In CF, I actually turned into Xiaohong!

Chapter 130 Get Out!You ugly monsters!

Chapter 130 Get Out!You ugly monsters!

If you do it again, it will definitely not be so easy to take it down.

And he already knew through the ghost network that the five demon hunters who came to support them were quickly heading towards this position!

Three are easier to deal with, if there are five more...

Thinking of this, Shen Lang decided not to hold back, and directly suppressed these demon hunters with thunder!
Only then will he be able to free up his hands to continue dealing with the five demon hunters behind!

These unworthy guys!After fighting for so long, he still hasn't evolved into a Terminator!
Otherwise, why would he need to do it himself!
Shen Lang, who decided not to keep his hand anymore, saw silver snakes rushing around his body, and electric lights exploded!
Shirley and the others also noticed the changes in this biochemical matrix, their eyes became extremely cold and focused, as if there was only this biochemical matrix left in the whole world at this moment!
The four of them collided quickly, relying on the energy shield before it was over, Shen Lang had no intention of defending at all, and attacked with all his strength!

On the other hand, Shirley and the others were restrained. Although the ghost blades were not conductive, they couldn't break through the energy shield at all.

And the electric snake surrounded by the energy shield will counterattack after the ghost blade slashes up, biting their hands, which makes them even more uncomfortable.

Fortunately, although they were at a disadvantage, they were not beaten out of combat power as directly as they were at the beginning.

Seeing the stalemate between the two sides, Shen Lang frowned.

In the next second, a group of crazy babies received his order and went directly to deal with the seriously injured Ola.

"Go away! You ugly monsters!"

Aura didn't expect that these biochemical ghosts would start to deal with him again, but he had no choice but to drag his seriously injured body and fight with the ghost blade.

However, the current her is not one in ten, let alone a crazy baby, even a red ghost may not be able to beat her.

Hearing this voice, Xue Li and the others were distracted for a while, especially Xue Li, who hurriedly turned around and wanted to rush back to support.

What Shen Lang was waiting for was this moment!
Seeing that the three were distracted, without thinking about it, he threw the ball lightning that had been secretly charged for a long time at the three of them!
A ball of lightning the size of a basketball hit a demon hunter directly and exploded!

The moment the ball lightning exploded, the powerful and violent nuclear current surged into her body like tarsal maggots!Hold on tight!
Just this one blow almost made him lose all his fighting power.

The paralyzing effect of the ball lightning was still there, so he pursued the victory, swooped forward, grabbed the demon hunter in his hand, and did the same.

The next moment, the demon hunter's body was completely paralyzed. Although he didn't lose his life, he had already lost all his fighting ability in this short period of time.

In an instant, another demon hunter was dealt with, which made the only remaining one of the three demon hunters rushing forward furious.

Shirley also frowned tightly, very angry between her brows.

She didn't expect that this biochemical mother body would be so cunning that she would use sister Aura to distract the three of them, and then take advantage of their distraction to defeat a sister again!
Regarding the reaction of the two, Shen Lang didn't say anything.

One less demon hunter, one hit two, and the energy shield lasts for a few seconds, his pressure is greatly reduced.

Of the five demon hunters, three have already fallen into his hands.

The other two are nothing to be afraid of.

The few demon hunters who came to support were getting closer and closer. Shen Lang didn't waste any more time. Taking advantage of the last three seconds of his shield skills, he rushed forward to fight them again.


When the five demon hunters arrived here, they saw that their five sisters had all lost their ability to fight, and were caught in the hands of the legendary biochemical mother!
The five people were displeased, staring at the blue figure in front of them, full of vendetta!

When Shen Lang saw these five people, he grinned, and let a group of crazy babies grab the demon hunter who had been beaten to the point where he lost all combat power, and ran towards the Nightfall Villa.

And he himself left right behind.

The Demon Hunter has already arrived, and there is no point in continuing to stay here.

He could feel that those Terminator embryos were about to evolve into Terminator. With them, the ghost hunters and Nemesis on the scene were not to be feared at all.

After giving an order to the younger brothers present, he just slapped his ass and left.

The five demon hunters wanted to run away when they saw the biochemical mother body, and they also wanted to take their five sisters to run away, so they quickly started chasing and killing them!

Sensing the killing intent from behind, Shen Lang showed an intriguing smile on his face: "Another fish has taken the bait."

Silent Village.

When Shen Lang, the biochemical mother, and the demon hunter had just left, and those ghost hunters and Nemesis had just started to fight back.

On the battlefield, all the Terminator embryos began to evolve one by one!
In less than 20 seconds, more than ten blue terminators appeared in the land of Quiet Village!
This scene made all ghost hunters and goddesses of nemesis unbelievable.

They stared blankly at this scene, swallowing subconsciously.

With the appearance of these more than a dozen blue terminators, the situation on the court once again turned one-sided!
Although these terminators are not as powerful as Shen Lang, the mother terminator, they are only a little weaker.

Thousands of ordinary biochemical ghosts, plus more than a dozen blue terminators, are more than enough to deal with more than 100 ghost hunters and nemesis.

In the end, as the battle ended, one-third of the biochemical ghosts in Silent Village died.

Of the fifteen blue terminators, six were also beheaded.

The biochemical ghosts of death have basically become the food of the same kind.

Except for those six Terminator.

The blue terminators had just died, and there were still nuclear currents lingering on their bodies, and because they were higher-level life forms, those ordinary biochemical ghosts did not dare to eat the corpses of these terminators.

This is deterrence from a high level.

The Terminator virus is already different from ordinary biochemical viruses.

Looking at the corpses of their dead companions, they were also terminators, and they didn't have much emotional fluctuations.

Let some biochemical ghosts take the corpses of these terminators, and those prisoners of war, and all the biochemical ghosts drive back to the night villa.

The casualties in the biochemical ghost camp were so high, and the casualties in the human camp were naturally not too small.

Nearly [-] ghost hunters were killed, more than [-] people were killed, and [-] people were arrested. Nearly [-] Furies, nearly half of them were arrested, lost all fighting capabilities, and became prisoners of war.

As for the remaining ghost hunters and Nemesis, they have all escaped from the silent village.

Looking at these Nemesis prisoners of war, these terminators and biochemical ghosts didn't know whether Wang Man was satisfied.

Before Wang left, he asked them to keep some that looked good, and caught them back for experiments. They didn't know which one was good-looking and which was not, after all, they were of different races.

It's like a pet that humans think is good-looking, but in their race, it may be a big ugly.

Finally, after thinking about it, he might as well catch as many as he could. In this way, the king shouldn't blame them, right?
(End of this chapter)

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