Before Jiang Ying left, he looked back at the formation on the ground and realized that the formation based on Tianyi had changed into the three-cai formation. In addition to the formation eye in the icicle, there was a faintly glowing formation eye on both sides of the icicle!

This is no longer something that a layman like her, who only knows how to learn, can solve.

Taking out the remaining photographic stone tablets he had used to shoot a "promotional video" in Suzhou, Jiang Ying quickly recorded the appearance of the formation, and then left the ice cave with a "flash move" under Xing Poyue's anxious shouts.

At the same time she emerged from the ice cave, the three formations of Sancai quickly shot out several ice picks from their eyes, grazing Jiang Ying's shoulder and flew out!

"What a danger!" Jiang Ying looked back and saw that the ice cave had begun to "heal" on its own.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, I would be turned into toothpick flesh by now." Jiang Ying patted Xing Poyue's hand holding her wrist, asking her to be gentle.

The golden elixir felt so painful, the sharks were really strong.

Xing Poyue let go of Jiang Ying's hand and said with lingering fear: "This chain of ice formations not only protects the icicles, but also is determined to kill people. Just give up as soon as possible."

Jiang Ying is not a stubborn person. Even if she can never be saved, let alone now, she can live with her heart if she tries her best.

"Don't worry, this isn't something that can be solved right away. Let's just put it aside for now. We have other things to do when we come to the East China Sea!"

Xing Poyue saw Jiang Ying looking at her with a smile, as if he was not affected by the defeat in the first battle at all, and shook his head helplessly: "Come with me, if we stay a little longer, I'm afraid the owner of the ice cave will come. .”

The two of them were guarded by a large group of manta rays and swam into the trench where the fish had just emerged.

Jiang Ying had gone diving on the island before, and only the shallow sea in a fixed area was clear and beautiful.Now that she has become an immortal, she can see clearly even at the bottom of the sea, which is dozens of feet deep.

Without heavy equipment or unclear eye masks, she looks like the freest tourist in the world!

Xing Poyue looked at Jiang Ying's worthless happy face from the corner of her eye, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.She may not have been home for a long time. The East China Sea is so beautiful, the corals have a subtle elegance, and the fish are more delicious...

The two of them were immersed in each other until the swarm of manta rays rushed from their side to a certain point in front!
"What's going on ahead?" Jiang Ying stopped swimming hesitantly.

Xing Poyue walked forward as usual: "It may be a patrol guard. We have already arrived at the village guard post of the Shark Clan."

"Sentry? No one has been working here for a long time, right?" Jiang Ying looked at the semicircular stone house covered with corals and parasites. Seaweed sprouted from the window. It looked like no one had been here for a long time.

After catching up with Xing Poyue, Jiang Ying also saw clearly the intention of the manta rays - a spear-wielding teenager from the Shark tribe was struggling and trapped in place by the manta rays.

"Your shark patrol guards still employ child labor?" Jiang Ying looked at his slender figure and saw that his hair was not even.

Xing Poyue was also full of questions, frowned and said: "He is so young and not qualified to join the guard. Let's go and have a look."

The two came outside the school of fish. Xing Poyue whispered a few syllables, and the manta rays made way for her.The spear-wielding boy saw Xing Poyue and said something in surprise.

"What did he say?" The other person spoke the language of the Sharman tribe, and Jiang Ying's brain shut down for a moment.

Xing Poyue twitched the corner of her mouth, quickly approached the young man, and grabbed the young man's neck. The young man's ears were pinched so hard that his gills were slapped, and his face turned red within a few moments.

"He said that a bitch like me dared to come back and he was going to kill me."

Jiang Ying looked at the little kid's thin arms and tail, and said with admiration: "You sharks have such an unusual temper. Who can this thin dog kill?" It's not as strong as her.

"*()...&&%()*" Xing Poyue didn't know what he said to him. The young man suddenly let out several unpleasant screams from his throat and waved the spear in his hand vigorously.

After trying so hard, he was bitten by the manta rays around him and was unable to do anything.

Those manta rays seem to be playing with toys. They never really bite, but gently create a row of bloody teeth marks, and then change places to continue biting, mainly for torture.

"You... forget it, I won't ask anymore." Jiang Ying knew that she couldn't say anything good.

Seeing the helpless look of the person opposite, Xing Poyue became very amused in a wicked way. She stared at the spear-wielding boy and said to Jiang Ying, "I asked him, did I kill his grandfather, father, or brother? Or all of them?"

"You don't seem to want to ease the relationship at all..."

"Those Sharks who, under the guise of protecting the Sharman clan, hope in their hearts that I will devote myself to them endlessly like my aunt. Relax the relationship with them?"

"I'm not asking you to submit and be scolded. Think about your feet. You have to use them! At least make them feel that they need to shake hands and make peace with you."

As Jiang Ying spoke, he touched Xing Poyue's strangled hand and slowly released it.

"Let's ask a few questions first and then decide what's next, okay?"

Xing Poyue turned away, not wanting to look at the young man's stupid and resentful eyes: "You ask."

Jiang Ying pushed Xing Poyue aside and proved in front of the young man that he was the one who made the decision - doing so would help him pry valuable information out of this wary brat.

There was a gentle glimmer in her slender eyes, and her pupils were dark and purple, making it difficult for people to take one look away: "You are so young, how come you come out to be a patrol guard?" Her tone was concerned, as if she was speaking for the young man. Feel aggrieved.

"&*) ()...&&%)" Xing Poyue translated reluctantly, with a stiff tone.

Sure enough, the young man responded with a lot of chatter, and Xing Poyue translated: "You don't have to worry about it, you hypocritical human race! Are you here to pretend to be a good person?"

Jiang Ying and Xing Poyue looked at each other - it was indeed related to the human race!

With a comforting smile, Jiang Ying asked again: "There are not many adults in the village. If there are fewer adults, there will not be enough food. Otherwise, you should be stronger! Is this all the fault of those humans?"

Xing Poyue looked at Jiang Ying and translated for her.The young man spoke more, very harshly, but from time to time he glanced at the little tiger Zhuo Zhuo who was sleeping in Jiang Ying's arms, and couldn't help but look at Jiang Ying.

"Since you know everything, you still dare to come! I will tear you and... this bitch apart! Let those cold people know that we are not easy to mess with!"

Come on!All my guesses were correct, and there was an unexpected bonus.

"Ice man" Jiang Ying looked back at the way he came. Although he couldn't see the ice cave from here, he could imagine how much ecological changes such a huge magical cryogenic body would cause in the East China Sea.But……

Jiang Ying patted the young man on the shoulder with satisfaction - forget about his bad temper. He used top-notch female sharks to protect himself, forced away the most elite next generation, and carried out hatred education. The overall IQ of the tribe was worrying.

You shark masters are not wronged for what they are today! (End of chapter)

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