Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 477 The longest game

Chapter 477 The longest game

With the rapid development of GAG competitions, Mo Yu knew that sooner or later the spinach dealers behind the scenes would focus on this piece of fat.

All he can do is strictly control the inside, but he has no way to control the outside.

Since the start of this year's league, sporadic news has actually come out in various major competition areas, and by MSI, it has gradually become a big deal.

Looking at the current barrage situation in the live broadcast room, it is obvious that the situation is not small, and many players are involved.

"I know the dangers of spinach." Mo Yu nodded: "Actually, the company has been paying attention to this matter, but it is difficult to manage. The most we can do is clean up the inside and strictly control fake matches and peripherals. Fortunately, so far, whether it is cup matches or Similar things have not happened in GPL or GDL, and most bookmakers have not stepped in because their hands are not stretched long enough."

"Don't take it lightly."

Shang Xingyue nodded and frowned: "This is a critical period for e-sports to be selected. It is difficult to control externally, but we must strictly control internally to prevent any trouble."

"Do not worry."

Mo Yu nodded, with a sneer on his face: "I have already said hello to the organizers of the cup, and the clubs in the league have also made it very clear. If anyone dares to violate the rules, I will make those people regret it for the rest of their lives!"

He has held several meetings and sternly stated the harm of spinach to GAG events. Once discovered, he will never show mercy.

If any club or player dares to participate in gambling, he will make those people lose everything and be infamy for the rest of their lives.

He can’t control external matters, so why can’t he control internal affairs?

It's still early in the development of e-sports. If he, the founder, can't manage things well at this time and can't give orders and prohibitions to the people below, then don't do it.

Maybe in a few years, there will be match-fixing.

But now, it's absolutely impossible!

I found one and killed each other without any mercy.

"As long as you understand." Shang Xingyue warned: "However, some players have low wages and are not old, so they will inevitably be tempted by spinach dealers. You must be careful and deal with any signs quickly. Don’t make a scene.”

"rest assured."

Mo Yu nodded, knowing the seriousness of the matter: "The spinach is not obvious yet and can be controlled. After I am selected, I will think of a way to see if I can talk to the lottery center and get their approval." Support, at least we can put an end to some bookmakers run by private individuals and internal staff, and as for the others, we will think about recruiting them later.”

"That's fine." Shang Xingyue agreed: "You have roots and connections in Handong. I believe they won't refute your face."

On the field.

The match between SKT and FNC has started.

The first match between the two sides surprised many people. Even the college couldn't help but say that the Internet was slandering him and that he was not a poisonous person at all.

The reason is that in the first game, FNC defeated SKT.

From the laning to the team battle, from the beginning to the end, SKT was unable to fight back. Even Faker, who is known as the mainstay of the team, was severely sanctioned by FNC. He was beaten 1/4/7 and completely lost. sound.

"I told you I'm not a poisonous girl!"

"See, facts speak louder than words!"

The colonel was very proud and laughed extremely wildly.

Changmao and Miss both begged for mercy, but their words also showed deep surprise.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that SKT would have no room to fight back in FNC's hands!"

"This is such a miserable loss!"

"I think LGD must not be careless, FNC is the opponent that needs the most attention!"

The two faced the camera and issued a kind reminder to LGD.

In the backstage lounge, everyone in LGD was also shocked. They didn't expect FNC to be so powerful.

Judging from the record, this year's FNC is invincible, but they did not expect to be so invincible. SKT lost so miserably, even worse than when they lost to LGD. Calculating according to this situation, using SKT as a reference, FNC might be even better than LGD!

A strong sense of crisis instantly surged into their hearts, and everyone in LGD stood ready and put away all their contempt.

Fortunately, they breathed a sigh of relief in the second game.

SKT, which was brutally beaten in the first game, quickly adjusted in the second game and showed no signs of weakness in the face of FNC's powerful offensive.

From the early stage, the laning has been back and forth. If you catch one, I will definitely fight back one. Several waves of small resource groups and encounters were fought very beautifully.

Although FNC's offensive is fierce, the economic gap between the two sides on the field proves everything.

SKT is ahead!

SKT, which had lost four games in a row since the morning, finally saw hope of victory.

Throughout the second game, they played perfectly in the early stage. In the later stage, under constant operational pressure, FNC was full of loopholes and made constant mistakes.

SKT, on the other hand, still played steadily and never made any mistakes.

The desire to win is already very obvious.

In the end, in the second game, the two sides fought fiercely for 36 minutes, and SKT won the first victory of the final day.

Looking at all the games so far, SKT can be said to have completely shattered the invincibility they had accumulated before. The idea of ​​victory was trampled on the ground and rubbed hard, and they played the game with the reluctance to admit defeat held in their chests.

But if you ask them if they can win?

I'm afraid they themselves don't dare to say loudly that they will definitely win.

But everything was wiped out in the second game.

The moment the crystal exploded, the entire SKT team fell into joy. The oppressive atmosphere in the team was suddenly swept away, and an invisible inspirational force burst into flames.

They are not good at it, but they can win!

Everyone’s condition is different!

In the third game, SKT's style of play was obviously much more relaxed. They dared to play hard and showed no signs of weakness.

FNC's performance is not bad either.

The two teams battled in the canyon, fighting for the hope of victory bit by bit.

The game was deadlocked for a while.

The economy of both sides has never been open. If you take the Dragon Soul, I will take down the Ancient Dragon, then turn around and grab the Baron on the other side, creating a mess.

Until the 60th minute, with ten 6-god equipment on the field, no one could tell which side had a greater winning rate.

Have no idea!

At this time, the economic gap of several thousand dollars is meaningless. The competition is about the players' operations and their ability to read the situation!

Until the end, the seventh Baron team in the whole game, FNC took the lead, but SKT found the opportunity and played 1 for 4, and then SKT ended the game completely!

Take a look at the entire game.

The two sides fought for 82 minutes, resulting in 105 kills, completely breaking the record and becoming the longest game since the establishment of the GAG ​​event.

If it weren't for the fact that in the end, SKT relied on the high output of its support Zyra, and its damage was much higher than that of FNC's Niutou, they might still have to fight!

"Super Bladder Bureau!"

"Epic battle!"

"I'm afraid before the game started, no one could have imagined that this game would be so intense!"

"This game has already made history!"

(End of this chapter)

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