Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 310 E-Sports Star

Chapter 310 E-Sports Star
After a night's rest, everyone was full of energy the next morning.

The street where the Mengxiang Hotel is located is not far from the Chengdu International Convention and Exhibition Center where the group stage is located. It only takes about 20 minutes to walk there.

Each team chose to visit the venue this morning to get familiar with it.

The same is true for Emperor Star.

It was rare last night that we didn't train until late at night. Everyone got up very early. After having breakfast in the restaurant on the first floor, we took a walk to the venue.

Stopping and walking, talking and laughing all the way, we soon arrived at the convention and exhibition center.

The entire Chengdu International Convention and Exhibition Center covers a very large area and is divided into several areas, which are distinguished by numbers. The S1 group stage is held this time in Hall 1, the largest in the center, with a total of 5429 seats. The venue is surrounded by A warning tape formed a circle and security check facilities were set up at the gate.

The square in front of the venue has been newly decorated, with a large inflatable arch coming directly into view, and a ten-fold enlarged stone Summoner's Trophy placed in the center, which is very eye-catching.

When everyone arrived, staff from Moyu Company came out to greet them.

"Everyone follow me."

“First of all, the layout of the S1 venues this time is different from the past. Hall 1 is used as the competition venue, and Hall 2 has been separated by wooden boards as pre-game discussion meeting rooms for each team. Each meeting room is equipped with rest seats. Along with the water dispenser, there is also a TV directly connected to the signal of the big screen in front.”

"This is the conference room of Emperor Star."

The staff led everyone into Hall 2 first, and then opened a compartment door.

What comes into view is a very simple cubicle. The walls are all made of wooden boards. There are some simple plastic chairs inside. There is a TV series hanging on the wall. There is a water dispenser and a small blackboard in the corner. It looks very simple.

But it was a surprise to everyone.

Because even such a simple wooden partition is much better than before.

In all the previous games, no backstage matters were considered at all. The backstage of all arenas was a large space. The teams waiting for the game either stayed in the hotel and waited until the time was almost up before coming back, or everyone sat there and supported the game. Keep some distance.

This situation is also because there are no dedicated e-sports venues, and we did not expect that there would be multiple teams waiting for the game in the background. Everyone needs to discuss very secret tactics.

But now S1 already has a private discussion space. No matter how crude it is, it is at least better than before.

"We are short of time and can only temporarily aggrieve everyone." The staff apologized: "In the future, our Moyu Company will provide better venues to give all teams the best participating experience."

The small room was clearly visible at a glance. After everyone saw it, they followed the staff to Hall 1.

As soon as you enter the gate, Hall 1 comes into view.

The huge infield space is full of bright lights. At the front is a huge stage, with ten competition-specific computers neatly placed on it. On the back of the stage are three large screens facing the audience. Open to ensure that spectators from every direction can directly see the game screen.

"This is the venue for the group stage. Over there is the auditorium, over there is the competition field, and the commentary desk is set up in another room. When the time comes, after you come out from the backstage, you can go directly to this channel to get on the stage."

The staff explained some procedures on the day of the competition, which sounded complicated but were actually very simple. There would also be a dedicated person to guide the participants to prevent any players from going to the wrong place and causing a joke.

Emperor Xing and others listened carefully.

There were other teams nearby who were also visiting and familiarizing themselves with the venue. Lu Zibo followed his line of sight and saw a boy with a melon-skinned head in the crowd opposite, who seemed to have sensed something. He also turned his head and glared at them.

"Lee Sang Hyuk, Faker."

"Lu Zibo, The God." Their respective IDs appeared in their minds at the same time.

Lu Zibo nodded slightly and looked away.


A young man who was always following Faker touched his shoulder: "What's wrong? Xianghe?"

"Nothing." Faker shook his head: "I just saw an opponent."

The young man put his hand on Faker's shoulder and said with a smile: "Opponent? Who can be your opponent? With me here, it is impossible to fail in the middle."

"Xingxiong, don't underestimate others!" Teacher Da Fei said solemnly: "There are so many masters in the world, who dares to claim to be eternally invincible?"

"Let's go and continue the tour. There are still many things waiting for us after the tour!"

Inside the venue.

Mo Yu and Shang Xingyue were also visiting.

The place where the two are located is Hall 3, which is rented to serve as a place for posters, sponsorship advertisements, player image photos, makeup, and video recording for this World Championship.

After Shang Xingyue passed by, he took a few photos.

"What are you planning to do? I saw in this World Championship that you seemed to pay special attention to the players' on-screen images? Even the makeup artist hired the best team!" Shang Xingyue asked curiously.

She noticed that the smiling team in the field was checking the items they carried. They were obviously more professional than others, and many people were watching.

Mo Yu followed her gaze and saw the smiling person busy.

"That's a smile. A very powerful image management team in the industry, specially invited to improve the players' personal image, also for the future e-sports star strategy."

"Celebrity? What do you mean?" Shang Xingyue didn't quite understand.

"In short, it is to package a very famous professional player and take the opportunity to promote e-sports." Mo Yu explained: "The influence of celebrities is very terrifying, and a huge fan base also represents a huge traffic popularity. , like Jay Chou."

"He has tens of millions of fans. Any small incident can bring huge attention. Once this attention is focused on e-sports, it can also bring benefits to the e-sports industry."

"This is the significance of the e-sports star strategy."

"I see." Shang Xingyue nodded: "So you are planning to launch an e-sports star? I don't know who the candidate is?"

"It's not determined yet." Mo Yu shook his head: "The most important thing for an e-sports star is to have outstanding results, and the second is that the image must pass the test. This person can be fat, thin, ordinary, or ordinary. But it must be clean and fresh, and it doesn’t require you to be handsome, but it must be at least as good as an ordinary person, which is why I invited Xiaoyan to come over.”

Shang Xingyue pondered: "So you plan to take advantage of the popularity of the World Championship to improve the image of the players and then launch it, first to see the fans' reaction, right?"

"Well, that's right."

Mo Yu nodded in response: "Let's see who the fans support first, and then see who's performance is good enough. At that time, I will take action to promote the game and take the opportunity to increase the popularity of e-sports."

(End of this chapter)

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