After all, she had less than 100 taels of silver in her hand. With such a small amount of money, she could at most buy some land or a mountain, which was enough.

"Then why did you come to me?"

He couldn't come to her for no reason. He probably wanted her to help.

"I want to form a caravan"

“The main cargo is food”

Li Xiuyuan said his plan, his eyes were shining, and he was a little deep.

Bai Xia nodded her chin, thinking in her mind.

Nowadays, there is a shortage of food in all states and counties. The people live frugally every day, but they cannot bear the lack of produce in the fields and the large population in the family. Even so, most people only eat half full, and only eat one or two meals a day. There are almost no people who can eat three meals.

Even Liu Tai and Qi Shan couldn't afford to eat three hundred cash and ten kilograms of food every month, let alone other families.

"The caravan does not attract attention. Now there is a shortage of food everywhere. No matter where the caravan goes, it will be welcomed."

"And the food you have here has no provenance, so no one will bring it to Liu Yunzhai. You can also let them sell the food and inquire about the news at the same time."

"Of course, I won't let you suffer. I will buy grain from you at thirty cents per catty. What do you think?"

Li Xiuyuan knew that Bai Xia had a secret, and it was by no means as simple as the magic she said.

If he wants to do this business, he can't let people come to Liu Yunzhai without hesitation, so he needs Bai Xia to accompany the caravan, so that the caravan will be more mysterious and can also help him draw some attention away. Make it easier for him to do other things.

"You will help keep the money I received. I will rest assured that you will keep it."

Li Xiuyuan elaborated on his plan, which included his own purpose and the intention of fully utilizing Bai Xia's abilities.

"Nowadays, the village is too poor. The stall fees and entrance fees collected alone are far from enough to support the construction of the city."

"Even if Sister Ziying helps, after all, the money she earns from doing business is her own money. I can't keep relying on her."

"If you want to buy a mountain, you have to have money. After thinking about it, this is the best way."

The two discussed in the room for a whole afternoon before Li Xiuyuan came out of Bai Xia's room.

Bai Xia looked at his leaving figure with a deep thought in his eyes.

She could no longer hide her golden finger, but the mission must not fail. When she didn't think of her memory, she felt it didn't matter, but after she remembered the memory, she would not allow herself to fail.

Now that Li Xiuyuan is established, she can worry less, but at the same time, he also has plans for her.

She believed that his intention to buy the mountain was true, but about the caravan, she was more suspicious that he was testing her to see what her abilities were.

It's just that he shouldn't act rashly until he knows her details.

Fortunately, her purpose is also to help him ascend to the throne. As long as he doesn't do anything excessive, he can do this, and this will indeed help his future development.

After taking a look at the pitiful energy level, Bai Xia's mouth twitched. It was time for her to find a way to make money, otherwise she would always feel like she might starve to death at any time.

With plans in mind, both of them got busy.

We talked about building a caravan, but there were a lot of things to arrange first.

First of all, the caravan could not start from Liu Yunzhai. Li Xiuyuan and Bai Xia thought about it carefully and finally decided to start from Xuzhou.

The governor of Xuzhou was transferred and promoted to the capital. Now Xuzhou has no official.

Secondly, Xuzhou is in chaos, and it makes sense that a group of traveling merchants would appear selling grain.

Furthermore, Xuzhou is not far from Jiazhou, Ganzhou, and Jizhou. From there, you can infiltrate into other states and take the food. You are not afraid of not being able to sell it, but you can't do it so blatantly.

The two of them considered it carefully, and finally decided that Bai Xia would take ten people out, first to Xuzhou, to sell grain along the surrounding villages and towns, and then find a way to spread around.
Xuzhou, Qingyang County, Douer Village.

A green cloth carriage was swaying toward the village from the direction of the county seat. Several children who were crazy on the mountain saw it from a distance, and ran down as if they were surprised. They gathered around the carriage to look at it, but they did not dare to Come forward.There were four or five children, barefoot and without any clothes on their upper bodies, only wearing a pair of shorts that barely covered their lower bodies.

The body was completely sunburned, and he never liked to be clean. He stood there like a few coal dolls.

"Hey, little kids, do you want some candy?"

The driver was a simple and honest uncle. He reined in his horse and waved to the children beside him.

The children's eyes lit up when they heard Tang, but they did not step forward. Instead, they held each other's hands and looked at the coachman warily.

"I want to ask you something. How to get from here to the headman's house in Dou'er Village? It's fair to say, the candy in my hand belongs to him."

The uncle didn't mind, and took out a few pieces of candy from his arms, which made the boys greedy.

"I...I know, I can show you the way."

"I know too"

"I know"

When they saw the candy and heard that they were just going to the village chief's house and that they were not kidnappers, they started fighting over it one by one.

The uncle just wanted to ask for directions and had no intention of causing any dispute among these boys, so he gave each of them a piece of candy and said with a smile: "Then you can lead the way for me."

"Okay, sir, please come with me."

A little kid took the candy and looked like he had been studying for two days. He cleverly stepped forward to lead the way.

The uncle was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and waved his hands repeatedly: "I am not a noble person, I am not a noble person, my master is."

After saying that, he rushed to the car and followed the boys who led the way to Dou'er Village.

As soon as he entered the village, he received alert and appreciative looks from the villagers.

"Sanwazi, who are they?"

Seeing the child leading the way, a woman took a child aside, looked at the carriage, and asked in a low voice.

"The second leftover said they are noble people."

"What are they here for?"

"Look for the village chief uncle"

After saying that, Sanwazi sneaked into the group leading the way again, hoping to get two more pieces of candy to eat.

The children walked slowly, but the roads in the village were not smooth, so the carriage moved slower. When they arrived outside the village chief's house, the village chief was already waiting at the door, looking at the group of people curiously.

The carriage is not big and looks relatively ordinary. The man driving the carriage is honest and honest, with a loyal look on his face. He should not be a bad person.

The village chief stood in front of the door, watching the man driving the carriage take out some more candy and hand it to the children who were leading the way. Then he got off the carriage, took out the footstool, and shouted respectfully: "Girl, Dou'er Village The village chief’s house has arrived.”

The village chief has seen some markets. Judging from his behavior, he should be a domestic servant.

Sure enough, the curtain of the carriage opened, revealing a white and tender arm, and a girl wearing fine cotton clothes stepped out of the carriage.

The village chief took a step forward, thinking that this person was the girl the big man called, but it turned out not to be the case.

The girl who got off the carriage opened the curtain, and a six or seven-year-old girl walked out, supporting a girl not much older than her, and stepped on the footstool.

"Is this the village chief?"

The girl who got off the car first stepped forward and bowed to the village chief.

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