clown game

Chapter 114 Unknown Mission 6

Chapter 114 Unknown Mission Six

Back to 20 minutes ago, Lin Fan walked out of the classroom quietly. Since it was the end of get out of class, there were many students fighting in the corridor.

With his head slightly lowered, he passed through the crowds coming and going, and was very careful not to touch any of them, just like water melting into the water without causing the slightest ripple.

He quietly came to a toilet on the second floor.Find a separate compartment, go in, and close the door.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a plastic bag, a pen and a folded piece of paper from his pocket.

Afterwards, he put a plastic bag on his hand, tore off the inside of the paper, the page he had never touched, and wrote on it with his left hand holding a pen: "The stairs on the south side of the first floor". word, and drew two hearts next to each other below, pierced by an arrow.

Lin Fan looked at the pattern he had drawn, frowned slightly, then shredded the rest of the paper and rushed it into the sewer.

After finishing all this, Lin Fan returned to the corridor. At an angle that the monitor could not capture, the piece of paper with writing on it fell to the ground inadvertently, and was unfortunately stepped on by him with water stains. .

After 15 seconds, an old man in his 50s came over. This old man has a lot of background. He is the dean of the school for more than 30 years. Fight against school discipline.Therefore, he also developed a pair of vicious eyes.

At this moment, he keenly noticed that there was a piece of paper next to the wall in front of him, and there was a sinful smell wafting from it.

So he squatted down slowly, looked at the content above, and then a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph, another pair of students blinded by love."

Lin Fan returned to his seat. It took about 3 minutes from the time he went out to the time he came back. The classroom was still so noisy that no one noticed that he had left.

But he knew that in a few minutes, the teaching director in his 50s would arrive near the stairs where the bomb was hidden, and he would find the bomb and call the police, because he had already seen people rushing out of the teaching room in a panic building, and a police car driving into the campus.

What he did just now changed the future.

The future is a very mysterious thing, because it has not happened yet, so there are countless "possibles", and at the same time, there are countless "impossibles".

It's like reading a book. When a person who can "see the future" turns the first page of the story, does he already know the ending of the story?

In theory, he knew.Otherwise, it would not be called "predicting the future".

But if he already knows the ending, does he need to read on?

This question is difficult to answer.

Because if you don't read it, how can your future self finish reading this story?

Therefore, the most likely result is that this person will continue to read even if he knows the end of the story!

Maybe after closing the book, the content of this book will be confused in my mind, and I can't remember anything in the end.

It could also be that he simply can't make the "close the book" action.Or the idea of ​​closing the book cannot be conceived.

In short, he can only read it again on the premise of knowing the content of the book.

But now that I say so much, I just want to clarify one thing.

That is, "Seeing the future does not necessarily change the future."

Lin Fan is a smart person, he obviously knows this truth, so he is very careful, he knows that if he is a little negligent, he may be reduced to the end of becoming a "experimental product".

Ordinary, low-key, think more, do less, be exhaustive, meticulous.

This has almost become an attitude in his life. In order to make himself more ordinary, he has to think a lot about almost every action, such as what he did just now. It is very troublesome and may be useless, but he still tries his best. Do his best because he doesn't want to take the risk for such a simple thing.

Solving problems is a last resort, and the really smart people are avoiding problems.

Yes, what he did did not leave a single trace, the only omission was the piece of paper, but it was impossible for the dean to pick up that piece of paper, because it was full of water stains, and after a while, this A piece of paper will be trampled to pieces by the crowd, and there is no trace of it. From the beginning to the end, I am just an ordinary student who went to the toilet. Even in the monitor, I can't find anything unusual.And if someone asks how the dean discovered this "time bomb", the answer may only be "Because I want to catch the students who have a puppy love!" Do it, it is impossible to find any clues.So all this is a coincidence.

And what the hell is going on with this bomb?Why put it in school?Who put it?
Lin Fan would not think about this kind of thing, because it has nothing to do with him.

He just wants to be an ordinary person quietly.

After class, the whole school fell silent.

Suddenly, the radio in the corridor was switched on.


There was a piercing electric sound.

"Attention all teachers, lead the students out of the teaching building immediately, within 10 minutes, lead the students out of the teaching building immediately... Attention all teachers"

The voice on the radio was well concealed, there was no panic at all, and there was no unnecessary words such as "this is a fire drill". It seems that the school has already contacted the police. The director is still very reliable.

The voice on the radio was still repeating, and everyone was surprised and puzzled.Although Lin Fan knew it would be like this a long time ago, he also put on a surprised expression.

He can integrate himself into the surrounding atmosphere almost without thinking. This is a habit, and it can even be said to be an instinct.

At this time, someone who had watched too many criminal investigation movies seemed to suddenly think of something.

"Is there a bomb?"

He murmured tremblingly.


"Is there a bomb?"

Everyone around repeated it in horror.

And emotions like fear or madness are extremely contagious.

Soon, he yelled out from nowhere.

"Oh my god, there's a bomb!"

The crowd boiled immediately, everyone screamed and rushed out of the classroom.

Lin Fan was also rushed out with the flow of people, and there were bursts of shouts in his ears.He tried his best to look terrified.

At the same time, muttering in my heart
"Hey, it's really tiring to want to be ordinary."

(End of this chapter)

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