and the number of times they have fallen can be counted on one’s fingers!
It is precisely because of this huge barrier that in the war between the Upper North Territory and the ancient barbarians, the human race appears to be able to advance, attack, retreat and defend, firmly occupying a certain advantage.

It can be said that none of the ten Northern Wasteland cultivation realms can compare to one Five Elements Mountain!

For more than half a year.

As monks continued to arrive at the front line, the battle line gradually stabilized and did not reach the foot of Five Elements Mountain. The two tribes were still wrestling in the Northern Wasteland. Every day, no one knew how many people had to be filled in. The entire Northern Wilderness The deserted land has been on fire for many years.

According to the usual practice, it would be difficult to stop the war between the two races after 30 to [-] years, but now this war has only been going on for more than a year.

And the latest news came back.

Most of the Chen family in Lianhua Mountain have died.

Even the second ancestor of the Chen family, Chen Xing'an, was said to have been seriously injured when he fought with a fourth-level ancient barbarian more than a month ago.


Now in front of the Five Elements Pass, the war in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Realm is cruel.

Even the Yuanying monks are "precarious"! !

There are many monks in the three domains, Nascent Soul, Golden Pill, Foundation Establishment... But it will take quite a long time to transport all these monks to the front line of the Upper North Domain.

Fortunately, the situation among the ancient barbarians is probably similar.

Even if the preparations are more sufficient than those of the Three Realms, they are not enough.

after all.

It's impossible to hide the movement. So many monks in the three realms are not all fools. Can't you even see this?

In fact, there was movement on the eve of the ancient barbarian invasion.

It is conceivable that as time goes by, the cruelty of the war between the two races will become even higher.

Fortunately, he had the foresight to care about someone.

Before the war started, more Nascent Souls were cultivated.

Otherwise, he would have either appeared in the upper domain by now, or he would have already run away.

Once you choose to run away.

During the war, unless he hid completely and waited for the war between the two races to end, it would be almost impossible to obtain the fourth-level spiritual vein.

And this will inevitably delay the time for his Nascent Soul to reach perfection.

Although it is only 30 years, it is nothing to him.

But if you can avoid wasting it, it’s better not to waste it.

After all, no one knows whether tomorrow or the accident will come first, so seizing the time to improve your own strength is the right way.

"The war has been going on for three months, and a letter from home is worth ten thousand gold." Looking at the letter written to him by Chen Xing'an in his hand, Chief Gu said with emotion.

Then I sent him a reply.

The letter not only comforted him a few more words, but also included some elixirs and spiritual practice resources.

He did not want Chen Xing'an to die on the front line.

Otherwise, if the situation becomes urgent, he may also be drafted to the front line. Although he will not go, he is stupid to go to Wuxingguan at this time. This is not lighting a lantern in the toilet.

We still need to seize the time to cultivate another Nascent Soul Immortal Seedling.


Even if the situation on the front line goes wrong, he still has options.

Don't run away! !

. .

In the seventh year of the vigorous war between the two clans, the situation in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World has almost reached a stalemate.

I don’t know how many monks and barbarians have been buried in the entire Northern Wilderness Cultivation World. The two tribes have used various methods to fight, but there has never been any significant progress. The situation has always been firmly controlled in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World.

The war has entered a brutal stage of attrition.

The competition now is who can't hold on anymore and chooses to give in. Otherwise, we don't know when this war of attrition will end.

And this retreat is an unknown number of miles of mountains and rivers.

Neither the ancient barbarians nor the human race would choose to give in.

One step back, one step back! !
Once you choose to give in, there is no end.

Many years ago, the Hengduan Mountains and the Five Elements Mountains, which bordered the two races, did not belong to the human race. They were built by countless monks, and then the Five Elements Pass and the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World were gradually established.

If anyone dares to retreat, his reputation in the world of immortal cultivation will be completely ruined!

