Fried milk is a kind of sweet that Su Yinhe likes very much. It tastes very good, is not troublesome to make, and tastes delicious.

Man is a fickle animal.

He was disgusted with it just now, but now he likes it as he eats it.

However, delicious food is delicious, and Lin Murong did not forget the serious ones.

After he finished eating and tidied up, he went to find Su Yinhe and Chi Yan, and strongly expressed his feeling of being ignored.

"Am I a person with a low sense of existence? Why do you want to forget me? Why! You can't forget me! Do you hear me?" Lin Murong stared at Su Yinhe.

When Su Yinhe looked at him, she always had the illusion that if she dared to say that he was a person with a low sense of presence, he could immediately show her what it means to have a high sense of presence.

She could only nod weakly.

"I'm sorry, it's because I haven't been thinking very well lately. I admit my mistake. Chi Yan...he...he is innocent." Su Yinhe didn't know if his brain was crazy, so he added another sentence.

Lin Murong was quite satisfied after hearing this answer.

"Tsk. I have a good mind, so I won't argue with people like you who are not so good. But you must remember it next time! Did you hear me?" Otherwise he will make trouble.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay." Su Yinhe was very perfunctory.

However, Lin Murong didn't see it.

He had eaten and drank enough, and his brain was not flexible to begin with. Now that he was full, he felt a little sleepy and even less flexible.

"Humph. I reluctantly forgive you. I'm going to bed. Chi Yan, can you have a whole steamed chicken for your next meal? I want to eat it." Lin Murong even ordered the food arrogantly.

"Do you think it's possible?" Chi Yan casually took out a knife.

Lin Murong: "..."

"Forget it, suddenly I don't really want to eat chicken anymore. What's so delicious about chicken? I like to eat duck, duck is delicious. Chicken... forget about chicken." Lin Murong yawned and left.

As he walked, he peeked at Chi Yan's reaction.

Seeing Chi Yan staring at him, he walked faster.

It will all turn into running away in the end.

After Lin Murong was out of sight, Chi Yan put the knife away.

Su Yinhe: "..."


I have learned that this is how we can cure Lin Murong.

After Chi Yan took back the knife, he noticed the look in her eyes.

"Yinhe, don't learn everything indiscriminately." Learning everything indiscriminately will only harm people.

"Ahem...I didn't even say I wanted to learn. You...are really a roundworm in my stomach." Su Yinhe smiled awkwardly after his thoughts were exposed.

"I can tell." Chi Yan wanted to touch her head again.

He really loves touching her head lately.

He thought she was adorable.

"Oops. You..." Su Yinhe held it in for a long time, and finally choked out a sentence. "You're a good judge of people."

No matter how smart Chi Yan was, it was a bit difficult to answer her words at this time.


It turns out that he is actually not very smart.

"Ahem, cough, cough, I... didn't mean that." God, why is it so embarrassing.

Su Yinhe was almost embarrassed to death by himself.

"I...I'll go down and take a look." In order to avoid embarrassment to both of them, Su Yinhe found an excuse and ran away.

She was a little confused.

She sat below and watched the robot cashier.

There are still many people coming to the supermarket.

Even if it snows so hard.

If you are not careful, you will lose your life.

However, for them, if they don’t come to the supermarket, they will freeze to death. When you go to the supermarket, you may get covered in snow and freeze to death.

The former is certain, the latter is a matter of probability.

Moreover, at this time, the probability of the latter is greatly reduced.

Because too many people come to the supermarket, and too many people go to the supermarket from Sun Base.

They stepped on everything to create a path for them.

It was snowing heavily, and some people were afraid of getting lost in the snow.

However, if they all have the Dao, they don’t have to worry about getting lost.

Come along, just follow the big group. There is no need to worry about getting lost.

Many people are afraid that supermarkets will disappear again soon, so they are rushing to buy things now.

I am afraid that the supermarket will disappear in the next second.

They tried their best to exchange all the crystal cores they had accumulated for the supplies they needed.

There were so many things to change in one go, so much that they couldn't even carry it.

Su Yinhe sometimes saw it and would give some advice to those who looked familiar.

Don't buy so many things at once. It's not easy to move in this weather.

Supermarkets don’t move away so quickly, and they can buy in small quantities and multiple times.

The boss personally persuaded them, and they must have agreed wholeheartedly at that time.

However, a promise is a promise, and what they do is still their own way.

After Su Yinhe tried to persuade him several times, he stopped trying.

She is just a seller, why does she care so much?

Let them do whatever they like.

If you persuade people too much, they will get annoyed easily.

Moreover, having more things seems to make them feel more secure.

Let them be happy.

She would just quietly make tea next to her.

Su Yinhe recently fell in love with bubble tea.

When it comes to making tea, you can't rush it, you have to take your time. After soaking for a long time, it can cultivate your body and soul.

She thinks this is good. If she is too bubbly, then she will not cultivate her moral character.

Lin Murong can also be beaten less often.

Lin Murong, who was sleeping soundly, had no idea what Su Yinhe was thinking.

If he knew, he would probably be in trouble.

By coincidence, Xu Jiaoqin came again today.

Su Yinhe saw her and said hello.

"Come, have a cup of tea." Try her handiwork.

"Okay." Xu Jiaoqin was not polite to her.

She knew that the boss was not a polite person.

If she wants it, she wants it, generously.

The boss will like it after seeing it.

"Come. Have a drink." Su Yinhe poured her a cup of tea she had made.

The tea cup was not very big, so Xu Jiaoqin took one gulp and it was gone.

It's a little bitter, but other than doesn't seem to have much flavor.

Xu Jiaoqin couldn't taste anything anyway.

Xu Jiaoqin said it honestly.

Su Yinhe poured her another glass.

"It's harmful. I can't drink it either." She just soaked it and learned the technique, but she definitely wouldn't be able to taste it.

No matter what kind of tea, she drinks it all the same, it's all tea.

At most, the more expensive ones smell better.

No more.

Hearing this, Xu Jiaoqin was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"Boss, you are so interesting." I don't know what made her laugh. Xu Jiaoqin kept laughing and laughing wildly.

"Huh? Stop laughing, what's so funny." Su Yinhe didn't know what was so funny.

"I...I praised you for being cute." Xu Jiaoqin laughed so hard that tears came out. She wiped the water from the corner of her eyes and said with a smile.

Su Yinhe: "..."

This sentence always feels like déjà vu. Did she also say something similar to Lin Murong?

"Thank you." Su Yinhe twitched the corner of his mouth and said.

"Thank me? Huh? Hahahaha! Thank me hahahaha!"

Su Yinhe's words hit Xu Jiaoqin's point of laughter, and she started laughing again.

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