The wealthy stepmother became popular after her baby failed

Chapter 191 It’s still unclear who is number one.

Xiao Wu endured his impatience and said, "Okay, Teacher Yue can go back to his seat first."

As soon as Yue Man walked down, Fu Rongrong also finished, and she raised her hand.

Xiao Wu took a few steps forward and took a quick look. Sure enough, everything was right.

He knew that as long as it was a knowledge-based program, Fu Rongrong would definitely be number one.

"Okay, then our Teacher Fu can also go back to his seat and take a rest first, and ask Teacher Zhang from table three to look at the big screen."

A group of "Another double clicks" appeared on the big screen.

Zhang Xinqi looked at the last two words and was confused.

She is older, so she doesn't pay much attention to the words used on the Internet, and she has never learned the last two words.

She racked her brains in front of the paper.

In the end, she had no choice but to mark the first two characters "yòu shuāng" on the paper and turned in the paper.

"Okay, the first three guests have already handed in their papers, so what words will be waiting for table four?" Xiao Wu waved his hand, and a set of words appeared on the screen.

At this time, Lin Jiamei felt uneasy. In the first two rounds, she only wrote a few radicals. In the third round, she should at least have a chance to write a complete one.

When she looked at the big screen, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The flames are burning.

Originally she didn't know the third and fourth characters, but luckily, there were two classmates in her son's class whose names were Yan and Yi.

Soon, she wrote: huǒ yán yàn yì.

She was still a little confused whether to hand in the paper or not. She tried desperately to recall the noodle shop, trying to remember how to write the word "面".

"Finally we are in our last group, Teacher Ye, please look at the big screen."

Ye Qingcheng turned around and was stunned.

The water is clear.

Two water?Is there such a word?

Four waters?Is this also a word?

She had seen the word "three water" before, but she didn't remember what it meant.

It’s over.

She looked at the empty paper and realized that this was probably No. 1.

She wrote shuǐ and then stopped.

[Abnormal, really perverted, who came up with this kind of damaging trick, making a lot of uncharacteristic characters, you have completely ruined Chinese culture]

[I also think it’s understandable if you write traditional Chinese characters. What’s the point of writing such useless Internet words?Get people to learn more internet slang?You’re crazy]

[Oops, don’t get excited upstairs, don’t escalate the problem at every turn. This is an entertainment program, isn’t it just for fun? 】

[Yes, yes, don’t watch the live broadcast with this mentality]

The staff handed the five "test papers" to Xiao Wu in order.

The top one belongs to Yue Man on table No. 1.

In addition to the neat three lines of words, there are also several childish cartoon animals drawn on the paper.

Xiao Wu was shocked.

He blinked, wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, and looked carefully again.

Damn, it’s really all right.

"Host, announce the results quickly." Someone from the audience shouted.

"Let's first put the content written by several groups of guests on the big screen."

"Yes, I want to see it too."

2 minute later.

"Okay, the first group, Teacher Yueman." Xiao Wu stared at the big screen, "Everything is correct."

"Wow." "It's amazing. Apart from anything else, I really don't know the traditional Chinese version of this ugly character."

Fu Rongrong stared at the big screen and didn't move for a long time.At this time, she could no longer describe her mood as shocked.

She never expected that Yue Yueman would suddenly become so powerful.

You know, she used to be a bad student. From childhood to adulthood, she copied her homework and even borrowed her homework for her graduation project.

What kind of teacher did she follow?

[Isn’t Yue Yueman a bad student?You can’t even guess the idiom better than I can, how can this be so awesome]

[Hahaha, my sister Man’s advanced brain is beyond the reach of ordinary people like you.]

[Other than saying shit, I was speechless. Yue Yue Man is so awesome. Look at her scrolls and the simple drawings. I only drew these when I had time. Didn’t each group only have 1 minute? 】

[It shows that Sister Man knows this very well, especially Taotie. How did she remember such a difficult word?]

[My sister is awesome. Classes are starting. I also want to learn traditional Chinese characters]

"Wow, Mom, you are so awesome, you are No. 1 again." Doudou said excitedly.

Yue Yueman smiled slightly and made a victory gesture.

Fu Rongrong thought to herself that it was not necessarily No. 1. If both of them were correct, they might be graded by writing. In that case, she would definitely have the advantage.

"Very good, then let's move on to the second test paper, Teacher Fu."

The words Fu Rongrong were projected on the screen.

The pen is strong and the font is beautiful.

"It's amazing. Teacher Fu actually knows the character for windmill. It turns out that those characters are all pronounced wàn."

[Sister Rongrong, when will the calligraphy class start? I, an adult, want to learn it]

[Every time I see Fu Rongrong’s calligraphy, I feel like it’s a kind of enjoyment. It’s so beautiful. It would be a pity for such a person not to enter the calligraphy circle]

[Not only in the calligraphy circle, I have always felt that sister Rongrong is completely qualified to be a Chinese studies teacher, she knows too much]

"Everyone has seen that Teacher Fu is also right, and his writing is very beautiful." Xiao Wu said.

Fu Rongrong felt relieved as soon as she heard that she would be graded later and writing would definitely take part.

She glanced at Yue Yueman, who was not in the stands at all. He was actually wearing headphones and playing with his mobile phone.

She made a low "cut" sound and continued to watch the big screen.

"Next, let's look at the third group." Xiao Wu pointed at the screen, "This is written by Teacher Zhang."

"The two characters for 魑魔魍鉉魑魔 are correct, and the traditional Chinese characters for partner's partner are also correct. And double 咒叕, this phonetic notation only uses the first two characters."

[It’s already amazing. It turns out that the word “boy” is the traditional Chinese character for partner’s friend. I always thought it was too many traditional Chinese characters (embarrassing.jpg)]

[The character "魑魔" actually contains the word "Li", I always thought it was "Zhi")

"Who in the audience can help us, Teacher Zhang, fill in the phonetic notation of the last two characters?" Xiao Wu asked.

"Then, don't they all read Yuòu?" a man shouted.

"I know." A young woman wearing black-rimmed glasses stood up and said, "yòu shuāng ruò zhuó."

"Okay, please sit down." Xiao Wu typed out the answer.

It really is.

At the same time, the barrage was flooded with all kinds of "yòu shuāng ruò zhuó"
[Young lady is so amazing, you all know this]

[Anyone who likes Internet slang in daily life knows it, I know it too]

[Hey, I don’t know. Fortunately, I have Baidu]

"Okay, our teacher Zhang got two and a half correct answers. Next we will look at the fourth group. Please look at the big screen."

Seeing Lin Jiamei's side comments, a burst of laughter broke out in the venue.

"Covet, this word is not difficult to write, I see it more often."

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