Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 427 Player Contracting Regulations

Chapter 427 Player Contracting Regulations
after the game.

Online public opinion intensified.

There are noisy comments about the dissatisfaction of the Imperial Star bot lane duo, with netizens everywhere criticizing the two for their outrageous performance.

Many fans are calling on the club management, suggesting that they immediately recruit people to replace the bottom lane combination. Otherwise, I am afraid that the emperor star will not be seen in MSI this year. In that case, it would be a shame.

The majestic world champion, in less than half a year, deteriorated to the point where he was not even qualified to compete. It was simply laughable!
However, in the face of these fans' suggestions, Zhang Zhaoyang has never responded publicly and positively.

Only Hanwen will come forward to appeal. Players are not machines. It is normal to be in poor condition and unstable. Fans are asked not to blindly follow the rhythm and believe in the club!

Everything seems normal, but in fact, only the parties involved know the actual situation.

Anyway, there are rumors on the Internet that someone secretly photographed the duo who are ranked at the top of the national server and seem to have gone to the club for trial training. As for the specific results, no one knows.

However, these are just rumors. Even if Emperor Star really recruits people, it is impossible to replace the existing duo immediately.

According to the relevant regulations of the [WESC World E-Sports League], any team that has officially announced and locked the official roster for the current season can sign free players at any time who have not officially entered the league in the recent season, but they cannot sign during the season. After the roster is locked, players who have participated in professional competitions in the most recent season will be signed, unless the player's contract has expired but still has an extension agreement, or he is a new player.

The meaning of this rule, in layman's terms, is that in this spring split, Emperor Star can no longer make substitutions because the team roster has long been made public and has been reported to the league, but Emperor Star can still sign new players or free agents.

Furthermore, a contracted free agent cannot participate in a professional league in the season adjacent to the Spring Split, unless the player is already an Emperor Star player and has signed an additional extension agreement with Emperor Star after the contract expires, or He is new.

However, although it is S2 now, the current season is the first season, and there is no other season before this. Therefore, if the second half of the regulations is really used, at least it will have to wait until the summer split in the second half of the year before a similar situation may occur.

As for newcomers, the league also has relevant regulations.

The club can sign new players at any time, but the new players must have participated in at least three games in any level of official or recognized qualifying competitions.

New players signed during the transfer period can play in the current season, while new players signed during the season must register with the league during the next transfer period before they can play.

This rule is to prevent incidents like Principal Wang from happening.


This means that even if Emperor Star finds a new substitute immediately, the opponent must quickly report to the league on the day the summer window opens and enter the team roster, so as to catch up with MSI.

Because the summer window officially opens on April 4th and ends on May 25th.

The time for this year's MSI has been set, and it will start on May 5st, but the location has not yet been determined.

Only during the period between April 4.25 and May 5.1, new players signed by Emperor Star can register in the league, enter the team's official roster, and be eligible to play games.

For example, if LGD's newly signed GDOV completes the registration quickly after the opening of the summer window and is selected into the team's roster, then GODV will have a chance to debut in MSI, but no matter what, he will not be able to participate in the current spring split.


After walking out of the venue and walking among the crowd, Zhang Yiming looked up to the sky and sighed.

"I lost again, why do I lose every day?"

As a fan of Emperor Star, the team loses every day, falling from first place in the league and world champion to fifth place in the standings in one breath, which is really painful to watch.

Especially in the game just now, I thought Lu Zibo was going to rise up and lead his teammates to a good start at the Jingjie Center. Unexpectedly, he only won the first game, and the next two games were a disastrous defeat. He couldn't fight back against LGD. The strength, whether it is the laning or the rhythm, are all suppressed to death.

"It seems that there is little hope of getting into MSI!"

"If Uzi can join the Emperor Star, maybe we can build an invincible galactic battleship!"

Zhang Yiming shook his head and missed the benefits of the royal family again.Speaking of which, he used to support the Royal Family, and Uzi was his favorite in the bottom lane. Unfortunately, when Emperor Xing won the world championship, he fell in love with him and switched to his arms.

"The peak ushered in hypocritical support, and the dusk witnessed the true believers, whether it is giegie or the team, since they want to support, of course they must continue to support, how can they give up halfway!"

Suddenly a voice full of ridicule came.

Following the sound, I saw Mo Yu standing there not far away with a smile on his face.

Zhang Yiming's face turned red and he rubbed his hands in embarrassment, like a child who was caught doing bad things by an adult: "Mr. Mo, why are you here?"

"I just saw you on the big screen, so I followed you when the game was over." Mo Yu said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, you are so happy. You came all the way to watch the game. You are fully equipped."

Mo Yu pointed at him.

The team uniform with the Emperor Star Team's LOGO is still on his body. He is already several decades old. Even if he is used to the world, he is still embarrassed at this moment.

After all, there are few middle-aged men like him among the audience watching e-sports games.

Seeing this, Mo Yu smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? Men are still young until they die. I brought up e-sports. I'm not embarrassed. Why are you embarrassed? How about it? How do you feel watching the game here? Do you feel comfortable? ?”

He pointed behind him at the center of the competition.

"do not talk."

Hearing this, Zhang Yiming's embarrassment faded a lot, and he relaxed and said: "I've lost even if I lose, it's a shame."

Mo Yu smiled and said: "On the field, there is no general who always wins. It is normal to have losses and wins."

"Having said that, no one likes to lose!" Zhang Yiming spread his hands helplessly.

"The trend is already very obvious. Those who deserve to lose will lose sooner or later." Mo Yu smiled and pointedly said: "Or do you want to win again?"

Zhang Yiming waved his hand after hearing this, knowing what he meant, and said calmly: "No more gambling, I resign."


Mo Yu was stunned for two seconds, and then said in surprise: "You left Tianxing? Mr. Cen is willing to let go?"

"Of course I can't bear it."

Zhang Yiming was helpless and guilty.

Cen Fucheng was very kind to him. When he left, he was angry but also tried his best to stay. Unfortunately, he still couldn't pass the test in his heart. Since he had made a bet with Mo Yu, although he hadn't seen the result yet, they had already broken up. There was no chance of winning or losing, so he chose to bear the consequences of failure.

In addition, maybe he was a little unconvinced after having been engaged in game design for more than 20 years, and wanted to see Mo Yu's ability to see what kind of games he could develop.

"Can't bear to leave?"

Mo Yu asked back.

"No one can stand without faith, and I happen to be a believer." Zhang Yiming shrugged and said: "No matter what, I have left Tianxing and am now a free man. Next, it depends on what you want, Mr. Mo."

Mo Yu was silent for a moment, then stretched out his right hand and said with a smile: "Welcome to the fishing game!"

(End of this chapter)

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