Doomsday proficiency: Starve the liver out of photosynthesis

Chapter 94 Wan Yi, Qin Shihuang and his army resurrected

Chapter 94 Thousands of supernatural powers, the resurrection of Qin Shihuang and his army

The zombie monsters in Jinghai were almost emptied by Zhou Hao, and the zombie monsters that could be seen everywhere turned into piles of corpses one after another.

The screams and roars that could be heard everywhere were only the excited cheers of the survivors.

Zhou Hao's magical weapon is like a replicator, as long as it gets in touch with it, it can eventually replicate its abilities.

[Refining resistance, proficiency +999]

[Refinement resistance, proficiency level lv1 (899/1000)]

Attribute point +1.

[Refining resistance, proficiency +69]

[Refining resistance, proficiency +69]

[Refinement resistance, proficiency level lv2 (37/2000)]

Attribute point +1.

Zhou Hao could vaguely feel that another supernatural power had begun to sprout in his body, and he was satisfied, and while vigorously awakening his proficiency, he observed his surroundings.

The number of survivors in the city is not small. According to his estimate, there are still about 1000 million survivors, but compared to the previous 4000 million metropolis.

The population dropped by [-]%.

Such a disaster would be unimaginable before the end of the world.

"Old Fu?"


"still there?"

A sneaky figure sneaked into the villa nimbly, shouting softly while being vigilant.

"Zhang Yishan?"

"No, it should be a remaining crime!"

Zhou Hao stood on the edge of the roof of the villa, overlooking the figure of the thin monkey sneaking into the villa. Thinking of Shen Jiawen in front of him, he recognized the other person's identity at a glance.

"City Lord, it's Yu Zui, he's coming up!"

Shen Jiawen also noticed Yu Zui's figure, his body tensed up, and his heart instantly rose to his throat.

"Afraid of what? He's not your husband?"

Zhou Hao looked at Shen Jiawen with a smile, and squeezed her butt, "Even if it's my husband, I'm not afraid!"

"City Master, you are so bad!"

Shen Jiawen was in pain, turned his head, his charming eyes gave Zhou Hao a supercilious look, and said coquettishly.

But she is not an innocent little girl.

Since Zhou Hao likes this tune, she doesn't care.

"There must be someone here, I don't know if it's old Fu or sister-in-law?"

After Yu Zui went into the villa to observe, he was sure that there were still people living here.

"It should be sister-in-law!"

Thinking that all the older people had turned into zombies along the way, Yu Zui felt that it was unlikely that Fu Guosheng was still alive.

"Hey, there's movement upstairs!"

Yu Zui's ears twitched, and he also awakened his supernatural ability, his eyes and ears were clear, and his body moved towards the roof nimbly.

"Oh? It seems to be..."

Yu Zui's eyes suddenly became strange, he was no stranger to the voice from above.

"Could it be that the old Fu and sister-in-law are not dead? They ran to the roof to play early in the morning?"

"Is Lao Fu so awesome?"

Yu Zui couldn't help being curious and cautiously went to the roof, but when he arrived, he didn't find any trace.

Not even a ghost.

"Where did you go? Is there an invisibility ability?"

Yu Zui didn't dare to be careless, Fu Guosheng sold flour, although they called brothers, they were actually not the same people.

Yu Zui sniffed the strange but familiar hormonal smell in the air, and made sure that he was not wrong before, there was someone here just now, and he was still working.

At least two people.

"Hey, it didn't rain last night?"

Yu Zui came to the railing and saw a puddle of water stains on the ground. He lowered his head to check, and immediately the fiery figure of his sister-in-law appeared in his mind.

"Sister-in-law is really sweet!"

Yu Zui was amazed in his heart, stood on the top of the building and looked around, there was no suspicious figure, his eyes were full of doubts.

In the end, it can only be attributed to the fact that the opponent's ability to hide and escape is too strong, and he ran away directly after discovering him.

In fact, Zhou Hao didn't run away, but brought Shen Jiawen into the world of supernatural powers.

The time flow rate of the supernatural world can be increased.

Just to save time.

There are many things to be busy today.

"Old Fu is so old, it's unlikely that he didn't turn into a zombie, let alone the old Fu's three or two hits..."

Yu Zui looked at the puddles on the ground, shook his head slightly, he didn't know whose general was so brave.

But one thing is certain.

Fu Guosheng's head was covered with green prairie.

"It doesn't matter, I heard that Zhou Cheng is mainly recruiting people, so go and have a look first."

Yu Zui stopped thinking about it, left the villa and headed towards the inner city.

after an hour.

It was already seven o'clock in the morning, and the sky was already bright. Countless survivors came out from every corner, and headed towards the inner city in groups or alone.

After the zombie monsters were cleaned up by Zhou Hao, there was basically no danger.

Even if there are any remaining cats, there are only three or two big cats and kittens.

And most of them are zombies locked in the room.

The supernatural world.

Ten hours have passed.

For the sister-in-law who sells flour, Zhou Hao doesn't have any sympathy for her, but only wants to awaken the ability of refining medicine as quickly as possible.

The emperor does not bear the painstaking people.

After ten hours of hard work, the medicine refining ability was finally awakened.

[Refining resistance, proficiency +999]

[Pharmaceutical resistance, proficiency level lv5 (max), awakening ability of refining medicine]

Attribute point +1.

