In CF, I actually turned into Xiaohong!

Chapter 49 Biochemical Desert

Chapter 49 Biochemical Desert
And the situation of this military base is naturally seen by Maddox and other high-level officials of the beautiful country.

They didn't understand where the enemy came from, it was so weird.

Before seeing anyone, the people on my side fell one by one. This weird situation made everyone feel puzzled.

Due to the previous weird situation, there is no longer a single soldier guarding his post.

Shen Lang's side went smoothly, and it could even be said that he entered this military base without any incidents.

After entering, just like when he entered area 13, he simply ignored these red ghosts and let them find the living people to infect.

Anyway, the transformation of the biochemical field has been completed now, as long as the little phantom core in the head is not smashed, it can be resurrected after death, and you can roam around casually.

After being unrestrained, the red ghosts let out roars one by one, and immediately followed the human breath to find the hiding soldiers without looking back.

Through surveillance, Maddox saw the calm Hulk and gritted his teeth with hatred.

If it weren't for the fact that there is an ancient relic under the military base of the biochemical desert, he would definitely send a few more Tomahawk missiles to clean up the ground!

Shen Lang saw that there were heavy weapons scattered on the ground at several high points on the fence, so he guessed that these soldiers must have encountered something that made them have to give up this heavy weapon.

Then what they carry with them now should be some light weapons, and there must not be too many heavy weapons!

In this way, it is very beneficial for my side!

After spending a lot of effort to destroy all these heavy weapons, he took out the ghost blade and carefully sensed the human breath. Without any hesitation, Shen Lang turned on the acceleration and ran towards one of the places.

Before he reached this place, he heard dense gunshots not far away.

After a while.


Suddenly, there was a biochemical ghost's roar from Shen Lang's side.

Turning around and looking, not far behind him, a dead Xiaohong was revived.

Immediately after the others, the roar of the resurrection of the biochemical ghost continued to be heard.

"Huh? There is still such a powerful firepower..."

Seeing this scene, he was a little puzzled.

You must know that half of the red ghosts brought this time are final bodies, and the other half have also undergone secondary evolution and obtained acceleration skills.

In other words, these red ghosts have a minimum health of 4000.

With such a lineup, so many were knocked out one after another? !

This is not normal!

Seeing this situation, Shen Lang hurried over to check what was going on.

When he came to the place where the gunshots came from, he poked his head out and took a look.

It was just this ordinary glance, and several bullets were hit in the head in an instant.

Green blood splashed out, and Shen Lang quickly retracted his head.

"Grandma, it's no wonder these little reds were knocked out so quickly, there were three Gatlings, one Barrett and some other M249 heavy weapons in it! Shit!"

Gatling's power is really terrifying, just those few bullets hit his head already cost more than 2000 blood.

The point is that Barrett, the damage is too terrifying!
Moreover, the positions they choose are also very particular, easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the firepower is very concentrated in this situation. Unless they run out of bullets, it is impossible to break through the stronghold in a short time just by relying on these red ghosts.

And this situation is happening in the entire biochemical desert base.

The morale of the soldiers who saw this scene suddenly rose.

The sense of powerlessness and frustration that I encountered with biochemical ghosts before has all come back now.

And their hope of survival is infinitely magnified with the successive deaths of these red ghosts.

General Madox has sent a message, as long as they persist for a while, support from above will arrive!

And this time, the one who came to support was the latest secret weapon developed by the military!

Even the biochemical mother hulk, in front of that secret weapon, probably can only sneak away obediently with his tail between his legs!

"Hold on! We can do it! Our current stronghold is very strong! As long as we persist for a while, the support from above will arrive!"

"Yes! Everyone stick to the current position! We have enough bullets, and we can hold on until the reinforcements arrive! As long as we stay here, these biochemical ghosts can't do anything to us!"

"Roger that!"

In the headset, the sound of people cheering each other was continuously heard.

And with the passage of time, the red ghosts who kept charging lost their resurrection ability because the ghost core in their heads was blown up.

For a time, the morale of all soldiers was high.

However, at this moment, a rush of information came from the walkie-talkie.

"Report! Report! A biochemical matrix code-named 'Hulk' was found at Point B! He is leading a group of red ghosts to charge towards Point B!"

The tone of the words from the walkie-talkie was filled with a little panic.

It's not just him, it can be said that in the hearts of all Swart soldiers in the current biochemical desert, they can't help but feel scared when they hear the words Hulk.

The previous horror of the Hulk has taken root in their hearts and has become a demon, which cannot be eliminated in a short time.

Unless it is really confirmed that the Hulk is completely dead in front of them, otherwise, their demons may not be able to get rid of in their lifetime.

Shen Lang himself didn't even think that now he doesn't need to show up, just the mention of his name by others can make people feel scared.

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Point B.

Shen Lang really planned to break through this place first.

But he was not so stupid as to run out to fight the damage, but let the red ghosts take the lead in charging and let them consume the bullets of the soldiers.

He listened carefully to the sound of the bullets in a hidden corner, waiting for those people to change the bullets before rushing out.

When they heard the report, the Swarts who were sticking to their stronghold fought very cautiously, and it can be said that there was no waste.

But as time passed for so long, they didn't see the Hulk, and they thought that the other party should have left here.

Although still a little cautious, compared to before, it has been relaxed.

After hearing the bullets fired for a long time, I calculated that I should change the bullets, right?
Thinking of this, Shen Lang turned on the acceleration without hesitation, jumped out of the hiding place, and appeared in front of these Swart soldiers.

"It's the Hulk! It's here!"

"Quick! The first target is to kill the mother body!"

"No! There are two red ghosts blocking him in front of him, so we can't hit him at all!"

"Heavy Gunner, hurry up, get rid of those two red ghosts, and then focus on the Hulk!"

"No! These red ghosts consumed a lot of our bullets just now, and the bullets in the magazine may not be enough to kill them now!"

(End of this chapter)

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