Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 374 Map Editor

Chapter 374 Map Editor

There was a knock on the door.

Mo Yu came to his senses.


Immediately, Chen Rucheng walked in.

"Why are you the only one here? Where is Xu Changming?" Mo Yu waved his hand and said, "Come on, come and sit."

"There has to be someone at the studio."

Chen Rucheng sat cautiously across from him: "Mr. Mo, I came here today mainly to report on the recent work progress, and also to think about it." He hesitated, not daring to directly talk about looking for Yang Qiu.

When Mo Yu saw his look, he suddenly felt relieved.

The lava is under Moyu, and the daily reporting work has been discussed in meetings. Chen Rucheng's reporting work now is just to find a reason. He must have heard the news about the global peak competition.

Mo Yu simply waved his hand and interrupted: "Okay, I know what you are going to say. Are you asking about the Global Championship?"

"Yes." Chen Rucheng nodded honestly, lowering his eyebrows and not daring to look directly.

"Sit up straight." Mo Yu scolded him when he saw this, and then said: "I asked Yang Qiu to tell you the news about the competition, just to avoid you thinking too much. However, there are still some details that need to be completed in the competition. We’ll talk about it later, so you don’t need to reveal the news yet.”

"But since you are here today, I happen to have two things to tell you."

"Look at this document first."

Mo Yu picked up the planning plan about the map editor function from the table and handed it over.

"This is a new software I am preparing to launch, called the exclusive map editor for "Race Conflict". Players can use this software to create brand new maps using the game materials we provide."

"At the same time, the arcade function is opened in the game. All new maps created using the editor will be released in the arcade after being tested, and revenue can be obtained through players' recharge and in-app purchases. We officially charge a 20% handling fee."


It is equivalent to the arcade in UUU9 or DOTA2.

Simply using love to generate electricity will not last long. Only when you can see the benefits, will high-quality and large numbers of new maps continue to emerge and be continuously updated.

In the previous U9, since World of Warcraft maps were needed to bring traffic to the website, U9 would issue certain sponsorships to high-quality map authors to attract popularity to the website and earn advertising fees, and the authors could also make money. It can also be played by more players, which can be said to be the best of both worlds.

The arcade in DOTA2 also has a similar function.

All maps made by the author based on the DOTA2 model can be placed on it for players to download and play. Players can play in the arcade such as unlimited firepower mode, clone mode, 4+2, skill selection mode, etc.

The author can also open a recharge entrance in the map and sell skins and value-added items to earn income and gain a certain degree of popularity.

For example, Auto Chess, which was once all the rage, was first released in the DOTA2 arcade, and later caused an Auto Chess trend. Teamfight Tactics, which is best known to LOL players, is based on the DOTA Auto Chess map. Created from.

What Moyu wants to do is to have such a function. Free maps can be distributed, as well as paid maps. Players can have a good time, the official can make money to attract users, and the producers can make money and gain fame.

"Take a good look."

Chen Rucheng took the document and read it. It contained some of Mo Yu's design directions for the map editor and arcade.He looked at it carefully and combined it with Mo Yu's analysis and explanation. The more he looked at it, the more excited he became.

"Race Conflict" is only a stand-alone game. The most mainstream ones are the construction gameplay and the single-player campaign. The construction gameplay is to upgrade the base and recruit troops to fight, and the single-player campaign is the plot part of the game.

These two main gameplays are actually similar in content. They are both construction mode gameplays, but one is a battle and the other has a plot.

Players will naturally have their own likes and dislikes.

Many players are actually ordinary people who cannot do multi-line operations and do not have strategic vision. However, the construction mode requires these the most. The operation is extremely difficult. As a result, many ordinary players have little fun in actual battles because they are too easy to be defeated. There is no interest in climbing up the ladder even if the masters crush them.

In addition, the construction mode can easily get boring after playing for a long time, so players will definitely want to experience something newer.

At this time, it is different with the map editor.

A large number of players voluntarily work for the game and become producers. They not only want the things they create to be known to more people, but also want to make money, so they will definitely create countless new maps and try their best to improve the maps. Playability.

The more these maps there are, the more new players will be attracted, which will greatly increase the entertainment in the game, which is definitely a good thing!

"That's great, Mr. Mo!" Chen Rucheng said excitedly: "Once the map editor software is launched, I don't know how many new maps will appear. Players have great imagination. It will definitely bring new vitality to the game and attract more players. "

He knew without even thinking that once the map editor was launched, the gameplay of "Race Conflict" would be greatly enhanced.

It seems that players only purchased one game, but in fact there are countless mini-games inside.

"It seems you think it's good too?" Mo Yu asked.

"It's not just a good idea, it's simply a genius idea." Chen Rucheng was extremely excited: "Just think about it, there will definitely be many new ways of playing, which are simply not what people like Lava can think of."

There are more than 100 people in Lava and more than 100 million players.

Among so many people, as long as one percent of people are willing to make maps, there will be tens of thousands of them, and there will definitely be many gameplay and plots that they can't think of.

After all, the wisdom of so many people has been gathered together. Unless the people in the lava are all geniuses, or they are time travelers like Mo Yu, then he can develop many popular maps.

What about Guardian Sword Pavilion, Auto Chess, Naruto, One Piece, Legend of Illusion Cao Cao, Green Circle, Immortal Sword, Zhu Xian, Heaven and Earth Tribulation, and so on.

Each map has been downloaded and experienced by thousands of people in the past life, and it is full of playability!
"That's good." Mo Yu said: "Leave this matter to Lava, seize the time to develop it, and go online as soon as possible."

"Okay, leave it to me."

Chen Rucheng's expression was serious and solemn.

Whether he admires Mo Yu's whimsical ideas; or considers "Racial Hegemony", a game on which he has put all his efforts; or as a company employee, he will definitely develop a map editor no matter what. good.

Mo Yu was extremely satisfied with this. After a few words of encouragement, he talked about the second thing.

""Race Conflict" has been launched for some time now. Before the editor and the Contest are released, the market will not change much for the time being. Players who want to buy it will definitely buy it, and those who don't will not buy it for a while. .”

"It's time to develop a second game!"

(End of this chapter)

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