clown game

Chapter 147 Numbers 8

Chapter 147 Number Eight


Doctor Zhang's eyes are fixed on the "6", which is the "6" between the fifth vertical line and the sixth vertical line!
He knew that he must have caught a clue, but he didn't know what the clue was.

So, he hurriedly greeted Liu Yi: "Hey, who the hell, look at this!"

Liu Yi leaned over, "What's the matter?"

Doctor Zhang looked at the number "6" without blinking, pointed at it, as if afraid that it would run away with long legs, and said, "...this number is alone!"

"Alone?" Liu Yi repeated with a frown, and almost in the next second, his eyes lit up: "It's a letter!" He suddenly shouted.

Doctor Zhang was taken aback. "Letters?"

"En is the letter!"

Doctor Zhang was puzzled: "But, haven't you tried it just now, the alphabetical order doesn't work at all, and the algorithm is also irregular!"

Liu Yi shook his head: "There is no order, and there is no rule. A number represents a letter. For example, the "6" represents the letter "i" or "a"!"

"Uh..." Dr. Zhang was bewildered: "What is this? Why do you feel like you are fooling around! How come 6 is "i" and "a"?"

"It's true that I'm delusional, but for the time being, this should be the most likely speculation. Try it and you won't lose a piece of meat." Liu Yi said: "Anyway, according to this method, the first 12 is composed of two letters. words, and 324 is a word composed of three letters. It’s just that the letters represented by each number are irregular, that is to say, we can only infer from this number in reverse.”

Dr. Zhang thought for a while, and immediately understood what the other person meant, so he took up the conversation: "That is to say, the "6" represents a single letter, and in grammar, a letter that can independently form a word is just another letter." "a" means the quantifiers "one" and "i" are translated into the two letters "I". Isn't it!"

Liu Yi nodded in affirmation.

But immediately after, Dr. Zhang objected: "No, according to your method, there is no way to explain the string of numbers "5667". There is no word with two "a" or "i" in the middle!"

After Liu Yi heard it, he immediately put on a proud face: "Who said that a number can only represent one meaning, the number is only up to "9" and there are 24 letters!"

"It's 26." Dr. Zhang said blankly.

"Uh..." Liu Yi hesitated for a while, and quickly changed the topic: "It doesn't matter how many, anyway, 1 to 9 is definitely not enough."

Of course, Dr. Zhang didn't want to say anything more on this issue: "Okay, so what's next?"

"Then one number represents two letters! It's like if there is not enough food, then two people eat one bowl; if there is not enough urinals, two people pee in one pit; Isn’t it the same with clocks! There are 24 hours in a day, but there are only 1 to 12 on the dial!”

Liu Yi said wow, the corners of Dr. Zhang's eyes twitched a few times. After explaining it this way, he really understood what the other party meant, but these metaphors are really painful.
Let’s stop gossip, now let’s follow Liu Yi’s guess, connect the 26 letters end to end like a dial, bend them into a ring, and fold them in half again. You will get a new arrangement with “13” letters.

Looking through the paper, you can see that "a" and "n" overlap, "b" and "o" overlap, and so on
So now, based on the English alphabet, we have derived a new language that uses numbers as "words".

And you should be able to guess the meaning of these numbers.
The first group of numbers is "12". What is the word made of two letters?
he , it , me , my , we , is , do , an , or , in , on , go , so , to , no
Since it has been assumed that "6" represents "a" "n" or "i" "v"

So all words with a, n, i, and v can be removed.

Among these words, there are only two words that are often used as the beginning word of interrogative sentences, and can be connected to the end of "?".

Although it is very troublesome to say, in fact, to put it bluntly, in daily conversations, we are all accustomed to using the words "is" and "do" to start.
However, "is" has been removed because of the letter "i", so "12" represents the two letters "do".

According to the folding algorithm, 1=d and q can be calculated; 2=o and b345 can’t be calculated temporarily, but we can know that 72 represents “t” and “g” alone, so we know The word "7" represented by this group of numbers is "5667ant". Now, as long as you use your brain a little bit, you can guess that 5 represents w and j.

do 3o4 want to - 3 is y and l, 4 is u and h.

At this moment, this paragraph of numbers has become a simple crossword puzzle.

In fact, this is the most basic "push password".

During the war, this kind of password was widely used to transmit information between the front lines. Generally, this kind of password will have a starting password called "line head", which is the "6" mentioned above. Of course, the real The password does not use such a simple letter as the "thread", otherwise it will be deciphered in minutes if it is intercepted by the enemy
Well, now everyone has come to the answer to this "interrogative sentence", right?
Anyway, Dr. Zhang has already introduced its meaning very quickly.


"Would you like to hear a joke?"


He frowned. Some inexplicably said aloud.

But Liu Yi directly bent down and picked up a piece of broken glass from the ground.
"What are you doing?" Doctor Zhang asked.

"Answer him!" Liu Yi said as a matter of course.

Indeed, this is a problem, even if you know what the numbers represent, it is still a problem, and the real answerers are Liu Yi and Dr. Zhang themselves.
Is it "yes" or "no"

Of course, this answer should also be answered with numbers.
Dr. Zhang thought for a while, and suddenly said: "No. According to our algorithm, this question can only be answered with "no" but not "yes"! Because there are only y and e in the numbers, but there is no number representing s!"

Liu Yi had already walked up to the template at this moment, and replied absent-mindedly: "That's right, because he didn't write all the numbers, there are 1-9 here, but there is no "0"!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Yi raised his arm and engraved three numbers behind the "?" of the string of numbers.


(End of this chapter)

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