And it’s not an ordinary stink. It’s no exaggeration to say that it will stink for thousands of years! !
Although the reputation of a high-level immortal cultivator is not worth much, there are not many people who want to bear this kind of reputation.

The great road and immortality are nothing but illusions, and what a monk can pass on to future generations is only his sect, family, bloodline, reputation, and Taoist title.

Beyond that, what's left? !


They are just a group of people who have lived longer than ordinary people and seen more scenes of the world. Since ancient times, there have been very few people who have ascended through cultivation!
In ancient times, I heard that there were immortals in the world.

Three thousand ascended ones!
After ancient times, there were only a few people who ascended.

--"On the Road".

In the same year, at the end of the year.

The second Nascent Soul fairy seedling that Gu Changsheng selected and cultivated that year.

At the end of this year, he successfully survived the thunder tribulation of the Nascent Soul and realized the Nascent Soul.

and this.

He is already the third Nascent Soul ancestor of the Chen family in Lianhua Mountain.

The third ancestor of the Chen family, Chen Xingdao! !
A three-dimensional soul.

Even in the entire Leiling Prefecture, it is already ranked high.

As long as the situation does not change too much in the future, it is unlikely that these monks in Leiling State will be recruited again.

There is actually no shortage of monks in the Three Realms.

What is lacking is just the ability to transport these monks to the front line.

Nascent Soul monks gathered on the front line now.

I am afraid that there are no less than one or two hundred people, which may be more than the Nascent Soul in the entire four realms in the Tianling Realm back then.

This amount is terrifying.

And this is just a part of the Nascent Soul among the three regions of the Upper North Region.

It’s not even half of it!
Most of them were recruited to the front line, but some also went on their own initiative. After all, during the front line war, there were a lot of good things!

There are all kinds of spiritual creatures! !
The God-Transformation Pills that are said to increase the success rate of Nascent Soul Dzogchen monks by [-]% are all included in the exchange list. However, the contribution required is very terrifying. Unless one can kill a fifth-level ancient barbarian by himself, It's almost enough to be exchanged.

When converted into a fourth-order ancient barbarian, it would only take dozens of people.

This terrifying contribution is probably enough to satisfy the eye.It is impossible for anyone to save it, unless these Shen Transformation Sects work together, and this Shen Transformation Pill was originally produced by these Shen Transformation Sects.

In addition, there are other good things in the list that can help monks transform into gods. The price is not as exaggerated as the Soul Transformation Pill. If you work hard to save, many Yuanying Dzogchen monks still hope to redeem it. of.

In addition to these spiritual objects, there are also many other precious spiritual objects as well as heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Even Gu Changsheng had to admit that he was indeed a little jealous when he saw these things on the frontline contribution exchange list.

If he could take down so many things.

After Dzogchen, the possibility of transforming into a god is probably [-]%! !


it's out of the question!

Unless he kills all the invading barbarians above the fourth level.

Including the fifth level one!
If he has such great strength, how can he exchange it for a hair? !

After all, the Taoist heart is not strong enough.

He actually felt really excited for a moment.

sin, sin.

But he still sent a message to Chen Xing'an on the front line.

If possible, concentrate the entire family's contribution on the front line and exchange several spiritual items in the exchange list. After bringing them back, the family will not be stingy with rewards.

There is no doubt that the various spiritual objects he has circled are useful to him.

A spiritual object that can enhance a monk's consciousness.

Also, the seed of a spiritual creature! !

As long as one or two of these spiritual creatures can be brought back.

He has made a lot of money!

However, it is still very difficult for him to get these things just by talking.

after all.

He was not the one fighting with the ancient barbarians on the front line all day long.

On the contrary, in the eyes of most tribesmen, his ancestor is still as greedy for life and afraid of death as before. He gave Chen Xingan a certain hint in his letter.

Almost everything is stated explicitly.

As long as these things can be brought back, within 200 years, before he expires, he will make every effort to train Chen Xing'an to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and take over the leadership of the entire family after he expires! !
In the middle stage of Yuanying, a Yuanying family with more than 3000 years of history!