This wave is also five attribute points, and now Zhou Hao has accumulated 22 attribute points.

Very nice!

"Ability to refine medicine..."

Sensing the newly awakened abilities in his body, Zhou Hao's eyes flashed brightly, and he was in a good mood.

Although this ability has little combat effectiveness, it is very useful as a support.

Because it can distinguish the medicinal properties of various medicinal materials, crystal nuclei, and demon pills, and can also perform purification, fusion, and so on.

With this ability, it is equivalent to having an encyclopedia of medicinal materials.

Zhou Hao casually took out a zombie crystal nucleus.

He discovered that the crystal nuclei actually have attributes, but most of the crystal nuclei are fusions of multiple attributes into non-attribute crystal nuclei.

The refining ability can decompose various attributes contained in a non-attribute crystal nucleus.

Generally speaking, it is mainly the attributes of the five elements.


The light in the palm of the hand surged, and the crystal nucleus in Zhou Hao's hand melted and divided into five parts, each containing one of the five elements of gold, wood, water and fire.

Taking the crystal nucleus directly is simply a huge waste.

For example, if a wood attribute supernatural person takes a non-attribute crystal nucleus, in fact, she only needs the wood attribute part of it, and the rest is basically wasted.

In other words, a person with a wood attribute ability takes a non-attribute crystal nucleus, directly wasting four-fifths of it.

"This time I really found a treasure!"

Zhou Hao looked at Shen Jiawen who was tolerant of him in his arms, and he didn't expect her medicine refining ability to be so useful.

Moreover, the property of separating crystal nuclei is only one of the trivial functions.

"In the future, it can be well cultivated!"

Zhou Hao looked at Shen Jiawen who had fainted to death, she was seriously injured.

Zhou Hao took out the ointment for reducing swelling and relieving pain and applied it on her.

Then use the healing ability of the wooden power to help her torn wounds heal quickly.

After healing, Zhou Hao took Shen Jiawen to leave the world of supernatural powers and returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

After returning to the City Lord's Mansion, Zhou Hao put Shen Jiawen in the bedroom to practice, and then called everyone to deal with today's work.

The first thing is to register the survivors who come to seek refuge. You must know what abilities each person has awakened, what level they have, and what specialties they have.

For the registration, Zhou Hao is responsible for Andy.

Andy herself is a strong woman, and she has awakened her super brain, her head is like a super computer, and she can deal with problems very quickly.

Cao Cao and Guo Jia are responsible for the overall arrangement.

Gao Qiqiang, Gao Qisheng, Tang Xiaolong, Tang Xiaohu, and Dian Wei set up booths to recruit registered supernatural beings.

Chen Shuting is also recruiting.

However, Chen Shuting only recruits female supernatural beings and is responsible for forming the Imperial Guard of the City Lord's Mansion.

Xu Banxia is responsible for recruiting various scientific and technical talents.

It has been several days since the end of the world, some places have cut off water and electricity, Zhou Hao is fine because it is a high-end villa area.

But if no one maintains it all the time, there will inevitably be water and power cuts.

and so.

Technical personnel for various types of work such as water, electricity, electricity, etc. are needed, temporarily equivalent to the Ministry of Industry, responsible for maintaining the operation of Haotian City.

of course.

She is not only recruiting ordinary technical personnel, but also recruiting people with special abilities.

For example, someone has awakened the power of an electrician, his hands can be transformed into various electrician tools, and he can perceive power with his bare hands, etc., which is much stronger than ordinary electricians.

One person can do the work of a hundred or even a thousand ordinary electricians.

There are even people who have awakened their mechanical brains, and they are more powerful than quantum computers.

"The era of supernatural powers is really wonderful!"

Zhou Hao looked at the various and all-encompassing supernatural powers that had been registered, there were only unexpected ones, and none that could not be awakened, so he couldn't help but feel relieved.

With the ability of a hundred flowers blooming, does he still have to worry about power outages, water outages, internet outages, gas outages, etc.?
"Although the population of Haotian City has dropped sharply, there are so many supernatural beings, and the restoration of order in Haotian City is just around the corner!"

Li Na showed a smile on her face, looking forward to it.


Zhou Hao nodded slightly, came to Li Na's side, stretched out his hand to the plump place behind, and stroked it lightly.

Li Na's body froze, she turned her head and gave Zhou Hao a white look, and said angrily:

"City Lord, don't make trouble!"

Zhou Hao reached out and hugged Li Na's plump and graceful body into his arms, and looked at her charming face:
"Don't blame me for not being with you well last night?"

As he spoke, he moved his hand.

"The city lord is not good!"

Just when Zhou Hao was about to put his hand under her skirt, a sharp voice suddenly came from below, it was Zhou Shuyi's big mouth.

"I'm fine!"

Zhou Hao said unhappily, with such a loud voice, believe it or not, he will do a nucleic acid test for you later, and you will be speechless.

"City Lord, look quickly, Qin Shihuang is resurrected!?"

Zhou Shuyi pointed at the mobile phone, and said loudly while running quickly:

"Not only Qin Shihuang, but also his army has been resurrected!"


Zhou Hao was taken aback for a moment, then said in surprise:
"Qin Shihuang and his army resurrected?!"


(End of this chapter)

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