She didn't take up the ice that everyone had hoarded together, but even so, the ice was still slowing down at an extremely fast rate.

Let’s not talk about how much ice was used after being transported back. Let’s just say that the high temperature outside has increasingly affected the ice stored underneath. It was very wet underneath. Seeing that the ice could not last for two days, Jiang Huan simply asked everyone to take it back. , at least I can have a good time for a day or two, so as not to have it all melted down, which would be such a shame.

The temperature did not rise rapidly after it exceeded [-] degrees during the day. At night, everyone piled several layers of mud walls at the entrance and exit of the cave. They were all higher than the entrance of the cave and heavily blocked, giving everyone in the air raid shelter a chance to breathe together.

Every day, several barrels of summer-relieving drinks were consumed, and medicinal materials began to be depleted in large quantities. Several old men began not to eat or drink, wanting to leave these to the young people.

Old man Xie was one of them. He kept his mouth tightly shut when Xie Congzhou took him to Doctor Wang.

Jiang Huan knew that this was not going to work, so he could only stand up and say that he would also put his personal items into the shared warehouse. Please don't give up hope of survival. At least we still have water.

As he said this, he also proposed a new plan. The temperature would be lower in the spare potholes near the water source. We would send a few of them to those with the worst heat at night, and Mrs. Wang and her son would go there to help.

The air-raid shelter soon lost a third of its people. Jiang Huan let the room below go out and returned to the room ten meters from the entrance.

After going around in circles, I moved into the two rooms with doors that were initially allocated.

On the upper floor, only the doctor on duty was left, and a room was temporarily used as a ward. Then there were the Jiang Huan siblings. Jiang Huan hung an insulating mat beside the door and moved out the air-conditioning fans and ice cubes that had been stored in the space. It took Jiang Xi a while to calm down.

Jiang Huan felt sorry for him and asked him to stay in the recuperation cabin for a while.

When he came out, I put on the constant temperature clothes for him.

Of course, Jiang Huan also owns one. In the beginning, he only had one pair of thermostatic clothes. But then he made a lot of money and bought two more. After putting on the thermostatic clothes and adding an air-conditioning fan, the two of them were in a good mental state.

In the evening, Xie Congzhou said he wanted to go out.

"I'll get the Chinese medicinal materials, but you have to help me cover it up. If you can, please go out with me."

Jiang Huan's eyes widened slightly. Was he going to reveal the secret further before his eyes?

Xie Congzhou must have too much trust in her.

It was so strong that she was shocked.

But now is not the time to worry about this, everyone is waiting for new supplies.

She nodded, agreed to Xie Congzhou's invitation, and told her brother not to run around. Jiang Huan carried a bag, put on a hat and a sun protection shirt, and set off on the road with Xie Congzhou under the moonlight.

At one o'clock in the morning, the temperature was around 45 degrees. If it weren't for the thermostatic clothes, Jiang Huan felt like he would collapse after walking out like this.

Looking at Xie Congzhou, who had also taken sun protection measures, Jiang Huan felt even more puzzled.

She had previously guessed that this person was some kind of wood superpower who had traveled through time, but now she guessed that he had a supernormal physique and came out of some laboratory. After walking for so long, he was sweating slightly and didn't say a word about heat. If this is not an extraordinary physique, what else can be used to explain it?

He took Jiang Huan on a side road, and after turning for a long time, they came to a place—huh?Isn't this a cemetery?
"Well, I can only be rude. The dead can only give way to the living now." He checked the soil quality here, and he didn't know how to fiddle with it. He assembled a hoe? ?
So he carried the disassembled parts with a hoe all the way down the mountain?

"These seven or eight decimeters of soil are basically useless. We have to dig deeper before we can use it." As he said this, he started working. This kind of strength is really free of charge.

Jiang Huan also took out a folding military shovel from his backpack and started to help.

Xie Congzhou took a look.Jiang Huan always felt that the look in his eyes seemed to say: Cheng Rang.

Also, he carries a hoe with him, and Jiang Huan carries a shovel with him. Don't blame anyone.

After digging for more than two hours, Jiang Huan threw away the shovel and sat down when Xie Congzhou said it was done.

She had been doing farm work continuously for so long. Even though she was in good health, she was exhausted, and her arms were almost no longer her own.

Seeing that Xie Congzhou could still carve an upward step from the big pit, Jiang Huan couldn't help but sigh: Is it possible that there is really a physical barrier between men and women?
As soon as she took out a bottle of water to drink, Xie Congzhou put his hand on the ground, as if checking the soil quality before.

The other hand reached out to Jiang Huan.

Jiang Huan handed over the water.

Xie Congzhou was stunned: "Help me get the paper bag over there."

Jiang Huan groaned and handed him the paper bag not far away.

Xie Congzhou took it and threw it around. Then something happened that broke Jiang Huan's knowledge of more than 20 years.

I saw many small seedlings popping up on the originally bare land, less than one centimeter, so small and cute, but in less than a breath, they jumped up a little bit, and accumulated bit by bit. When they surpassed Jiang Huan's Ankle, Xie Congzhou hit the ground again with his palm, and the seedling suddenly jumped twice as high, from five or six centimeters to almost twenty centimeters. The height of some plants was close to Jiang Huan's knees.

She didn't dare to move, for fear of trampling and destroying these green plants.

When Xie Congzhou lost his strength and leaned aside to rest, Jiang Huan still stood in a daze.

Xie Congzhou almost squeezed out a sentence through his teeth: "Harvest it." Jiang Huan took out a small spoon as an auxiliary tool and started processing it immediately. When all the plants in the pothole were harvested, Xie Congzhou also calmed down. Again it gave rise to the same number of medicinal materials.

When the sky was slightly bright, Xie Congzhou carried most of it on his back and Jiang Huan carried a small half on his back, and they walked down the mountain.

But the temperature is still rising today. We have just reached the halfway point of the mountain and the temperature has already reached 55 degrees.

Xie Congzhou shook a little and leaned against the tree trunk, seeming to have symptoms of weakness.

Jiang Huan was very tired carrying dozens of kilograms of things on his back, but he still rushed over as soon as possible. Following the opponent's posture, he fed him water and stuffed two energy bars.

She always repays kindness and revenge.

Not only did Xie Congzhou save him when the ground near the base gate cracked, he also gave him a lot of help later. This time, for everyone's safety, he worked hard to produce those medicinal materials and chose to have absolute trust in himself. Jiang Huan would not let this happen. People work in vain.

She leaned over and said, "Xie Congzhou, I recognize you as my friend."

Xie Congzhou twitched his lips, gritted his teeth, and continued walking with about two hundred kilograms of medicinal materials on his back.

When they were approaching the entrance of the cave, Jiang Huan was wearing constant temperature clothes, and the exposed areas were red from the sun. No matter how strong Xie Congzhou was, he still staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"They're back! Hurry, go help." Jiang Huan immediately handed over the medicinal materials on his body to others, helped Xie Congzhou untie the burden on his back, and helped him into the spare ward.

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