clown game

Chapter 130 Containment Breach 8

Chapter 130 Containment Breach Eight


Bai Xiong smiled inexplicably, and then immediately closed the video.

He rubbed his face which had started to convulse
Because he is usually unsmiling, his expression is a bit ferocious at this moment...

"Could it be contagious through sight?" Ice Bear said to himself, "This way of contagion is really dangerous."

"It seems that you feel it too. But this is just watching the video. If I'm not wrong, people face him directly. It only takes a few seconds for the consciousness to be eroded! Then it becomes... like that... "

Song Xuan said leisurely.

Suddenly, she paused...and quickly turned her head to look at the white bear: "You know him... right!"

Bai Xiong's heart suddenly tightened.

He immediately put on an expression as if he had just escaped from mental pollution, and shook his head uncomfortably.
"Know, but not familiar with." He responded lightly.

Of course, it is impossible for him to say that he and Chen Xiao have formed a team a few days ago~ Such behavior is like pouring gasoline on himself at the scene of a fire.

After Song Xuan heard Bai Xiong's answer, she didn't turn her head back, but continued to stare at him very impolitely, without avoiding his gaze at all.

Silence for a few seconds...

The white bear met her gaze, didn't dodge it, and frowned

"It seems that all the exits are blocked..." He spoke first, with a trace of displeasure in his voice.

"En" Song Xuan said lightly, she didn't see anything in the other party's eyes, she knew that this guy was extremely calm, so she gave up these boring temptations, and at the same time, she didn't explain much.

Because this is something that can be easily guessed, just now she said that the monitoring room is on the first floor, and at this moment she has already reached the second floor.There are only two possibilities for this situation:
One is that I want to single-handedly deal with Chen Xiao and resolve this crisis. This kind of thing usually only appears in comics.

The second is that I have tried to escape from the underground entity of the foundation, but found that all the exits are closed, so I can only put the target on the third floor underground where there is a weapon equipment area. , the use of weapons is completely open.Moreover, there is also an "emergency shelter" there. Without any external assistance, the life there can maintain about 80 people must be provided for more than half a month.
So as long as you are not too stupid, you can directly think of the next plan.

First of all, the two of them need to quickly leave the unoccupied medical area.

Then choose a route.

Take the evacuation elevator and go down to the third floor directly, or walk down the walking stairs,

Both options have pros and cons
For example, the first one has the advantage of being able to quickly reach the next floor and avoid the area that has become a "lunatic asylum" in front of it. Just like here, the negative third floor has already been infected, and when the elevator opens, it will be lively.
Imagine, with the sound of "ding", the elevator door opened, and then the entire corridor in front of you was full of lunatics who bared their teeth and claws. They looked back blankly and saw the scene of two men and one woman. I can tell a thousand things at least. Words come.

The advantage of the second type is easy to explain, which is to avoid the deadlock of "being stuck in the elevator after opening the door".The downside is that you have to walk all the way.

Bai Xiong pulled out the clip of the pistol, checked the remaining bullets, and then cast a questioning look at the woman in front of him, which meant: "How do you want to go?"

And Song Xuan didn't think too much, because she already knew the other party's answer.

According to Bai Xiong's temper, it is naturally impossible for him to choose "taking the elevator" and put his life on luck.His act of checking the ammunition is also saying to the other party: "I have decided to go all the way, do you want to go together?"

Song Xuan pulled out the dagger from his waist, and drew a few streaks of light on his skinny fingertips.

"Let's go."

she said lightly
The operating room is about a few minutes away from the exit of the medical area, and Bai Xiong and Song Xuan are not talkative people, so this walk is very quiet.

At the same time, this section of the journey was indeed much cleaner than other places. The corpses in the corridor would only appear once in a while, and there was no smell of gunpowder smoke.

This is for sure, medical staff generally don't wear any weapons, so almost all the people in the medical area escaped successfully, and those who ran slowly died of knife wounds or were bitten to death.
This also led to the fact that Ice Bear didn't find a single weapon on his back along the way.

At this time, the two had already arrived at the exit, and in front of them was a somewhat exaggerated lead-layer door, which was covered with unknown smooth metal.Maybe it's because the various instruments in the medical area have strong radiation. In short, the door here is designed like this, and this is the biggest reason why the infected people in other areas did not rush in.

Bai Xiong took out some medical cotton from his pocket. It was wet and dripping slightly. It was prepared when he was in the medical equipment room.

"It should be useful." He passed the cotton ball to Song Xuan with a blank expression.

And the other party also understood what he meant, and cast a slightly approving look.

The two stuffed the cotton into their ears. The water inside was squeezed and slightly seeped into the ear canal, which made people feel a sense of swelling and discomfort.

And in this way, a large part of the sound is also isolated.

Song Xuan hung her skinny arms, took a breath, and nodded to Bai Xiong.

Bai Xiong also knew how to press the switch on the wall.


The lead door slowly opened.

Immediately afterwards, there was a strong smell of blood.Followed by, there were countless chaotic shouts and laughter, as if hundreds of sounds were playing in a closed space at the same time, echoing chaotically, until people felt dizzy.


An arm that had lost three fingers fiercely inserted through the gap just opened, flicking wildly, desperately trying to squeeze in.

Bai Xiong bit the tip of his tongue, trying to stop himself from thinking about these crazy voices for the time being. He quickly grabbed the arm that came in with one hand, and slammed it in the opposite direction of the joint.

There was a crisp "click", like breaking a chopstick.

At this time, the door opened enough for one person to pass through.

The white bear took advantage of the situation and pulled the owner of this arm towards him.

Another "click" sound

This time it was the opponent's neck that was broken.
Neither of them showed any emotion towards the guy who took the bento without even showing his face.just waiting solemnly for the door to open a wide enough
Outside is a spanning corridor, which is very spacious.On one side are a few corpses that have been lying there for an unknown amount of time, and on the other side is a poor guy who is tearing out his own intestines.

Bai Xiong and Song Xuan still didn't say anything.

They just walked cautiously and quickly towards the direction they planned.

at the same time
Lock on a storage room door on the third basement level

Turned slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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