While talking, she had put one hand into her back pocket. The two of them didn't know that Jiang Huan and Captain Guan had a good relationship, and they could even exchange bullets. They only had a few bullets a month. Dare to fight with Jiang Huan.

And because of the women's quarrel, I didn't know how to end it, so I quickly shook my head: "Sister, this sister, we just received a report that there was a disturbance here, so come and take a look, if there is a misunderstanding, just let it go, there is no need, Really, there's no need to make a fuss."

The woman originally wanted to tell them to suppress Jiang Huan and clean up, but she didn't expect to hear such words.

She turned her head in disbelief and looked at the two of them. "What are you talking about, just a bitch!"

"Sister, she has a gun." A person really didn't want to continue staring at Jiang Huan's death stare, so he hurriedly said.

"You can't mess with anything at the base—what!" The last two words were almost roared out of a woman's voice.

After yelling, she shivered for a while, and looked back at Jiang Huan. Jiang Huan's hand hadn't been taken out of his pocket.

Look at the raised shape of the pocket...it seems to be the same shape as the pistol.


The woman swallowed hard.

Looking at Jiang Huan again, he was still an ordinary survivor in ordinary clothes, but he was a evil star at all.

A woman with a gun, if she just now—

I was afraid that the arrogance and confidence gathered by the woman before would dissipate in an instant: "Then, you can't leave me with some food, at worst, I will give you more next time."

Jiang Huan snorted coldly: "As long as you don't be mean, you can say anything."

The woman pushed the two men to leave in a desperate manner, and the survivors of the logistics team who had been watching were no longer in the mood to watch the fun.

What Jiang Huan likes is not disputes. Seeing the woman back down, the next few days passed peacefully.

The street sweeping work is gradually on the right track, and now it is difficult for individuals and small teams to go out to find supplies, because almost all of the city has been cleaned up by the street sweeping team, and many buildings that are still suitable for living have been cleaned up, Jiang Huan Every day, you can see cars and people carrying supplies going out.

It seems that they have done a good job of dispersing the pressure of the number of people in some bases.

Several factories also started operation smoothly and had a certain amount of output. Soon, this change affected the community, and more people chose to accept the help of the base.

There are many voices discussing in the group, and it is said that the supplies cannot be brought back even if they are found now.

[Those street sweepers have set up roadblocks and circled the area, and some places are not allowed to enter at all. You know the most luxurious neighborhood, the damage there is very light, and people have already moved in. 】

【Ah, I know that. There is some kind of president who has been emphasizing that this is his territory. He wanted to come down to negotiate with those soldiers, but he was knocked unconscious with a gun butt and took him into the car. 】

【What time is it...】

【Are you going? It looks good to me. It’s better to find a factory to make a living than to wait at home to die. Besides, this is the house I bought. After the order is so good that it returns to normal, I can do it again. return. 】

【I move, the tree dies, and the people live. 】

Several families have agreed to deliver some supplies together at that time, and move the rented car outside, but they have to go to the base to apply first, so they haven't found WISCO yet.

Wugang is also hesitating. He originally wanted to temporarily take over the management of the community because of the chaos before.

Now that the base can achieve this level, it is unnecessary to hold on to this bit of power.

Besides, the order now looks like it will be restored soon. If it is normal, then some of the things he did before may be put on the line by some people.

He couldn't make up his mind, so he went upstairs to visit Jiang Huan himself, wanting to hear what she thought.

Jiang Huan calculated the time, and it was still a month or so before she rolled into the frozen lake with the two of them in her arms, and the temperature in the middle did not mean to be normal at all.

Her reply could only be: "I won't move out for the time being, but if the base has any arrangements for the community, you can listen to the base. At that time, I will withdraw the layout of those floors and return to my rented apartment. the floor where I live,
However, my floors have no owners after all. If it can be operated, whether to rent or buy at that time, I hope to give priority to me. "

"Okay, I know, this is for sure, even if you don't say it, I will definitely stand on your side, Ms. Jiang, I will not express my position first, let's see where the current situation will go."

That's the truth.

The life in the community seems to have changed little, but in some coastal areas and places in the extreme north, it is not so easy.

Because new species with strong aggressiveness appeared in these two places. Mutated fish appeared on the seashore, and some were covered with scales, which looked very much like the primitive creatures of the ancient ocean.
Some are gorgeous and colorful. Once they entangle their prey, tiny fluff will grow all over their bodies and penetrate into the blood vessels to paralyze human nerves. When they fall into the water, they will naturally become their food.

There are also animals that should not appear in Asia on land. They look like polar bears, but are smaller than polar bears. They can also live in water and land. Their fur and snow color are not much different, and they are extremely cunning. Attack lone survivors.

Even if they are lucky enough not to be swallowed, the claws on their hands are comparable to poisonous needles, and the chance of infection after being scratched is more than 100%. If they are not properly treated, the chance of infection is [-]%.

In the north, where the normal temperature is [-] to [-] degrees below zero, at the seaside, the appearance of this new species makes things even worse.

A team captured the live ones and brought them to the inland for research, but their claws and teeth can crush even stones, and escaped beasts abound.

In the buried caves and mines in the inland, variegated insects crawled out from the corners rustlingly. Once the animals hiding in their territory were surrounded, there would be only one end, turning into bones.

X City, Temporary Base of Hot Spring Villa
Xie Congzhou looked at the insects and reptiles brought back by everyone. These are species that he has never seen before.

"For this bug, spraying insecticides is useless, and I don't know if the insecticides have lost their effectiveness after freezing."

"Look, it's like a four-legged snake. It has a thicker tail, a bigger head, and scary teeth. Fortunately, it won't bite unless you touch it, otherwise it will be really annoying."

Everyone chattered about their discoveries, with only one central idea, let Xie Congzhou solve it.

This child lived with the old man Xie at a young age, and later applied for an ID card and entered the account of the old man Xie. He didn't go to school for a few years, and he didn't seem to be used to it. He started farming with the old man in the village at the age of seventeen or eighteen. , among other things, the crops, fruits, and vegetables grown are meant to hang and beat other people.

Even the old-fashioned style of those decades is not Xie Congzhou's opponent.

In the past two years, the innovative method of sharing the land for free has increased the income of the people who planted land and trees in the village several times compared to before. Therefore, he looks low-key, but in fact he is a very prestigious existence in the village.

After the end of the world, relying on his great strength, he led everyone to avoid danger, resist invasion, keep the territory, dig tunnels, and hoard fuel. Under his leadership, few people in the village were lost.

No, if you encounter animals you have never seen before, catch a few quickly and come over to let him make up his mind.

Xie Congzhou tied them up and threw them on the table in the operating room for careful observation.

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