clown game

Chapter 145 Numbers 6

Chapter 145 Number Six

Of course Doctor Zhang knew that Liu Yi handed over the mirror to let himself try to read the writing on the paper with it. If the paper was face up.

Let alone whether this idea is feasible or not, it can be seen from this behavior alone that the reaction speed of this mental illness is very fast.Almost immediately after he yelled, he found no one responded, so he started looking for tools to smash the mirror.

That is to say, at that moment, he judged that there must be some important information on that piece of paper, and he also guessed that Doctor Zhang would definitely grab the piece of paper, and at the same time knew from the whereabouts of the paper that Doctor Zhang must be enough. No, at the same time, I also thought of using mirror refraction to solve this problem!

All of the above really confirmed the saying "mental patients have broad minds!"

Doctor Zhang came back to his senses, took the fragment of the mirror... stretched it out of the window, and adjusted the angle.

very lucky!The piece of paper fell on the corner of the wall, and with the light from the room, he finally saw what was written on the paper.

Numbers again!


A lot of numbers!Since the piece of paper is not big, it is at most half the size of an A4 paper, so it looks dense and takes up the entire paper.

"I...I saw it." Doctor Zhang shouted under his breath. In order to read the words on the paper, he had to straighten his arms violently, his face was squeezed against the fence, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

"What did you write?" Liu Yi asked curiously.

"Numbers, but there are too many... See if you can find something to remember!"

"Okay!" Liu Yi shouted immediately, less than a second later...

"Ah!" He screamed violently, his voice was short and suddenly stopped, and then: " it!" Liu Yi yelled again.

Because of his posture, Dr. Zhang couldn't see what the psychopath behind him was doing, but he must have been disturbed by his sudden and unexpected behavior... He thought: What is this kid doing again?

Of course, Dr. Zhang was just thinking about it, and there was no time wasted. He was very tired from maintaining this posture, no matter what the other party wanted to record, anyway, he was ready, and he read it directly and quickly.


After Dr. Zhang finished reading this long series of numbers, he couldn't hold on anymore and quickly pulled his arm back, twisting his neck and shoulders in a circle at the same time... At the same time, he added: "At the end there is—— Fuck me!"

Before he finished speaking, he yelled out loudly, jumped on the spot in line with the atmosphere, and stretched out his hand to pat his little heart.

Because the scene in front of him... well... Although it's not that scary, but combined with the surrounding atmosphere and the dark environment outside the window, it's enough to scare people.

Do you know what this kid Liu Yi used to write those numbers?
Of course not with shit~ I'm not the kind of genius writer who can't say shit about shit
He used blood~
At this moment, on the door panel of the "shitting room" in front of Dr. Zhang, there is a large series of numbers written in blood, and Liu Yi is standing in front of the door panel, while licking his fingers, while looking at Dr. Zhang pitifully, the corners of his eyes seem to be There was also a small teardrop hanging, and in his other hand, he was holding a bloody glass slide.

Dr. Zhang swallowed, and looked at the "blood characters" on the wall again. Each number was quite large, and there were a few places where the blood stains were very shallow between the numbers. At first glance, it seemed that there was not enough blood. Then it became clear again, it was obvious that the bastard had squeezed out some blood again, or simply stabbed his finger again.

"Uh... don't you feel pain?" Dr. Zhang asked with pain all over his face.

The other party nodded, and replied angrily: "Aren't you talking nonsense, can it not hurt if you cut so deeply?"

Doctor Zhang was silent for a while
"You idiot, you think of cutting your fingers with glass, but don't you think of using a piece of glass to carve directly on the door panel? This door is painted with wood! You can buckle a word with a fingernail! "

While roaring bitterly and bitterly, he also patted the single wooden door next to him. It felt like an elementary school teacher came up with an addition and subtraction within 10, but no one in the class knew it. After his mentality collapsed The gesture of clapping the blackboard.

This time Liu Yi was also dumbfounded. Because he really didn't expect it, he stood there blankly, with a bewildered expression on his face.

Doctor Zhang sighed helplessly again, hey, I don’t know if this guy is smart or stupid, so let’s just write down the numbers anyway, besides, he can squeeze out so much blood from his fingers, he is considered a talent up.

So let's get down to business, now that we've put in so much effort, what the two of us got is just this string of numbers.

"12324566772486865298" Liu Yi looked at the number written in his own blood, read it from beginning to end, then looked at Doctor Zhang beside him, and asked, "What does this mean?"

Dr. Zhang frowned, thought for a while, and said abruptly: "This set of numbers should be the key for us to get out of this toilet!"

"Ah?" Liu Yi cast a puzzled look.

Dr. Zhang took out two pieces of paper from his pocket, which were just taken out from the back of the two strange chairs, with two sets of numbers "74123" and "8131620" written on them, and said: "You I got a set of numbers, and I also got a set of numbers, and then we both woke up in that strange chair. And now, another string of numbers appeared. Although I don’t know what they all represent, but there must be What is the connection!"

He said it very seriously, without even realizing it, he had already started using the word "wake up".

Liu Yi nodded half-understood, then looked at the door panel, stared stupidly for a while: "But... there are no hints for this mess! Hey, by the way, you just said, "There is one more at the end." ———Fuck! "What means?"

He imitated Dr. Zhang's tone of voice just now, and imitated him by jumping up and down, making a "beating the little heart" movement.

Dr. Zhang was stunned for a moment, he was completely forgotten by these two idiots, and quickly said: "Oh, yes, I just wanted to say that after this string of numbers, there is a question mark!"

"question mark?"

"Well, a question mark!" Doctor Zhang replied affirmatively, and took the glass shard from Liu Yi's hand, and engraved a "?" at the end of the string of numbers.

Liu Yi frowned, and immediately said: "There are question marks! This...the ones with question marks are "interrogative sentences"!"

When Dr. Zhang heard this, his face was filled with bitterness. Just as he was about to curse, his eyes lit up suddenly. "Yes, yes, it's not just numbers! Maybe it's a sentence!"

He put on an expression of "a sudden flash of inspiration", yelling to himself, and then suddenly stretched out his hand out of the fence, and took the fragment of the mirror in his hand just now, and looked at the mirror again. Paper.

"There is a gap!" he shouted, as if he had found the key to the solution: "There is a gap between the numbers!"

Immediately afterwards, he yelled the numbers again. This time, he also brought the intervals between the numbers
And Liu Yi was also very "smart", and began to draw several vertical lines on the wooden board with glass fragments to separate the numbers.

At this moment, the numbers on the wooden board become like this

 Can you guess a word?Prompts are in English.

(End of this chapter)

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