Create a great era of e-sports.

Chapter 158 Warcraft Interstellar Red Police Empire

Chapter 158 Warcraft Interstellar Red Police Empire (please subscribe!)
The dinner table.

When Chen and Xu heard this, they immediately sat upright, but their expressions were not very good-looking.

I just talked about the acquisition, and I'm about to start putting on a teaching stance. Don't you know more about "Race for Hegemony" than the two of us developers?

Mo Yu was keenly aware of the slight dissatisfaction of the two of them, and he could understand it, but if the two were allowed to continue working on "Race for Hegemony" according to the current direction, let alone a background similar to WOW. It will cause a lot of trouble.

Copyright disputes are not trivial matters, and lawsuits are protracted and prone to change.

He put down his chopsticks, pretended not to see it, and spoke indifferently.

"Games like "Race of Hegemony" have not seen similar gameplay on the market, but I guess you should have borrowed from some turn-based strategy games, right?"

"Yes!" Chen Rucheng nodded when he heard the words: "The player in the turn-based game is similar to a commander, commanding the characters in the game to fight the enemy, which is full of many strategic games, but the turn-based game is very popular among many people. It seems that there is a shortcoming, that is, I can’t get timely and fast feedback, and the pace of the game is too slow, so I wondered if I could make a game that can quickly respond to the player’s commands, and finally developed "Race of Hegemony"!"

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Mo, you can guess so quickly."

With this alone, he felt that Mo Yu had something, and his inner dissatisfaction subsided a lot.

Mo Yu waved his hand indifferently.

Both turn-based strategy games and real-time strategy games fall into one large category - strategy games.

However, there has never been a real-time strategy game in this world, and Mo Yu can guess what Chen Rucheng is thinking by combining his experience in his previous life.

"It's easy to guess, it's not difficult. Different from the turn-based system, I call a game like "Race for Hegemony" a real-time strategy game, or RTS for short in English!"

"RTS?" Xu Changming pondered for a few seconds: "Real-Time Strategy Game."

"Not bad!" Mo Yu affirmed: "First of all, the game is played in real time, and the game characters can respond quickly and timely to every command made by the player. The player plays the role of the commander in the game, dispatching troops, Release skills, control individual characters and other operations, so I call him a real-time strategy game."

"It is precisely because of this unique gameplay that "Race for Hegemony" can sell 2 copies even though it is only a semi-finished product. If there is no such thing, it might not reach 2000 copies."

When it came to sales, the two blushed, but the facts were there and it was hard to argue.

Seeing this, Mo Yu waved his hands and said, "Don't think I'm laughing at you, everyone will be part of the same company in the future, and "Race Fight" is also my game. Laughing at this kind of thing will only hurt each other's feelings. any sense."

"The reason we're sitting here is to talk about how we can improve it, make it better, make it more popular with players. Right?"

Chen Rucheng nodded: "Yes! "Race for Hegemony" is the painstaking effort of Changming and I for many years. Of course, we also want to make it better, but I don't know what advice Mr. Mo has?"

Mo Yu said modestly: "I can't give advice, it's just my own thoughts, for reference only."

"I'm not going to lie to you. In fact, the RTS type of gameplay, I have actually thought of it before, and I just have some ideas in my head."

Mo Yu casually found an excuse, otherwise it would be hard to explain.

With his current status as a superior and a successful person, the two of them have no doubts.

Mo Yu continued: "The gameplay of "Race for Hegemony" is successful, but many things are immature. The top priority is to get a refund and take it off the shelves, remake it and make major changes. As for the money, the company will compensate you."

"After it's taken off the shelves, the first thing to recreate is the game background. Your current character models and background stories have many similarities with World of Warcraft, and it's easy for people to catch loopholes."

"But now that I have joined the company, some settings of "God and God" can be used conveniently."

"I suggest that all the original character modeling be changed to the hero modeling in "Gods and Gods" for remodeling, and the original four races are also replaced, and replaced by void, human, ascendant, and orc. The void corresponds to the original undead, and the human beings correspond to the human city-states such as Demacia, Noxus, and Picheng in the background story of "Gods and Gods". Turtles, the vastaya races, and another neutral tavern, open to racial heroes such as demons, protoss, yordles, and dark descendants.”

"In addition, the background story of "Race for Hegemony" should also be inserted into the background story of "Gods and Gods" for re-editing to create a set of grand campaign stories that are interconnected from beginning to end, and made into a campaign mode for players to play. Promote "Gods and Gods" by machine, so that players can understand it better."

