Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 202 Ordered by Heaven, Longevity and Prosperity

Chapter 202 Ordered by Heaven, Longevity and Prosperity

In Mo Yu's vision, there are at least two requirements for a successful A-level event. One is the number of spectators. There must be at least 5 offline spectators, that is, the total number of spectators for all games must be 5. People, online, at least more than 50; second, the income of the event, the income of various advertising, event broadcasting rights and other income must be 1500 million, so that the organizer will not lose money, and more people will be willing to undertake in the future.

Relatively speaking, the first one is relatively easy to achieve. As the event drives the game, the game itself will also feed back the event. Hundreds of thousands of game viewing times are very simple.

The second one is a bit more difficult.

At least it is difficult to achieve at this stage. In the future, as the competition explodes, it will reach the level of LOL and enter the vision of more companies. At that time, it will be possible. It may be that the broadcasting rights of various platforms can be sold for a lot of money. price.

Therefore, Mo Yu appreciates Zhang Zhaoyang's daring to host the A-level event, and promises to help him in all aspects.

"Spending tens of millions to hold a competition is itself a gimmick. As long as you spread this concept, I believe that someone will see the benefits of it, and if they fail, they will come to the door by themselves."

"And you are willing to take the initiative to undertake A-level events, and I can't let you suffer too much. I will let Moyu Live to buy the broadcasting rights of the event for 200 million yuan, and help you bear part of it."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Zhaoyang immediately objected.

"The legal ownership of the event itself belongs to the fishing game. How can you spend money? Absolutely not!"

"Don't worry." Mo Yu reassured: "Moyu Live and Moyu Game have been separated into two companies, so Moyu Live has nothing to do with the game itself, at most it is under the same boss. "

"Secondly, I am also setting an example for the future."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Zhaoyang was puzzled.

Mo Yu explained: "Broadcasting rights are an important income channel for any event. The broadcasting rights of any high-profile games can be sold for a good price, and the buyers themselves are willing to buy them. A very important link, as well."

"As the e-sports system becomes more and more popular, the broadcast fee of an A-level event will definitely become more and more expensive in the future. I bought it for 200 million yuan now, but I took advantage of it."

"Don't fool me." Zhang Zhaoyang said with a see-through expression: "You also said that it is the future. How can it be worth 200 million at this time? If it is free, no one will want it."

"On the contrary." Mo Yu shook his head and said, "If you give it away for free, there must be people rushing to get it!"

"Who else needs it besides Moyu live broadcast?" Zhang Zhaoyang said.

"More than you think!" Mo Yu said, "You don't know much about the live broadcasting industry. Although Moyu Live is the only one now, there are already many companies that are eyeing live broadcasting. There will definitely be a lot of companies in the near future." The live broadcast platform, Moyu Live wants to seize the advantage, now is the best time! So winning the broadcast rights of this game is also very important for Moyu Live, 200 million I think is cheap."

Mo Yu wasn't talking empty words.

The live broadcasting industry can be said to be an industry with great potential in the eyes of many people. I don’t know how many people are going to break in to get a share of it.

Moyu live broadcast is just a first-mover advantage. When those big bosses enter the arena, they will spend money like crazy, and they will be able to build up users in one go. good way.

That's why he wanted to win the broadcasting rights.

What's more, the authorization plan clearly stipulates that no matter how much the event earns or loses, he doesn't care, so he can't use Moyu live broadcast to get free wool, right?

Zhang Zhaoyang is a friend, but it’s okay to say, what about someone else in the future?
Mo Yu shared the many considerations in his heart with Zhang Zhaoyang, and then said: "In short, I am not fooling you, but spending money to win the broadcasting rights is good for Moyu live broadcasting, and it is also good for demonstrating future sports broadcasting rights transactions. It’s all necessary, so that’s it.”

Hearing the words, Zhang Zhaoyang had no choice but to say: "Okay, although I always feel that it is not good to take this money, but I will listen to your arrangement."

"There's nothing wrong with it." Mo Yu waved his hand and said, "This can be regarded as setting the rules for the future, so don't feel sorry."

"By the way, after talking so much, you must have a good idea of ​​the basic preparation process for the competition now. I don't know how you decide the prize money? And you have to think of a name for the competition, right?"

Zhang Zhaoyang laughed and said, "I really have some ideas about bonuses and names."

"Tell me." Mo Yu motioned.

Zhang Zhaoyang said: "One thing to say, now many teams don't have sponsors, and players come to compete because of their enthusiasm. I think so. In order to alleviate the financial pressure of players, the prize money for the tournament is going to be set higher, a total of 200 million !"

"The champion gets 40%, the runner-up gets 15%, the third runner-up gets 9%, the fourth to No.8 each get 4%, and the ninth to No.16 get 2% each."

"In this way, even if it is the last place, there will be a bonus of 4 yuan, which can not only encourage players to participate, but also allow them to get a share of income."

Mo Yu was very surprised when he heard this.

He didn't expect Zhang Zhaoyang's ideas to be so similar to the prize distribution plan of the previous DOTA competitions. They all considered the players themselves, so that the players would not waste their time and effort to participate in the final dime.

"Your idea is very interesting. As long as you participate in the competition, you can get a prize. I think the players will be very happy. After all, many teams now really rely on love to generate electricity. If you can consider them more financially, it is not in vain to travel thousands of miles to play. It's a game."

