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Chapter 100 Hero Changes Adding Servers

Chapter 100 Hero Changes Adding Servers

This is also a helpless move.

DOTA's woods, highland slopes, and distribution of wild monsters all have their own characteristics. They are more suitable for the 12345 position in DOTA, but they are more difficult and unfriendly to new players.

Before LOL came out, the development of DOTA was smooth sailing. After LOL came out, the high difficulty of getting started has dissuaded many new users.

The grass and walls of LOL look more concise, and new users can get started faster.

When Mo Yu first created "God and God", he had the idea of ​​combining the two into one.

This method, when there is no competitor in the market, has no problem, because the player has no other choice, and it also improves the fun of the game itself to a certain extent.

But as the game became more and more popular and the number of players increased, "Gods and Gods" had already entered the eyes of many industry leaders, and Mo Yu had to give up.

It is mainly the high difficulty of the middle lane that affects new players.

It was also helpless for Mo Yu to abandon the forest and the high slope.

In addition to maps, heroes and equipment also need to be changed.

The current evasion value of the weapon master is too high, which seriously affects the balance of the game, but Mo Yu does not intend to completely delete the evasion, but intends to keep it, just to weaken it.

Therefore, the weapon master's dodge passive is reduced to 3/6/9/12/15, and an effect of actively releasing dodge attacks to cause damage is added. At the same time, the dodge of cloth armor shoes is deleted, and the attacks of springs and defense towers cannot be dodged. At the same time, heroes Skills, whether it is physical damage, magic damage, or real damage, cannot be dodged at all, and can only dodge normal attacks.

The second one is about the blue cat.

The blue cat in the Internet cafe competition was brilliant. Fortunately, in the early stage, with the Lich's disaster and high magic power equipment, the squishy skin would die at the sight. Unless it has a golden body or high magic resistance, it is really difficult to deal with and must be weakened.

So Mo Yu decided to modify the blue cat's mechanism.

Reduce the growth of attributes, making the blue cat's ability weaker in the later stage.

The big move Ball Lightning is no longer invincible during flight. It can be attacked and take AOE damage, but it will add a toughness BUFF. Every time the big move is released, the toughness will increase by 40%, reducing the blue cat's ability to be controlled. duration.

After all, the blue cat is too fragile, and it needs to rush into the crowd to deal damage, so it is easy to be directly controlled to an instant sudden death.

This also makes the use of the blue cat more demanding, and it can no longer be brainless. It must be carefully considered about the placement, otherwise it will rush in and give away the head.

With this change, Mo Yu predicts that the master blue cat is still very strong, but the low-skilled players may turn into chefs and specialize in delivering food.

In addition, blue cats can no longer use skills to attack during flight, they must stop before they can release skills, but they can still receive normal attacks or E skill overload, retaining the gameplay of rolling A, and at the same time blue cat's big move Increase the cooling time, there is a 15-second cooldown between each release of the first-level big move, 10 seconds for the second-level big move, and 5 seconds for the third-level big move.

This is also for future heroes like Fox and Kassadin.

The blue cat's big move has low damage in short distances, but requires anticipation in long distances. It increases CD but has no usage restrictions.

This kind of change still retains the core flexible attributes of the blue cat. The one who plays well is still the seven-in-seven-out, beheading the enemy and the first level of the storm spirit. The one who can play well can only be a dish up.

The third is the skill change of the Blazing God King.

The original God King W and passive are similar to Sword Demon, so Mo Yu decided to modify it.

Passive: Searing Blade: Machuris' normal attacks deal a small amount of additional fire damage (physical).

Q: Slash forward with sword energy, causing physical damage and leaving a path of flames. Enemies who step on the damage will be slowed down and receive continuous damage.

W: Army Power: Machuris gains momentum for a short time, immune to all physical attacks for 0.2 seconds, and causes damage and slows down to surrounding enemies.

E: Forward: Marciulis flies high into the air and then hits the ground, causing a critical hit at the center, halving the edge effect, and increasing the movement speed by 2% for 20 seconds when landing.

The ultimate move remains the same.

These three heroes have undergone the most drastic changes. In addition, some heroes have also undergone changes. For example, heroes such as Galen and Kotou, who have a low chance of appearing in the Internet cafe competition, have been enhanced.

Except heroes.

Mo Yu is also planning to increase the equipment Ziyuan, add 30% evasion attribute to the red cross, and add special jungle equipment. Overall, the changes in equipment are also huge.

"That's about all the changes to the existing content. Do you have anything to say?"

Mo Yu circled around.

The number of participants has increased a lot, not only Huang Jiajian, but now Moyu Company has recruited many new designers.

After he finished asking, some people put forward new opinions. After discussion, those who felt that they were acceptable were adopted and summed up, and those that were not acceptable were discarded.

Eventually, updates to existing content were established.

After confirming the above updates, Mo Yu talked about the server problem again.

"After this change is over, we will soon usher in the Jingzhou Cup, which will be another test of the balance of the game. As game designers, we must not have considered many aspects comprehensively."

"It just so happens that the player capacity of the existing regional servers is close to the limit. During peak hours at night, players often have to queue. I plan to add two new servers for China Telecom and China Netcom to divert players."

"The original region was changed to Ionia, the telecommunications region added Zaun, Noxus, and the Netcom region added Bilgewater and Demacia. In addition, the new test server is open to players. , is specially used to test the content to be updated, and gather the power of players to help us find mistakes and omissions."

DOTA has only one region, even in 2, it is the same, but the number of players is divided according to the region, such as Southeast Asia, Xiaori and so on.

Players can use some acceleration software to flow to other regional servers to play games.

But in a certain area, there is still only one server. For example, there is only one national server in China. The number is too small and the maintenance is poor. This also causes players to often suffer from being unable to connect to the server, often waiting for hours It doesn't work.

And LOL has multiple regions in each region.

However, with so many large regions, even when LOL was the hottest in China, there were a few bottom servers, and the number of players was extremely rare.

Such as Education Network, Kalamanda, Dragon's Nest and so on.

Most players are still concentrated in the top few servers.

In the previous life, LOL had 29 regions, but Mo Yu didn’t plan to open too many servers. According to the number of players, ten to twelve servers could be opened in the end, so that players can be concentrated so that the number of players in each region is enough. It can also bring players a better gaming experience.

The launch of the test server can reduce the workload.

The launch of many updated content often has too strong or weak and some small BUGs. Opening the test server can allow players to help find mistakes and omissions.

"Do you have any comments?"


Everyone shook their heads in agreement.

Mo Yu nodded, and then threw out the last topic.

"During the Internet cafe competition, the game version is not suitable for major updates, nor is it suitable for launching new heroes, but the number of existing heroes is far from enough, and it is time to launch new heroes."

"I already have a hero design here, and now I will show it to everyone."

Mo Yu turned on the projector and put a USB flash drive into the computer.

On the curtain appeared a figure of a devil whose whole body was as black as a shadow, with a cloud of black mist under his feet, and a lot of spikes all over his body.

Shadow Fiend - Naimon Moore!
(End of this chapter)

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