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Chapter 523 Corona Fighter

Chapter 523 Corona Fighter

A flash of gold flashed in the box, and Jiang Chao's heart beat so hard that he couldn't suppress it.

"I hit the jackpot!"

The almost voiceless words spat out from between his teeth. Jiang Chao felt that he had used up all his good luck this year!

In addition to game discs and posters, the most eye-catching thing in the box is a sci-fi all-metal fighter model painted in gold, orange and black colors - the Corona Air Fighter!

Exclusive content of the Collector's Edition, a separate campaign plot for China - one of the futuristic fantasy weapons that appeared in "Corona: The Divine Empire"!

Air supremacy!

It is extremely rare among all figures!

Most of the content of this version of Red Alert is similar to the original plot, except that the world background has been changed, but the Deluxe Edition and Collector's Edition have new content.

Under Mo Yu's instructions, Lava Studio added a brand new game module-Corona.

This corona module is a set of MODs that Mo Yu played when he played Red Alert in his previous life. It was spontaneously produced by Red Alert enthusiasts. It has rich content and better graphics than the original version.

The background of the game depicts the story of the future dynasty in another world line.

In that timeline, China and other Asian countries have been ahead of the West in science and technology for thousands of years, and are a China less influenced by modern Western thinking.

Similarly, China also has its own superior technology as a camp feature.

The dominant technology of the Shenzhou camp is controllable nuclear fusion and quantum technology, from which electromagnetic field control technology and plasma technology are derived.

The Corona fighter is one of the air weapons of the Shenzhou camp!

"It's happening, it's really happening!"

Jiang Chao's heart was pounding. He sat there and looked at the battle model that appeared in the box, not daring to take it out at all.

At the time of this release, Officer Red had a list of the probabilities of various figures appearing online.

As one of the fantasy weapons, the probability of the Corona Fighter figure appearing in the box is extremely low. There are only 1000 pieces in every 7 copies. It is an ultra-rare figure on the same level as an aircraft carrier!

"I didn't expect that I actually got slapped, hahaha!"

Thinking that he had actually won such a rare figure, a wave of joy that could not be concealed surged into Jiang Chao's heart.

He never expected to win such a grand prize, but if he takes it out for a walk now, Jiang Chao believes that he will definitely be the most handsome boy in the entire offline experience store, and everyone will look at him!

But he wouldn't take it out even if he beat him to death. He hasn't even looked at it carefully yet. If he bumps into it, he'll be in big trouble!

Jiang Chao looked around furtively like a thief. When he found that no one was paying attention to him, he immediately sealed the bag again and continued to draw the lottery with a nonchalant expression.

At this time, the lottery is no longer important to him. Jiang Chao thinks that he has used up all his luck in getting the Corona fighter model. Does he still want to get something good in the next lottery?

Just think about it!

Sure enough, three minutes later, Jiang Chao got a mouse pad with a beautiful picture printed on it. On it was a mushroom cloud scene of a nuclear bomb launching and exploding. The details of the picture were perfect and it was also a masterpiece.

But with the Corona Fighter, the premium mouse pad is completely worth mentioning!

Randomly rolling up the mouse pads and stuffing them into the bag, Jiang Chao couldn't wait to rush to school. As soon as he got on the bus, he couldn't help but take out the fighter model, hold it in his hand and appreciate it carefully, completely ignoring the people around him. gaze.

When he got to school, his roommates who came back were filled with envy and jealousy. Jiang Chao felt that he had made a lot of money!

In the company.

Mo Yu looked at Xu Changming who came to report.

"How many sales?"

"Globally sold 168 million copies, 67% of which were sold online, of which 78 copies were sold domestically. It was basically the same in other regions, with more in North America, Europe, and Maozi. Especially Maozi, sales are very good!" Xu Changming's face There was a look of joy that could not be concealed.

One week after its launch, Red Alert delivered a satisfactory answer, with global sales of 168 million copies, and is still rising.

Even because there are former alliance factors in it, it has helped the company successfully break into the gross sub-market that has not been very good and make a lot of money.

Mo Yu took the data report and read it carefully.

Most of the 168 million copies sold so far are regular versions, of which domestic game platforms and STEAM account for the majority, with only % of offline sales.

However, both the deluxe and collector’s editions are sold through offline channels!

All sales added together have earned the company hundreds of millions of dollars in total, and they will definitely continue to sell in the future. Coupled with future DLC development, peripherals, figures, event operations, IP operations, etc., all added up it will be Easily break 100 million again!

For this game alone, as long as the rhythm is well controlled, Moyu can earn at least 300 million yuan in net profit within a year, or even more!

This is what he considers to be a relatively conservative result. If Red Alert can really reach the same scale as in its previous life, it will be a billion-level super hit!

From these aspects, Red Alert has exploded and is definitely one of the best in the global game market this year!

Mo Yu put down the data report with satisfaction and asked, "How do players react to the corona module?"

"The response has been very good." Xu Changminghui reported: "According to the player feedback data we collected, most people are very much looking forward to the Corona story, and more than 90% of the players who have played it are very satisfied, especially domestic players. There are already calls for us to develop downloads.”

Mo Yu understood what he said.

The Corona module is a unique plot only available in the two editions of the Deluxe Collection. Not many people have actually played it this time. After all, the two versions are too expensive, and the version purchased by most players does not have this part of the plot content.

However, the content and plot of the Corona module are very rich, especially there are many future technology arms, which makes the game feel more like a future war than the original version.

Many players who purchased the deluxe and collector editions immediately aroused the envy of a large number of players after releasing the game videos.

"Mr. Mo, should we open it for downloading?"

Xu Changming asked.

Mo Yu thought for a while, waved his hand and said: "Keep it as it is for the time being. The game has just been launched. Adding new content immediately will make players unable to experience the existing plot well. Don't forget, Red Alert will be used for competitions in the future. The main thing is the existing plot line-up.”

"However, the players' feelings cannot be ignored. Let's take three months. After three months, the corona module will be officially launched globally and will be available for download. Each copy will be priced at 68 yuan!"

Corona is a cool text that satisfies players' desire to play. The original plot is the main content of the game.

Within a year, even if the Corona MOD is launched online across the entire network, Mo Yu will not add Corona to the game. Instead, he will add new factions and countries after balancing in the later stages.

He also developed an online ladder system in Red Alert. Players around the world can compete online through the servers deployed by Moyu Game in various places. When the player level improves, competitions can be organized at that time!

As for now?

Let the game ferment for a while first!

(End of this chapter)

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