Chapter 390 Charity
Eat people who are short-handed and take them softly.

There are no relevant regulations, and with the donation of materials, there will really be no problem if e-sports enters the Provincial Games.

And this amount of supplies is simply a drop in the bucket to Mo Yu.

The inclusion of e-sports in the Provincial Games is something that is beneficial to the entire e-sports industry. Mo Yu can definitely find the nine major clubs to work together. Everyone can contribute money together and donate basketballs, footballs, shoes, clothes and other materials. That would be a piece of cake.

"It's a small matter, leave the donation of materials to me,"

Mo Yu had no objection.

"Then there won't be any problems." Lou Xing smiled and looked at Li Kang: "Teacher, do you have any other opinions?"

"You two have made arrangements, what else can I say."

Li Kang stood up and put on his coat: "Wait for my news. This year's Provincial Games is scheduled for April. There are still more than two months left. During this period, don't donate materials. I will follow the people from the municipal sports bureaus. They say it and believe it, it’s not a problem.”

"Then trouble you!"

Mo Yu sincerely thanked him.

"Okay, this little thing is for the development of sports after all~"

Li Kang waved his hand and looked at the time: "It's getting late. Let's go back. It's the first day of the new year. Let's go home early to celebrate the New Year!"

After seeing off Lou Xing and Li Kang, Mo Yu was not in a hurry to go home and took a walk on the road.

The cold wind blew on him, making his mind extra clear.

"College League, Professional League, MSI, S Competition, Cup, IMTV, Star Project, Provincial Games, Global Summit Competition, E-Sports Selected, Red Alert, CSGO, Competition Center, Jiangdong Stadium, MoJing Sports, Headquarters Building "

A series of information flashed through his mind.

09 will be another busy year.

The competition system of "Gods and Gods" has been completed, and the League Cup will be a dual effort. In the future, it will be the most popular game among all e-sports projects.

Beyond that, there's a lot waiting for him next year.

Not only are there competitions coming one after another, but we are also accelerating the launch of new games.

The development of CSGO is nearing completion, and closed beta testing will begin soon.

Red Alert has officially entered the development stage.

In addition, many games also need to start building teams, and at the same time recruit a group of people to develop mobile games for the subsequent emergence of smartphones.

Finally, and most importantly, is the matter of being selected for e-sports.

He will rush to the imperial capital in the next year, and may have the opportunity to meet Shang Xingyue's father and learn from the big boss's mouth personally.

"Busy business!"

The heat condensed into a white mist under the street lamp, and Mo Yu knew that he still had a long way to go.

The era of e-sports has just begun!

Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year.

Visiting relatives and meeting elders, it’s finally the eighth day of the Lunar New Year.

The fishing game officially started working.first day.

Mo Yu immediately held a video conference and invited the owners of the nine major clubs to discuss the Provincial Games.

"This is a great thing." Li Tiancheng said: "Let's see, Tiancheng Group donates a batch of clothes, shoes and socks, and also sponsors money for the Provincial Games, and it will be used as an advertisement."

"Mr. Li's big deal!" Pengcheng boss Chen Shi said with a smile: "But of course you can't do this kind of thing alone, so I'll donate dozens of computers."

"I will also donate computers."

"Then I'll donate some rackets and balls."

"I'll be in charge of the tables and chairs."


As expected, as soon as he brought it up, all the bosses donated generously. Even Liu Guoliang, who had the worst property but was not stingy, donated a batch of tables, chairs, benches, tennis nets and other materials.

In the end, when several people added it up, the supplies alone were worth almost one million. ,
All materials needed for sports are basically donated, including tables, chairs, benches, rackets and nets, computer equipment, clothes, shoes and socks.

Those with deeper pockets, such as Zhang Zhaoyang, Li Tiancheng, Li Xiaofeng and others, even spent money to directly sponsor the Provincial Games, which not only helped e-sports but also helped their own companies to advertise, killing two birds with one stone.

Mo Yu said: "Very good, I will arrange a donation account. When the time comes, everyone can directly transfer money and have a dedicated person purchase it. You can check the relevant bills at will to ensure that there is no corruption."

"It's just a small amount of money, there's no need to go online like that." Chen Shi laughed.

"It's a small amount of money now, but it may not be enough in the future." Mo Yu said: "Everyone, I have a proposal. As we all know, the public opinion environment of e-sports is very poor. I want to help change the public opinion environment through charity. This donation The account will be used frequently in the future. If you have any ideas, you can donate materials. I will arrange professional charity teams to inspect various parts of the country to solve some poverty problems. Do you have any opinions?"

"It's a good thing." Huang Tao nodded: "Charity can be done."

"That's right." Wang Shicheng agreed: "Actually, even if it's not for e-sports, I often donate money and materials to children in mountainous areas. It's a good idea to do charity."

OMG's Brother Bao also agreed: "To be honest, I don't really trust those charity organizations outside. Since you, Mr. Mo, are taking the lead, we can do something about it. Isn't it a snow disaster now? We can buy some supplies and go there to provide relief." Affected people.”

Since the end of 08, natural disasters such as widespread low temperatures, rain, snow, and ice have occurred in China. Many provinces across the country have been affected and suffered countless economic losses. They have been widely reported on the Internet. In some places, the amount of snowfall It's very scary, and it's a rare sight in decades.

Such a huge natural disaster caused huge losses.

Not only people, but also fields, crops, houses, forests, etc. were all severely affected.

"Snow disasters are a good charity direction." Mo Yu said: "If everyone has no objections, after our e-sports charity organization is established, the first thing to do is to provide relief for snow disasters. I will arrange trucks in the name of the e-sports charity organization. What do you think about going to areas with serious losses and delivering water and food?”

"Yes!" Deng Junhua stood up and said in support: "This kind of natural disaster is really unbearable. LGD Club donated 50 in supplies in advance, and another [-] bottles of Lao Gan Daddy spicy chicken sauce."

"Mr. Deng is a great benefactor." Mo Yu nodded and said, "Since Mr. Deng has taken the initiative, I will naturally not lag behind and donate 500 million to the game."

"DFG donated [-] sets of cotton-padded clothes, pants and quilts." Li Tiancheng said.

Zhang Zhaoyang smiled and said: "Then I will make a small donation of 100 million."

"I'm going to get some instant noodles, bread, and mineral water."


The atmosphere was extremely warm, and everyone in the congregation was very enthusiastic. Everyone donated money and materials without hesitation.

According to the last statistics, in addition to donating to the Sports Bureau, everyone was even more willing to provide relief for snow disasters. The total amount of money and materials was almost tens of millions.

Once this money is taken out and a little more publicity is given, the reputation of e-sports will be much better!
(End of this chapter)

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