Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 443 The national flag is raised and the national anthem is played

Chapter 443 The national flag is raised and the national anthem is played

on the field.

The game is heating up.

As the Hongjiang team won the first game, the Jingzhou team learned their lesson, responded with BP, and successfully won the second game. Then in the third and fourth games, both sides scored a point each, and the score was 2-2. [-].
Battle Hymn!
The finals are coming!

There was a solemn atmosphere in the stadium, and everyone from both teams braced themselves for the final game with serious faces.

Fans from both sides were shouting crazy.

The game has not yet entered the BP, and all the fans have stood up and waved flags, cheering, and there are surging crowds everywhere in the venue!
"Hong Jiang, come on!"

"Hong Jiang, come on!"

"Hong Jiang, come on!"

"Jingzhou, come on!"

"Jingzhou, come on!"

"Jingzhou, come on!"

In the venue with only a few hundred people, the cheers were deafening, all kinds of red banners were waved wildly, and the whole place was filled with uncontrollable shouts. Some spectators had shouted until their voices were hoarse, and they were still shouting with all their strength.

In such an arena where the only competition is for honor and nothing else matters, the two teams represent the faces of the two cities.

Fans from both sides were clearly differentiated, and they devoted themselves whole-heartedly to the cheering and refused to give in to each other. Even if there were fewer people, it was no less than in the professional arena.

This is the battle for honor. Sometimes, it is far more pure than simply competing for bonuses and club results!

"MD, I'm so nervous!" Zhang Zhaoyang cursed, stood up and waved his arms: "I'm so excited, brothers, help me shout Jingzhou, come on!"

A group of club executives were all attracted by him.

Mo Yu also stood up and shouted.

He is also from Jingzhou, so he is naturally on Jingzhou's side at this time.

Hot blood surged into his heart, and Mo Yu tried his best to scream.

on the stage.

The referee is in place, cameras surround the scene, and the staff clears the field.

Immediately after the players sat down and checked the equipment, the coaches of both sides were constantly arranging tactics with headphones on. It can be clearly seen from the screen that the players of both sides were full of energy and ready for the battle.

This is the final game that will determine the gold medal.

The tension spread to the commentary box.

"Final battle!"

"Both the Jingzhou team and the Hongjiang team played very well today. In the first four games, both teams showed a tenacious fighting spirit and did not give in a step!"

"But there are always winners and losers in the game. Whoever can win the last game will be the strongest today!"

"Gold medals, honors, and applause are just ahead!"

"Let us wait and see who is the champion!"

"Jingzhou, come on! Hongjiang, come on!"

When the headphones are put on, external sounds are completely isolated, and only the vague sound of cheering can be heard in the ears.

Lu Zibo held down the keyboard with one hand and the mouse with the other, and gently licked his lips to moisten them.

He raised his head and looked past the computer screen to the stands in front of him.

The stands were packed with seats, and at a glance, a very conspicuous red curtain was raised high.

There are only four big characters on it - Jingzhou, come on!

Lu Zibo's heart suddenly shook.

Although he could only vaguely hear the faint sound of cheers, what he saw was that the turbulent audience was opening their mouths and shouting loudly at this moment. Invisible sound waves echoed throughout the audience, as if there was an invisible sledgehammer hitting waves. his chest.

At this moment, Lu Zibo suddenly felt a long-lost tension.

This feeling reminded him of the first time he stepped onto the official stage. At that time, he had a similar feeling.

Forget everything and think of nothing but victory!
"Come on! Brothers, come on!" "Swear to win the gold medal!"

With a sudden shout, Lu Zibo came to his senses and the game entered BP!

32 minute later.

"0 for 5!"

"The Jingzhou team played a perfect team battle!"

"Player Lu Zibo's Clockwork pulled out a wave of wonderful ultimate moves, Longkeng R flashed five of them, the Hongjiang team collapsed, and the team battle was completely lost!"

"The sky is shattering and the earth is shattering, everyone is wiped out in one wave, the Hongjiang team is finished!"

"In this wave, the overall situation has been decided, and the Jingzhou team has basically secured victory!"

"They didn't choose to go home. Instead, they pushed as a team and planned to level the game!"

"We have a chance. Let's go to the high ground. There are still dozens of seconds left for the Hongjiang team to resurrect. The Jingzhou team is unstoppable and is really going to make a wave!"

Huang Xiaosheng, Wawa, and Miller were shouting crazily.

In the stands, the fans supporting Jingzhou were ready to welcome the victory.

The battle that lasted for five rounds was finally coming to an end.

In the last battle, the two sides were locked in a tight economic situation and could not pull away. Just when everyone thought there was still time to fight, the Hongjiang team risked their choice to RUSH the dragon, but were defeated by Jingzhou in the middle of the fight. The team discovered and responded quickly.

In the flash of lightning, before everyone in the Hongjiang team could react, Lu Zibo's Clockwork R flashed into the dragon pit, grabbed five people, and unleashed an explosive output.

Under the horrific injury, the Hongjiang team was unable to recover and all members were wiped out.

The situation took a turn for the worse in an instant. The winning rate, which was originally 55, became [-] at this moment, and there was no hope of a comeback.

at last.

The Jingzhou team rushed to the high ground.

The jungler of the Hongjiang team who died first was resurrected and had not yet left the spring.
The base explodes!

competition is over!

Jingzhou team defeated Hongjiang team 3-2!
"Congratulations to the Jingzhou team!"

"The 6-day competition finally ended. The Jingzhou team made a quick move and successfully won the gold medal in the GAG ​​event. The Hongjiang team missed the mark and won the silver medal, and the Jiangcheng team won the bronze medal!"

"Congratulations to them!"

The curtain is finally down and the gold medal is decided!
Everyone in the Jingzhou team put down the mouse, hugged each other, cheered, and were all immersed in the joy of winning the gold. Finally, under the reminder of the referee, they walked to the front of the stage to thank the audience!
The entire venue burst into thunderous cheers, and the air seemed to vibrate!

The camera lens began to circle the entire venue, shooting in all directions, and finally settled on the members of the Jingzhou team in front of the stage.

The main selection, the substitutes and the coach, a group of people bowed together!

next second.

"stand up."

The national anthem sounds!

Staff members came on stage, the stage was quickly cleared, and the podium was moved onto the stage.

Subsequently, under the guidance of the on-site host, the three teams of Jiangcheng, Hongjiang and Jingzhou stepped onto the podium, wearing team uniforms and standing in order.

Jingzhou team is the highest, Hongjiang is second, and Jiangcheng is third.

Over the team, three bright red flags slowly rose, the national anthem surrounded the audience, and the awards ceremony began.

Li Kang attended in person, with a smile on his face, holding gold medals in his hands, and hung them up for everyone in the Jingzhou team one by one.

At this moment, the sense of honor reaches its peak!
Mo Yu's eyes were hazy in the stands, and he had mixed feelings in his heart. Excitement, excitement, and mission. Unprecedented feelings came to his heart.

I'm used to seeing golden showers and holding cups, and now I see the flag being raised again. I thought I'd already gotten used to it, but when I was actually there, listening to the national anthem and looking at the red flag, I still couldn't restrain myself.

This is a completely different feeling than winning the S game!

Although the scale of the competition cannot be compared with that of the S competition, the moment is equally noble and exciting!
"Congratulations to Jingzhou, for adding another gold medal to the medal list!"

(End of this chapter)

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