The original content of "Race for Hegemony" is too controversial, and now it is incorporated into the background story of "Gods and Gods", which is not only good for the game, but also can connect all the split heroes in "Gods and Gods" together. Together, there is a complete main line, and there are branches.

In this way, it will be convenient to shoot animations, videos, movies, and dramas in the future, which is of great benefit.

When the two heard it, they couldn't help nodding.

Xu Changming's old face flushed slightly: "We are not very good at background stories. At that time, we thought that Warcraft was very popular in China, so we simply applied it. It just so happens that the concepts of orcs and elves are common all over the world, so we didn't think too much about it."

"It's okay." Mo Yu said: "These things are indeed universal, but when users play games, many people will correspond to WOW immediately. To avoid misunderstanding, you can re-modify according to the suggestion I just made, and it will not There are copyright disputes."

"Okay!" Xu Changming agreed, and took out the pen and paper that he carried with him, ready to record what Mo Yu said next: "What else does Boss Mo think?"

Seeing this, Mo Yu smiled slightly, and continued to talk about the follow-up things.

The most famous RTS games in the previous life are nothing more than four.

Warcraft, Red Alert, StarCraft, Empire.

Corresponding to the ancient, modern, and future, three time periods.

Among them, Warcraft and Interstellar are the ones that have really entered the e-sports field. These two games are very important in the hearts of professional players all over the world. There have also been many world champions. Unique gameplay, various micro operations, macro operations, strategic Tactics, etc., are a great test of the overall quality of the players.

It can be said that those who can play these two games well will definitely not be bad at tactical play and game understanding.

Many of the coaches of the early LOL and DOTA professional teams were cross-border players from these two games.

"Race of Hegemony" is actually very similar to the previous "Warcraft".

But now that WOW has appeared first, the character modeling and background story of Warcraft can no longer be used, and can only be incorporated into the template of "Gods and Gods".

It's a pity, but there is no way.

Secondly, compared to several other games, "Race of Hegemony" is far inferior in many aspects.

Wild monsters, equipment, neutral taverns, map elements, three technologies, economy, buildings, arms, skills. Many places are extremely rough or even non-existent. Mo Yu intends to use "Race for Hegemony" as one of the future e-sports projects. Without these things, it is obviously unqualified.

The gameplay is too simple and not competitive at all.

So what Mo Yu has to do now is to roughly explain the design ideas in his head about the most famous version of Warcraft, the Frozen Throne, to the two of them, so that they can be convinced and make changes according to his ideas.

"Existing heroes are not much different from minions except for their stronger attributes. We need to increase hero skills, increase the level system, increase the equipment system, increase the three attributes of strength, agility, and intelligence, and launch four heroes for each race. Available for players to choose."

"The types of arms are too single, you need to have all of them in the sea, land and air, and at the same time, you need to set up a restraint relationship, holy damage, chaotic damage, piercing damage, magic damage, no armor, light armor, heavy armor, city armor, etc. Various types of attack and defense, different Attack types have different damage effects on different armors, and special skills are added to some units, so that players can control minions to release skills, thereby affecting the battle situation.”

"There are too few buildings. In addition to the base, buildings for selling items and technology buildings must be added. Each race must also have unique buildings and unique arms."

"Add one, two, and three base technology systems, and players can upgrade technology to improve attributes."

"Increase the economic system, divided into wood and gold mines."

"Adding multiple types of maps, there must be elements such as high slopes, low slopes, water surfaces, mountains, etc., to make the map more three-dimensional."

"Adopt the latest 3D game engine, abandon the original 2D perspective, and change it to a 3D perspective that is more conducive to player manipulation."

"Add a variety of types of wild monsters. Heroes can kill wild monsters to gain experience and equipment, and add neutral wild monsters to hire buildings."


Mo Yu talked for more than half an hour, and he didn't finish talking until the dishes were served. In the end, he talked about dry mouth, and he only talked about it, and didn't talk about many details at all.

Even so, the two of them were completely shocked by him.

The two looked at each other, and they could see the shock in their eyes.

There was a long silence.

Chen Rucheng finally spoke.

"A frog in a well is a frog in a well!"

"I used to sit in a well to watch the sky, and I didn't know how big the sky outside was. Until today, after hearing what you said, we two frogs finally jumped out of the well and saw the vast world outside."

"Mr. Mo, I admire you!"

Chen Rucheng was full of admiration.

Xu Changming also nodded in agreement,

At this time, all the previous dissatisfaction between the two of them disappeared, and they were like students listening to the teacher's teaching in front of Mo Yu, respectful and full of admiration.

 Alas~ Today I took the shame to ask the editor if there is any recommendation, and I was hit hard!Please subscribe to comfort the weak hearts!


(End of this chapter)

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