In CF, I actually turned into Xiaohong!

Chapter 235 Evil Emperor Dragon Armored Beast!

Chapter 235 Evil Emperor Dragon Armored Beast!
At this moment, Shen Lang is no longer in the alien Terminator form, but has transformed into the blue Terminator form.

And the skill has remained enabled.

Just now, he sensed a fatal crisis coming.

Subconsciously, he quickly switched to several Terminator modes that still had skills.

Otherwise, he would have been killed by the Sky Spider's suicidal destruction just now.

Although it is a pity that the buffs of the enchantress after changing the form disappear due to the change of form.

But it's all worth it to save a life.

Unfortunately, even though he has switched forms, his health will not be restored to full due to the change of form, and he will still maintain the health value of the alien terminator form.

Shen Lang was suspended in the air. Due to the protection of the energy shield, the Sky Spider's self-destruction did not cause much harm to him.

His attention was no longer on the Sky Spider, but on the Sky Spider Knight opposite who was looking at him without any emotion.

The Sky Spider Knight's gaze was dull, indifferent, without any fluctuation.

But the aura emanating from the other party was extremely deadly.

Shen Lang frowned as if facing a formidable enemy and did not take the initiative to attack the opponent.

He was waiting for his health to return to full.

At the same time, I am also waiting for the skill cooldown of the Alien Terminator and Blue Terminator forms to end.

And, the time of transformation in the biochemical field.

Now, just procrastinate as long as you can. Procrastination is a winning guide for this situation!
But it was obvious that the Sky Spider Knight didn't give him much time.

In other words, the blitz organization didn't give him much time.

The atmosphere on the field was only slightly stalemate for a few seconds, and the Spider Knight riding the Spider mecha began to make some moves.

Shen Lang immediately became alert.

The next second, a terrifying gravity pressed directly on him.

Caught off guard, he was directly knocked from the air by the force of gravity into the biochemical virus liquid pool below.

The gravity exerted on him was still strengthening little by little.

Shen Lang straightened his body hard and tried to stand up.

But the next second, his body that had just straightened up a little was knocked down again by the suddenly increased gravity!
He gritted his teeth, never expecting that the Sky Spider Knight would be so much more outrageous than in the game!
In order to get rid of this situation, he could only open the channel of the biochemical space station and release the biochemical army he carried!

It will take some time before the transformation in the biochemical field is completed.

This means that if the biochemical army sacrifices something during this period, it will not get a chance to be resurrected!

Not only the biochemical army, but also his biochemical mother body is no exception!
Shen Lang didn't feel much distress about this.

Although he doesn't have many biochemical legions in his hands, it's impossible for just one Sky Spider Knight to wipe them all out, right?
Moreover, the biochemical army in his hands includes more than just ordinary biochemical ghosts and biochemically modified creatures.

Terminators and biochemical beasts are also numerous.

He really didn't believe that the Sky Spider Knight alone could wipe out so many people in his hands?
The biochemical space station passage opens above the Thunder Tower.Immediately afterwards, the biochemical giants and biochemical ghosts in the biochemical army swarmed down like dumplings.

The giant hammer beast was the first to attack, but before it could land, a roar came in front of it and shocked it.

With a roar full of majesty and shock, the gravity field exerted on Shen Lang by the Sky Spider Knight suddenly disappeared for a moment.

But the next second, the Sky Spider Knight had recovered and quickly applied several barriers to himself to block the impact of the roaring shock.

However, as soon as he finished doing this, several Demon Winged Dragons came to him, and then, they danced at the same time.

The visual capture skill was activated, and the spider knight who had just been visible was suddenly blinded.

The entire sight turned into a scene of nothingness at that moment, without any objects or colors, and it was endlessly empty.

And this scene made the Sky Spider Knight, who had always kept a calm expression since his appearance, start to look panicked.

In addition to the look of panic, there was also a hint of pain on his face.

Although he didn't know what was going on with the other party, Shen Lang would not miss such a good opportunity.

However, just when he was about to take action, the Sky Spider Knight, who originally looked in pain, suddenly calmed down, and his whole person returned to his previous appearance, as if it was not him at all.

Not finished yet.

At this time, the Thunder Tower heard the sound of machines running. The next second, a huge snake-shaped but somewhat dinosaur-like head made of biomechanical technology and nano-sharp weapon technology split from below. The passageway appears!
The head seemed to have human consciousness. As soon as it appeared, it roared and threatened directly towards Shen Lang's position, declaring its sovereignty.

When he saw this big guy for the first time, Shen Lang subconsciously said: "Evil Emperor Dragon Armor Beast!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the huge body of the Evil Emperor Dragon Armor began to pour out of the passage!
It seems endless!

It is different from the extremely slow climbing speed in the game.

In this world, the Evil Emperor Dragon Armored Beast in the Thunder Tower is extremely fast!

In just such a short while, the other party had already moved his huge body to the second floor, almost approaching the third floor!

He didn't know if the Evil Emperor Dragon Armored Beast in this world would be like the biochemical behemoths he saw before, which had undergone certain strengthening and magic modifications.

But judging from the current performance and actions of the Evil Emperor Dragon Armor, it seems that the opponent has not changed much from the Evil Emperor Dragon Armor in the game.

At least the actions are consistent.

But there is one difference, and it is a very big difference!
Although the Evil Emperor Dragon Armored Beast in the game was developed by the blitz organization using biotechnology, it can be said to be the most sophisticated biological weapon of the blitz organization in the Thunder Tower!

The blitz organization used biotechnology to extract genes from mosasaurus fossils born in the late Cretaceous period, and integrated them with modern technology to create a powerful biological weapon.

The Evil Emperor Dragon Armored Beast can control the actions of all biochemical weapons in the Thunder Tower because its brain is implanted with a nanocontrol chip that can give orders to these biochemical weapons by the blitz organization.

When nothing happens, the Evil Emperor Dragon Armor usually hides in the dark and controls all the biological weapons of the Thunder Tower.

It can be said that the Thunder Tower is the Evil Emperor Dragon Armor Beast, and the Evil Emperor Dragon Armor Beast is equivalent to the Thunder Tower.

The Evil Emperor Dragon Armor's body is covered by a thick mecha, and it can spray dragon breath containing deadly poison. It is an extremely dangerous and terrifying dragon-shaped biochemical weapon.

But in the game, the shape of the Evil Emperor Dragon Armor is very strange. It is made up of a magnetic field connected with countless mechanical alien weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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