Zhang Zhaoyang said: "Then you mean to agree?"

"Of course I agree." Mo Yu smiled and said, "It's fine if the contestant finishes the game. Why do you refuse?"

Zhang Zhaoyang said: "The main reason is that in the previous few games, all the top three players got all the bonuses. I thought you would disagree."

Mo Yu laughed and said, "Didn't other teams also receive participation subsidies at that time? Every team in the Jingzhou Cup has a participation award of 2 yuan. Don't worry, your bonus distribution plan is very good, and I support it very much. Presumably the players will also be very supportive.”

"I think so too." Zhang Zhaoyang waved his hand and said, "That's it. As for the name of the event, since I'm organizing it and I'm the owner of the Emperor Star Club, I plan to name it the Emperor Star Cup. How about it?" ?”

"Emperor Star Cup" Mo Yu repeated a few words, and praised: "Catchy, concise and clear, and the meaning is also very good, not bad!"

Zhang Zhaoyang proudly said: "To be honest, I have hired someone to draw the shape of the trophy, and made it into the shape of a jade seal. It is engraved with the four characters "Designed by Heaven", which means "shou Yongchang". ?”

The jade seal of the country?

Seeing Zhang Zhaoyang's smug expression, Mo Yu was stuck, not knowing what to say.

I can only sigh secretly in my heart that Zhang Zhaoyang's taste is really different!
But after thinking about it, Mo Yu found the idea of ​​the Yuxi trophy very interesting.

No one has ever stipulated that the shape of a trophy must be a cup, and Yuxi is not.

It is just a symbol of honor, the name is a trophy, in fact any shape can be used, the dota in the previous life was still a shield!

Besides, anyone who understands the trophy in the shape of Chuan Guo Yuxi will understand it!
The deep meaning contained in this shape, coupled with the eight characters of being ordered by heaven, that is, Shou Yongchang, really gives the winners a unique sense of mission and honor, which is a very good meaning.

"Chuan Guo Yuxi trophy, tsk tsk ~ your idea is really unique." Mo Yu praised: "It's all up to you."

"That's good!"

Zhang Zhaoyang said excitedly: "The trophy is the highest honor, and the jade seal also represents the highest status. To a certain extent, the two are very similar. I just want the team that won the championship to be crowned and enthroned under the eyes of everyone. That scene is very exciting to think about." .”

The golden ribbon floats down, the spotlight shines on, and countless pairs of eyes watch on and off the court. Under such a scene, they hold up a trophy of the jade seal of the country, enthroned and crowned, and master the great treasure.
It can be said that no Chinese can resist that kind of scene. It is a kind of cultural heritage engraved in genes and passed down for thousands of years. Foreigners may not understand it, but in China, Mo Yu feels goosebumps when he thinks about it. Can't help but admire: "Wonderful idea, awesome!"


Zhang Zhaoyang laughed happily when he heard this.

It stopped after ten seconds.

"Then it's settled. When I go back later, I will immediately arrange for the staff to come up with a competition plan based on your suggestion, and then make preparations immediately. As for the specific holding time, I haven't decided yet. The main reason is that the plan says that the participation in the A-level competition The team has to reserve three places for the top three in the B-level competition. Now that Lao Deng and Lao Li have no news, I want to wait and see. If they hold a B-level competition, I can also reserve seats for the advanced team. "

Among the three levels of ABC competitions, Mo Yu stipulated that there should be at least 2 teams participating in the A-level competitions, of which 2 seats need to go through auditions to obtain, 12 seats are invited by the organizers themselves, and the remaining 12 seats are provided by the organizers. The top three of the next-level B-level events will be automatically awarded. If the number of B-level events is not enough to fill [-] seats, the organizer can also invite promising teams by itself.

Carrying on like this, the B-level competition requires at least twelve teams to participate, and the rules are the same, and there is no such rule in the C-level.

The reason for this is to give the individual team a chance to advance.

Of course, if the individual team can pass the large-scale audition stage, they can also get a seat.

It's just that there are very few ABC third-level competitions nowadays, so the implementation must be adapted to local conditions and changed according to the actual situation, such as opening more seats for promotion in the audition.

The problem now is the news about the authorization of the event. Mo Yu has not made it public for the time being. He only talked to Deng Junhua, Li Xiaofeng, and Zhang Zhaoyang.

And Zhang Zhaoyang has already decided to hold the A game, but there is no news about the other two. If one of them decides to host the B-level event, then there must be three seats among the [-] places in the Emperor Star Cup.

Mo Yu shook his head and said, "No way, you came here first, and there is no news about the two of them, so I'm too embarrassed to rush, so I can only wait and see."

Zhang Zhaoyang slapped his thigh, oops, and sighed, "I asked both of them before, and they both said they would consider discussing it. I don't know how long it will take. I still want to hold the Emperor Star Cup as soon as possible!"

Mo Yu thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, how about it, I'll call and ask."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the mobile phone was taken out, the landline on the table rang. Mo Yu pressed the speakerphone, and the call was connected instantly, and the voice of the beautiful woman at the front desk came from the receiver.

"Mr. Mo, Mr. Deng from LGD club and Mr. Li from WE club are here!"

(End of this chapter)

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