The wealthy stepmother became popular after her baby failed

Chapter 169 Cute kids who are serious about making small technological works

Just as the two were holding hands and brewing their feelings, Jiang Shaochen's phone rang.

Wu Hao!

He hangs up.

But Wu Hao didn't have the consciousness not to disturb the boss at this moment, so he called again.

Jiang Shaochen answered the call angrily, "What's the matter?"

"Young Master Jiang, Sha Diao has posted an apology. I've sent you the link to the post on WeChat. Can you check if it's what you want?"

Do you still need to ask him about such a small matter?
Jiang Shaochen replied coldly: "You can make up your own mind."

It's not that Wu Hao can't do this, but that the "subverter of the sand sculpture world" didn't mention in his letter of apology that he was ordered by others, but took over everything.

Wu Hao later also knew that the person behind the scenes was his sister-in-law's best friend.

He was really unsure whether to expose this person or not.

But since the boss let him figure it out, he might as well cut the mess with a sharp knife and let it go.

Wu Hao read the post again. With such literary talent, there was no room for him to find fault. Besides, he was so busy every day. The broken plan was still waiting for him to revise, so he had no time to do this.

Therefore, with his "order", the original post was deleted, and this matter came to an end for the time being.

The "subverter of the sand sculpture world" is about to face ten days of detention and a fine of 1000 yuan.

Of course, because of his loyalty, Fu Rongrong gave him an extra sum of money, dozens of times more than the fine.

These are all later stories.

That night.

Except for Yue Yueman, the other groups of guests were going crazy.

The reason is to do technological works.

Although Fu Rongrong doesn't know much about science and technology, but because she visited the science and technology museum very seriously today, she thought about making a balloon rocket very early on.

For this reason, after sending her husband Du Xiaoyao away, she and Beibei began to search for balloon rockets.

She looked and saw that she needed balloons, straws, matches, paper and tape.

She sent a message to Xiaowu and asked Beibei to go to the program group to get the materials.

After everything was ready, Fu Rongrong began to explain the principle of balloon rockets to Beibei.

Beibei was confused.

Fu Rongrong turned on the phone and asked Beibei to read it a few times before doing it.

She kept in mind that this work needs children to do it, and parents can only assist.

Beibei watched the video many times at 0.5x speed, then spent a lot of effort to make a fuselage, and then carefully cut a hole at the top of the fuselage and inserted a straw.

More than an hour later, Beibei finally made a poor work. Fu Rongrong pursued perfection, so she encouraged Beibei to redo it.

Again and again, until twelve o'clock, the live broadcast room was closed, and they hadn't finished.

Before downloading, the barrage looks like this.

[Come on, my god, why do you keep doing it repeatedly, the first one is pretty good]

[Fu Rongrong is too obsessive-compulsive. He is just a five-year-old child. Do you still expect him to do better than a machine? It’s unrealistic.]

【Beibei is really good, he is so obedient, if he is my son, he will throw away all the materials】

[I have to record an explanation video after finishing, Beibei doesn't need to sleep tonight]

At the same time, Zhang Youchen and the others felt much more relaxed.

Zhang Youchen has always been fond of science experiments. They played with small electric motors when they were in the first grade, and he won an award in the experimental production, so this time he plans to make electric cars.

Lin Jiamei originally said that she searched for the production video for her son to watch, but was rejected.

Zhang Youchen is confident to complete it independently.

"Mom, here is the material list, please help me get it."

Lin Jiamei looked at the list mixed with Chinese characters and pinyin, including electric motors, batteries, switches, wires, wheels, and wooden boards.

This son is really awesome.

She can't even connect a light bulb!
Lin Jiamei happily gave her son a big kiss, and went out to find the program crew.

【So tired, my baby】

[Looking at the way Zhang Youchen is holding the winning ticket, he feels very masculine, and he is completely different from the clingy man before. Sure enough, the man who works is the most charming]

[Man, tsk tsk, how old is he?]

[Hahaha, the emotional intelligence upstairs is worrying]

After Lin Jiamei brought the materials, Zhang Youchen immersed himself in the production process. He fixed the electric motor and wheels on the wooden board to make it the base of a small car.Then connect the electric motor to the battery with switches and wires to make sure the circuit is open...

Lin Jiamei recorded the whole video for her son.

Zhang Youchen seems to be very proficient in these things, and he finished them all in less than half an hour. After testing, turning on and off the light bulbs is completely normal.

Lin Jiamei asked him to take a break, but the high-spirited child couldn't care less about rest, so he continued to record the introduction of the electric motor.

The whole process was done in one go.

[Baby Chenchen is so awesome, she didn’t ask her mother to help her during the whole process]

[The entire task was completed within an hour, if I vote online, I will definitely vote for Chenchen]

It was easy for Chenchen to do it, and there was no pressure on Xin'er.

She and her mother watched the complete production process of the flashlight in the Science and Technology Museum, and thought it was not too difficult.

After the couple ate some fruit, they went slowly to the program group to collect materials, battery wires, light bulb switches, and tin cans.

Xiner tremblingly connected the battery and the light bulb with wires first, and then inserted the light bulb into the metal container to make it the head of the flashlight...

She does her job very conscientiously, and will ask her mother to help her when she encounters a step that she can't figure out.

For the first time, she installed the switch backwards, which caused the light bulb to not light up. The mother and the wife didn't quite understand it, and they searched for the problem for a long time.In the end, Ye Qingcheng searched the Internet for possible problems and checked them one by one.

It worked the second time.

The whole process didn't take long, probably about an hour.

[My dear, this is too watery. It’s obvious at first glance that the wiring is wrong, but I’m still looking for problems with the light bulb]

[He doesn't study science, what's so weird about it]

[Oh my god, this little experiment has something to do with arts and sciences. Did you start dividing subjects in the first grade? 】

"Yeah, mom, we succeeded." Xin'er's face turned red and she was very excited as she pressed the switch back and forth.

"Yes, our Xin'er is so good. Let's drink a glass of milk and go to bed early. We'll record the introduction video tomorrow."

"Let's record it now, I'm afraid I'll forget it tomorrow."

Nine p.m.

Zhang Xinqi's live broadcast room.

Zhang Xinqi is a little annoyed today because her daughter's period suddenly came.

With things on my mind, I naturally don't pay much attention to the work.

If Xiao Wu hadn't brought over the souvenirs from the Science and Technology Museum and repeatedly told them to hand in their works tomorrow, she wouldn't have planned to do it.

Wang Zixuan didn't feel any discomfort at this time. When her mother told her that every girl would have menstruation, she didn't have any troubles.

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