Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 480 Another 3-0!

Chapter 480 Another 3-0!

"Congratulations to LGD!!"

Wang Duoduo roared with all his strength to celebrate LGD's first victory.

"At the end of this game, I believe many viewers should have seen the hope of winning the cup. LGD's hope today is really too great!"

"We defeated SKT 3-0, and now we have won the first game against FNC!"

"I'm very excited right now, I believe everyone is the same as me!"

"Let's look forward to the second game!"


Everyone in SKT was staring at the big screen intently. When they saw LGD's victory, everyone's hearts were in their throats.

This is the last chance.

Under this year's MSI format, SKT, which lost the first game, is now in the most powerless position, with life and death in the hands of others.

"FNC, come on!"

"Come on!"

All SKT members are shouting from the bottom of their hearts, hoping that FNC can win and take the game to tomorrow!

Must win!

Everyone in FNC on the other side was also cheering up at this time. While trying their best to recover, they stared at the coach standing in front of them reviewing the game, listening carefully to the tactics of the second game, and they were bound to win back the victory in the second game.

Audiences from various competition regions also cheered for the two teams in the live broadcast room.

Inside and outside the stadium, tens of millions of eyes gathered.

50 minute later.

With an exciting and favorable "ACE", the eyes of everyone in FNC dimmed, and a trace of despair flashed across their faces.

Lost again!

LGD won two games in a row, and the championship is close at hand.

FNC has reached the edge of the cliff.

On the commentary stage, several European commentators were encouraging with their most anticipated expectations: "There is still a chance, there is still a chance, FNC, hurry up and adjust your status!"

In the European GAG client live broadcast, the screen is full of barrages cheering for FNC.


Almost everyone has a bad premonition, and despair has quietly grown.

The Korean commentator on the other side roared: "FNC, don't give up until the last moment!"

Compared with the unwilling cries of the European and Korean competition areas, the three domestic players were smiling.


"2 to 0!"

"LGD is unstoppable, win another game!"

"I wonder if LGD will stage another hearty 3-0 victory today?"

"I believe that the GPL summoners in front of the screen now should have thought of the same word as me!"

"That's the champion! The champion!"

"With one more win, LGD will win its first MSI trophy and be crowned champion!"

"Brothers, at this time, let us cheer for LGD together!"

Wang Duoduo sounded excited, PDD's body was trembling with fat, even the largest suit jacket could not stop the desire that seemed to overflow, and Rita was also shouting the word "champion".

In the studio.

The three game commentators could not suppress their excitement. Although there was air conditioning and the indoor temperature was very cool, they felt extremely hot, as if there was a blazing flame.

The third game hasn't started yet.

The audience at the scene had already shouted loudly.


It was chaotic at first, but finally converged into a single sound that resounded throughout the countryside.

In shopping malls, Internet cafes, and at home, countless spectators in the national server are clenching their fists and staring at the game on the screen, looking forward to the final moment of glory.

Outside the Jingjie Center, thousands of people gathered together were also shouting.

The sound was so loud that it spread in all directions.

Drivers and passers-by driving on Lingshi Road and Haitang Avenue were startled by the sudden shouts. Even in the streets further away, the audience's chorus of shouts could be clearly heard, and even further away they could still faintly be heard. smell. People coming and going involuntarily cast their eyes towards the center of the competition standing in the darkness.

There, the lights were shining, the lampposts were soaring into the sky, extremely dazzling.

Some staff have prepared fireworks and are quietly preparing for the final moments.

The parents and families of everyone in LGD are also looking forward to this historic moment.

Even in the LGD Food Factory in Guizhou Province, the company's executives, relatives and friends of Deng Junhua's family were called to the conference room, waiting for the final outcome.

At this moment, no matter who it is, no matter which team they support, all GPL fans have become LGD fans. Millions of people are waiting for the final news, waiting to see LGD bathe in the golden rain and be crowned king. Cup time!

"Steady, must steady!"

"At this time, you must not make mistakes and don't be greedy!"

Looking at the situation on the court, Wang Duoduo couldn't help but shout a reminder even though he knew he couldn't hear it.

All because the game has reached the most critical moment.

The game lasted 28 minutes.

Under FNC's desperate counterattack, LGD finally gained the advantage and harvested the first big dragon.

At this time, three outer towers have been destroyed in a row, the high ground has been pushed down in the middle, and everyone in FNC has been resurrected.

He was afraid that LGD would choose to continue to push hard, but something would happen as a result. Maybe they would get hit back and take advantage of the situation to get the Dragon Soul. In that case, they would suffer a big loss, and maybe even something would happen.

After all, FNC has always been in the lead in this round. Xiaolong already has three pieces, and is only missing the fourth piece in one minute to get the dragon soul.

"Don't be greedy. Go back to the city to resupply before it's too late!"

"Now that we have the advantage, let's turn the advantage into victory, replenish our status and equip ourselves, don't let FNC get the dragon soul, and then we just wait for the second big dragon!"

Seeing that everyone in LGD was really not greedy, they pushed away the barracks and quickly returned to the city. FNC pursued to no avail.

Wang Duoduo breathed a sigh of relief, then cheered up and shouted: "Hurry to Xiaolong, don't let FNC get the dragon soul!"

One minute later.

The dragon roared.

As the blind man fought desperately and grabbed the key dragon with his life, FNC missed the dragon soul. The remaining four LGD players retreated safely, blocking FNC's Jedi counterattack.

35 minutes.

The second dragon refreshes.

The two sides competed for vision back and forth, refusing to give up an inch of ground. Finally, FNC found an opportunity and killed the top assistant first, putting LGD at a huge disadvantage.

Three against five!

"It's over, LGD only has 3 people left, so this big dragon has no choice but to let go!"

Before he finished his lamentation, Wang Duoduo suddenly got excited and yelled: "Wait a minute, the weapons are out of touch. The 09 ball girl found an opportunity to counterattack, killing the weapon master in seconds, the prince entered, three frames, ZSMJ The mouse found the perfect outlet!"

The situation is changing rapidly.

When everyone thought that this wave of fighting would be unsuccessful, the remaining three members of LGD seized the opportunity and chose to fight back, and even seemed to win.

The prince held up the front row, creating an excellent output environment for the mouse. The ball girl flanked him, and a set of damage eliminated the weapon master in seconds, eliminating the biggest threat.

——I'm here~

Evil laughter sounded and poisonous arrows were sprayed!

The magic mouse produced explosive output, LGD3 hit 5, defeated a wave of miracle groups that no one expected, and took down the baron.

At this time, the resurrection time of the five FNC players is tens of seconds, and the middle line of troops is suitable. There is definitely a chance of a wave!

It seems to be over!

On the player bench.

The three LGD players did not choose to go back to the city. They quickly took over the baron and pushed directly to the baron at a very fast speed.

Everyone in FNC is worried.

The whole audience was staring at the resurrection time.

Highland, incisor tower, base.

25 seconds, 18 seconds, 9 seconds.

At the moment when the first dead weapon was resurrected and rushed out, the FNC base exploded!

3 is better than 0!

Another 3-0!

LGD's three middle and lower junglers completed a wave of miraculous dragon team, completely establishing the victory!

competition is over!

The overall situation is decided!

(End of this chapter)

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