This condition is not unreasonable.

Chen Xing'an was the Nascent Soul who broke through around 400 years ago.

Now, he is barely 200 years old. If he can reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul within 700 years, that means he still has about [-] years of time and lifespan.

After such a long time, it might be impossible to cultivate to the realm of a great monk in the late Nascent Soul.

Extend your life by another 200 years!
There may not be a day of great perfection in our lifetime.

In Dzogchen, there is already the possibility of becoming a god, no matter how remote this possibility is.

Of course, this is the best case scenario.

The later stage of Nascent Soul and the Great Consummation of Nascent Soul are not that simple! !

This is how cultivating immortality is, one step is fast, each step is fast, one step is slow, and each step is slow.

The "hints" he gave were very tempting.


After his "hundred years", wouldn't all the spiritual things he planted belong to these descendants? !
He believed that as long as Chen Xingan was not stupid, he would make a wise choice.


He himself is very trustworthy and does not plan to breach the contract. It is hard for the Yuanying Great Monk to say, but he is only in the middle stage of the Yuanying.

It’s just a matter of sprinkling water! !
It's not much more difficult than cultivating a Nascent Soul.

In addition to the things he circled, there are many good things in the redemption list.

He wanted a lot.

Under the circumstances that he does not plan to step into the front line personally.

With so many things inside, he could only selectively redeem them.

Concentrate the contribution of the entire Chen family.

It is still possible to exchange a few of them.

At worst, there are still so many forces in the area under his control! !
Even if your own contribution is not enough, it is not a big problem.

If you still want to hang out in the area under the rule of the Chen family, you can't refuse!
This is how the world is.

The weak eat the strong.

Everyone under Nascent Soul is nothing more than the leeks of these sects.

As for Nascent Soul, there are probably even more powerful leeks from these sects! !
The classes in this world are actually very distinct.

The strong are respected!
. .

The whole family affairs were handed over to the newly promoted Yuanying Chen Xingdao.

Gu Changsheng chose to remain in seclusion on the back mountain for a period of time, waiting for the war to end.

And now the war has barely entered its tenth year.

Maybe it will take another 20 years to end.

In normal times, at most, it is just a blink of an eye.

He doesn't even pay much attention.

But now the three domains are "in chaos".

In one to twenty years, I don’t know how many monks will have to die before it ends.

The third year of retreat in the mountains.

I heard that there are many traitors trained by the ancient barbarians in the three realms. They are causing destruction everywhere, and some sects have lost their strength. These traitors have taken advantage of them and even the Yuanying Sect has been destroyed. .

And these traitors also appeared in Leiling Prefecture.

Perhaps because they knew that there were two great Nascent Souls in charge of Lianhua Mountain, these traitors did not dare to wreak havoc in Lianhua Mountain. At most, some of the small sects and families under their rule were wiped out.

Even in Leiling City, these rapists appear from time to time.

Want to destroy the cross-domain teleportation array in Leiling City.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

The level of these traitors should not be underestimated. At least they are foundation-building, and there is no shortage of some golden elixirs in them, even Nascent Soul! !

a time.

The entire Shangbei Territory is very wary of these "loose cultivators" who suddenly appear.

It’s not just the human race that has so many traitors.

In the area of ​​​​the ancient barbarians, there are also many barbarians. The war between the two tribes has been going on now, and they have already resorted to all possible means.

All kinds of underhand and damaging moves will not only appear on the battlefield during the fight, but also after the battlefield, any means may be used.

In a word.

Both tribes have invested a lot in this war and cannot afford to lose.

at least.

The Shangbei Territory and the barbarians fighting against Shangbeihuang cannot afford to lose. Once the Shangbei Territory loses, they are likely to lose the entire Northern Wilderness.

And so do the barbarians.

Even the existing large areas outside the Northern Wilderness may not be able to be saved.

(End of this chapter)

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