The wealthy stepmother became popular after her baby failed

Chapter 333: Give you a set of genuine games

"Wow, these two kids look so good."

"My parents are good-looking, so of course the children will be good too. And from the looks of it, the elder brother and younger brother are probably only one year apart."

"What a happy family."

"It's so strange. They all wear luxury goods. Mom's bag is a new Hermès product. How come they take the subway?"

"Why do I think this woman looks a bit like Yue Yueman?"

"Don't be ridiculous. What are you talking about in your sleep in broad daylight? There are so many people there. How can Chue Man take the subway!"

As soon as Yue Man walked in, he leaned against the door and played with his mobile phone.

Perhaps seeing Doudou and Chenchen looking cute, the two young girls gave up their seats to them.

But Doudou and Chenchen were both riding the subway for the first time. They found it very novel and didn't want to sit quietly. They grabbed the middle armrest and spun around in circles.

"It's so boring to hold on to the armrest, look at me." After saying that, Zhang Youchen let go of his hand, "You can turn it this way."

"I can too." Doudou followed suit.

Zhou Ke said it was too dangerous and asked them both to hold on to the handrails.

But the two children were enjoying themselves and no one listened.

"How about you catch me now?" Doudou said, "If you don't catch me in five rounds, you lose."

As he spoke, Doudou quickly turned around the armrest.

Suddenly, the car shuddered and came to a temporary stop.

The two children were suddenly thrown to the seat on the left side. In the panic, Doudou grabbed someone randomly.

First there was an "ah" sound, and then there was a "pop" sound.

The young man in white short-sleeves and glasses on the seat next to him angrily picked up his mobile phone and angrily scolded Doudou and Chenchen who had fallen to the ground: "You idiot, can you watch it, this is my game!"

"It's a fucking unlucky day, I've been fighting for so long."

Doudou stood up unconvinced and said in a coquettish voice: "I accidentally touched your mobile phone. We just apologize to you. Why are you swearing at others?"

"Get the hell out of here and don't bother me." The young man pushed Doudou angrily.

If Zhou Ke hadn't caught him in time, Doudou would have fallen again.

Zhou Ke walked over and said, "Brother, the two children were careless just now. You shouldn't argue with them."

Because the phone was thrown out just now and the game was exited, the young man was very angry and reprimanded loudly: "It's because of parents like you that there are so many naughty children. My children made mistakes and don't know the lesson." , actually asking others to give in."

After all, Zhou Ke had never been a father. When someone said this, his face suddenly turned red and he was stammering and speechless.

Although Yue Yueman was playing with her mobile phone, she actually knew exactly what happened just now.

Although this man was a bit rude, the cause of the matter was Doudou and Chenchen.

She walked over and said, "Sorry, the child is naughty and has caused trouble for you."

Before the man could speak, she took his phone, looked at it, and said, "How about this? I'll give you a set of genuine games. How about it?"

With that said, Yue Yueman had already opened the man's payment code, transferred 2000 yuan, and collected the money for him.

The man's face turned red. His game was indeed not genuine, but it was impossible for non-experienced professionals to tell that.

He didn't believe that the beautiful and well-dressed woman in front of him could be a senior game fan.

"Ah, you, how do you know that my game is not genuine?"

Doudou said angrily: "There is nothing in this world that my mother doesn't know. My mother is a boss."

Yue Yueman asked Doudou and the others to sit there.

"When I was learning algorithms before, I did a project on this game, and I also made a complete set of cheats to pass the level." The man was surprised.

"Cheats to pass the game? This game only has one set of authoritative cheats to pass the game. It's on the HK server. Their security gateway restricts many circumvention software, and we can't open it at all."

Yue Yueman understood what he meant.

She smiled, made several operations, handed the phone over, and said, "There is a special protocol that can be cracked."

People around him gathered around him.

"Here, you wrote all these secrets to pass the level?"


"You, you are?"

Just as the bus arrived, Yue Yueman said, "We're getting off."

The man gave chase and followed them out of the station.

"I, I remembered, you are Teacher Yueman, right?"

"You are right." Doudou said proudly, "She is the good woman, she is my mother, Yue Yueman."

"Okay, honey, you go over there with your uncle first, and mommy has a few words with this brother."

"Sister Man, I am a senior student at Tongcheng University. My name is Zhang Zexin. I am also majoring in computer science. You are very famous in our school. I am particularly interested in your scientific and technological works and have studied them. My graduation project is a banking system, but I’m always stuck on the security algorithm. Can you give me some advice?”


985 colleges and universities.

He seems to be a top student.

Chueman nodded and said: "Then let me briefly explain, you can refer to it. Both symmetric encryption algorithms and asymmetric encryption algorithms can be applied in the banking system. In addition, in order to protect the security of passwords, hash algorithms can also be used. "

"Okay, sister, in addition to certificate certification, are there any good introductions to security certification?"

"There are also password authentication and fingerprint authentication, which are both commonly used. In order to protect the security of transactions, RSA digital signatures, elliptic curve digital signatures, etc. can be used."

Zhang Zexin looked at Yue Yueman with admiration.

They still become monks halfway, and they are even better than those of them who came from a major.

It's really people-to-people, maddening people.

“Also, in order to predict and prevent various risks, algorithms such as decision trees, Bayesian networks, and neural networks can be used.”

When it comes to technology, Yue Yueman is a bit talkative and wants to tell all about his knowledge system.

She even talked about laws, regulations and issues that need to be considered by users.

Zhang Zexin opened WeChat and was about to add a friend, only to realize that Yue Yueman had just given him 2000 yuan.

This is too much.

Although he knew that they were not short of money, he couldn't take so much money from them for no reason.

He planned to add friends and forward them to others, so he blushed and said, "Sister, can we add WeChat? I want to ask you if I have any questions in the future."

Yue Yueman shook his head and said: "WeChat is not very convenient, so I won't add it. I can leave you an email address. If you don't understand anything, you can send me an email. I will reply to you when I see it."

"Okay, okay. But I can't take this money. How can I transfer it to you?"

Yue Yueman waved his hand and said, "No need. Let's go, bye."

As soon as Yue Man stepped out of the subway, the phone rang.

Thank you to the little cute book friend 20201203020101556 for your monthly ticket. I don’t have enough time tonight, so I will update tomorrow~

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