Damn it, why can she live so long?

When will Ashue die?

It would be great if Ashue's death could replace the lives of her husband and son.



Ashue is living well.

Her husband, her son, the two people she loved most died because of Ashue.

When they died, did they only have Ashue in their eyes?
Why don't you think about her and your little sister?

Axue fell into a deep sleep, but she didn't sleep well.

She dreamed, she dreamed of her father and brother. At that time, she was still very happy.

She dreamed that on her birthday, her busy father pushed back a lot of work and rushed back to celebrate her birthday with her.

My brother made a very big and beautiful strawberry cake with his own hands.

They sang happy birthday to her and she closed her eyes and made a wish.

But when she opened her eyes, her father and brother's faces suddenly shed tears of blood, and they sang "Happy Birthday" in their mouths.

Then, my mother blamed me again and again.

"It's all you!"

"It's all you!"

"I blame you all!"

"If it weren't for you! They wouldn't have died! Why weren't you the one who died? Why?"

"Tell me! What qualifications do you have to live? What qualifications do you have? They are all dead! Why do you have to live!"

"Why didn't you die!"

One after another.

Ashue was awakened.

After waking up, she looked at Jiang Minrou's face under the moonlight, slowly moved her hands and feet, and hugged herself.

She was also thinking why.


How did she survive?

Ashue thought about it, but before she could think clearly, she fell asleep again.

There was no way, her body didn't allow her to think too much.

She couldn't think too much.

Early the next morning, Ashue went out hungry.

There was nothing to eat at home, and of course there was no breakfast. Fortunately, she had always gone out hungry like this before, so she was used to it, so it wasn't particularly difficult.

Ashue has walked this road many, many times, and she can almost walk it right with her eyes closed.

She walked skillfully to find food.

Today's harvest is not ideal. Ashue is not a particularly powerful superpower. Her superpowers are very ordinary and not powerful. She can barely support three people.

To be precise, it is difficult to raise her alone.

She still has to take care of her mother and sister.

This is equivalent to dividing her small amount of food into three portions, and she can only eat one portion.

I wasn’t full to begin with, and even more so after dividing the food.

Moreover, this kind of sharing is not even. She always eats the smallest portion every time.

Eat the least food and do the heaviest work.

You won't starve to death, but you will live a very hard life.

Ashue didn't gain anything today, not at all.

She went back with a tired pace.

She lay down on the bed as soon as she came back. Jiang Minrou, who stayed at home to take care of her little daughter, looked forward to it when she saw her coming back. But when she saw her lying on the bed as soon as she came back, she immediately understood that Axue had gained nothing today.

Her expression changed instantly.

"It's so early, what are you doing back here? Where's the food you brought? Isn't there any?"

"No. I can't find it." Ashue faced down, her tone revealing her tiredness.

She can't find it.

There were so many people, so many people, and many of them were more powerful than her.

How could she win over so many people by herself?

"Can't find it? If you can't find it, keep looking. Why did you come back if you can't find it? Is it an eyesore? Axue, my expectations for you are already very low. Just bring some food back. But what about you? The food is getting less and less, and I didn’t say anything to you.”

"Until now, you haven't even brought anything back. If... if your father and your brother were here, you would never... definitely not bring nothing back." Jiang Minrou said, thinking of herself again husband and son.

She hugged her little daughter, fell to the ground, and burst into tears.

Since her husband and son died, she and her younger sister have been hungry every day.

Ashue is not someone who can find food at all.

They followed Ah Xue and starved every day.My little sister's nutrition was not good to begin with, and with Ashue, she couldn't eat anything.

If...if her husband and son were still alive and hadn't died trying to save Axue, how could she and her little sister have starved.

Jiang Minrou hugged her little sister and started to cry.

When the little sister saw her mother like this, she also started crying.

Ashue: "..."

Ashue had a headache from their noise.

That's not right, she already had a headache.

I had a headache a long time ago.

But it wasn't that she couldn't bear it. She was used to it, so just let it hurt and it wouldn't affect anything.

But it was particularly painful to be noised by them today.

Ashue knew that her mother was very good at crying.

In the past, my father and brother would rush to comfort her whenever my mother cried.

But now, she doesn't even want to coax herself, let alone her mother.

She doesn't have the heart or the strength.

So be it.

Her mother stopped crying after crying for a while.

Ashue has experience.

There is no one to coax her, and crying is just a joke.

Sure enough, Jiang Minrou stopped crying after a few minutes.

The younger sister, on the other hand, cried so hard that she couldn't breathe. She kept crying and kept crying. Even after Jiang Minrou cried, she couldn't stop trying to comfort her.

I cried until my voice became hoarse at the end.

The little sister sobbed and called "sister" and "mom" with a much hoarse voice.

"I'm hungry."

Jiang Minrou's eyes were red and tears fell again.

She glanced at Axue hatefully, then turned around and patted her little sister.

"Mom knows, mom knows. But your sister is useless and can't find anything to eat. Mom's baby, I'm sorry for you. It's all your fault. Mom shouldn't have given birth to your sister..."

Ashue: "..."



When will it be said?

The little sister deserves to be her mother’s daughter, but she doesn’t deserve to be born, right?

She knew her mother hated her, but she didn't expect that her mother would hate her so much.

Or maybe she knows, but she always doesn't want to believe it.

She was still deceiving herself, telling herself that her mother actually still loved her.

Mom just couldn't accept the death of dad and brother.

She needs to be considerate of her mother.

She is already an adult.

She is an adult.

Be considerate of your mother.

But what to do.

She can't understand it.

Isn't she used to it?
Why do I still feel heartbroken every time I hear my mother say this?


She is so envious of her little sister.

She likes her little sister, but sometimes, she is actually jealous of her.

Jealous of my little sister getting liked by her mother.

Mom likes my little sister so much and is willing to spend time with her.

When she has it, she shouldn't go out.

As soon as she appeared, the mother who was smiling at her little sister would become very unhappy and her face would change.

Maybe she shouldn't be alive either.

Why wasn't she the one who died in the first place?

Why are they dad and brother?

She no longer has her father and brother, nor her mother.

just now……

It seems that even the little sister is gone.

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