Create a great era of e-sports.

Chapter 308 Departure!

Chapter 308 Departure!


Room 601, Building C, Chenguang Garden Community.

"Why are we setting off now? Aren't there still more than ten days left?" Lu Zibo's mother Wang Xiaoyun muttered while packing her things: "Son, you might as well stop being a professional player. You have to go to the club to train after class every day. How much money do you earn? Mom feels distressed when she sees that little money.”

Lu Zibo's father, Lu Cheng, stood aside smoking a cigarette and reprimanded: "What do you know? Don't talk nonsense. Xiaobo is going to compete in the world competition this time and win glory for the country!"

Wang Xiaoyun muttered: "I don't understand, but I feel bad. My grades have been declining, and the school teachers are also on the phone. In addition to studying every day, I also train. If this continues, my body will collapse!"

Listening to his parents nagging beside him, Lu Zibo felt helpless.

In the past two years, from the first year to the second year of high school, because he ran back and forth between school clubs and had to sit in front of the computer every day, his body was indeed a lot weak. It was not enough for Zhang Zhaoyang to spend the money. He valued everyone's health very much, so he was still doing well. .

"Mom, it's not as serious as you said. Mr. Zhang is very kind to us and thinks highly of me. He even arranges for fitness on weekends. It's not as hard as you think!"

"How can it not be hard work?" Wang Xiaoyun raised her head and complained: "It's the same as your competition. There are still more than ten days, so you can go later. Why do you have to go to training now? Why not just play in Jingzhou?"

Wang Xiaoyun kept chattering, but her tone was full of concern for Lu Zibo.

My son, who is only 17 years old, has no time to rest at all every day. He has to go to class on weekdays and go to the club for training after class. On weekends, he cannot stay at home and practices until early morning every day.

Such days lasted for a long time, and Lu Zibo's mental state obviously deteriorated a lot.

The big boy who used to be sunny and cheerful now has a lingering tired look on his face.

After hearing this, Lu Cheng couldn't help but persuade: "Xiaobo, your mother is right, you have to choose between studies and e-sports. Although my father doesn't want to interfere with your choice, in this situation , you have to choose one of the two. If this continues, your mother and I will be very worried about your physical condition."

Lu Zibo didn't know his parents' worries.

As the influence of e-sports grows, events will inevitably become more intensive. His current state of paying equal attention to both studies and training is obviously no longer sustainable, and he must make a choice.

He was silent for a while and sighed: "I know too, but it is so easy to make a choice. No one knows what the future will be like if I give up my studies and choose e-sports. I am not willing to give up my studies and choose e-sports. It is so difficult!"

Hearing this, Lu Cheng let out a long sigh, patted his son on the shoulder and said, "When you grow up, think for yourself!"

Wang Xiaoyun, who was squatting beside her and sorting her clothes, stopped talking, but packed her luggage more slowly.

Clothes, snacks, peripherals, and toiletries were all neatly placed in the extra-large suitcase. The suitcase was packed to the brim without any gaps.

After a while, Lu Zibo stood up, picked up the heavy suitcase, and walked out of the door.

The Emperor Star bus is already waiting outside the community.

His parents accompanied him all the way downstairs, and before getting in the car, they gave him a few more words.

Lu Zibo agreed one by one, and when he was about to get in the car, he suddenly turned around and said with a smile: "When I reach the finals, you must come and watch me compete, and then you can witness me winning the championship with your own eyes!"

"it is good!"

"Come on son!"

With expectant eyes, the bus drove towards the airport.

Along the way, Han Wenhui, as the coach, kept repeating some tactical points, and the rest of the logistics team were also making preparations. The team leader announced the next trip to everyone. "According to the arrangement, when we arrive in Chengdu, we will first familiarize ourselves with the venues and hotels, and the next day we will cooperate with the staff of Moyu Company to shoot a promotional video. Everyone must put on makeup, and you should pay more attention to your appearance."

"In addition, the training place is next to the hotel. Each team has its own training venue, and the opponents for the training matches have also been scheduled. At that time, the domestic teams will organize training with each other, and everyone will play hard."

"The Zhongyu Fishing Company will arrange a lottery ceremony, and reporters may come over for interviews. You must not talk nonsense. You must think twice about what you say and do, so as not to affect the club's external image."

"The other thing about going out is that I know that none of you have been to Chengdu, and you will definitely want to wander around. But don't rush this matter now, train seriously. When the group stage is over, Mr. Zhang has arranged a one-stop package for eating, drinking and having fun. Every place has have."


The team leader Luo Liba talked a lot, and the teenagers felt better and better.

Lu Zibo was also driven away from the sadness before going out.

The motherland is tens of thousands of miles across, with a vast territory and a huge territory. He has rarely been to cities outside Jingzhou until now. This is his first time. In addition to playing games, of course he also wants to see the local scenery.

Thinking of the national treasure of Rongcheng, the Yangtze River in Jiangcheng, the night beach of Magic City, the prosperity of Pengcheng, and the cultural heritage of Jinling, I couldn't help but feel excited.

Listen all the way and drive all the way.

The bus arrived at the airport quickly.

Everyone from Emperor Star filed down, and after walking only a few steps, they saw Zhang Zhaoyang wearing a white down jacket, sunglasses, and a hat, holding a Kaifeng Spicy Chicken Leg Burger and munching on it out of boredom.

Mr. Zhang is going too? !

Lu Zibo was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized what he was doing.

Their boss is a loyal fan of e-sports and almost never misses every game, let alone such a big event as the World Championship!
"Why are you here now? Hurry up and check in!" Zhang Zhaoyang finished eating the burger in three mouths and immediately greeted everyone to check in.

After everyone had completed the formalities, he took the lead and led everyone into the terminal.

In the waiting room.

Lu Zibo met people from other clubs.

LGD, WE, IG, plus God Star, the four major clubs in Jingzhou were all on this plane. There were three or 40 people, all gathered together to discuss the next S1 World Championship.

Many other passengers on the side were very curious, and those who were bolder came up to ask them what they were doing. When they heard that they were going to compete in the World Championship, they immediately gave them a thumbs up and praised them. They are really heroes.

Several of the passengers were actually fans who flew from Jingzhou to Chengdu to watch the game. When they saw so many professional players, they all ran up to take pictures and watch.

Only the remaining passengers who were not locals from Jingzhou and didn't know what e-sports were looked at the scene with confused expressions, not knowing what was going on.

While waiting, time passed quickly.

When they heard the airport announcement announcing boarding, everyone stood up.

Zhang Zhaoyang put on his coat, stood in front of the team, raised his arms and shouted.

"set off!"

(End of this chapter)

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