clown game

Chapter 153

Chapter 153
(The plot in the story coincides with the reality in a weird way, so I think, let’s intersperse a small episode. Do you still remember the field team member who died in the "Dark Realm" mission?)

【You came from the soil, and you will return to the soil.The body chooses the earth, and the soul lives in the heart. 】

K City Cemetery Area
The moonlight shone on the ground, and there was silence. The leaves were already incomplete, falling with the wind, and the rustling sound could be heard clearly.

The door of the cemetery was pushed open, and a slender figure walked in quietly.

He is very thin, and because his shoulders are too narrow, he looks like a "telephone pole". At this moment, he is wearing a very ordinary windbreaker, which can be seen from the gap in the collar, and there is a black suit inside. .

Few people come to sweep the tomb at night, let alone the cold weather like today
But he just carried out a mission this morning. Although it wasn't too difficult, it was still a bit late to get back.

The lanky man came to a standing tombstone
This tombstone is so simple that it doesn't even have a name on it.

But he knows the name of the owner of the tombstone

A guy who used to tell himself the meaning of life.

It's been almost two months since that strange mission, and now that I think about it, what I left with the mission, except for that huge meat egg and flying flesh.
It's about his death.

The man whose body was like a telephone pole smiled wryly. He knew that everyone would die, and he would die too. Those who did their job faced death almost every day.However, when the real news of his death came, I still couldn't believe it.

That man is really dead.

life and death?
These are the two endpoints that all life goes through. If anyone wants to ask something about this, I can tell you very clearly that you will not get a satisfactory answer.

Because this is the ultimate question of philosophy.

It's like people always ask what is the meaning of life.

Everyone can only say "to be meaningful is to live well, and to live well is to be meaningful", so that you can cherish the present and live seriously.

Every time "telephone pole" heard such words, he would smile silently, because he knew that his heart had not been convinced yet.

Indeed, people can have brilliant lives.But where are those people?Can he hear the praise and abuse of later generations, can he see his own name from the history books, can his sculpture wink at the crowd who pay their respects.In the end, everything has nothing to do with you.

In this way, the so-called meaning is a joke.

After that, he joined the Field Team of the Order Foundation
Thus began to experience countless bizarre tasks, or the transition between life and death, but after these.

He felt... still empty inside.

wine, blood, smoke, women
He tried almost everything he could imagine.

However, still not satisfied.

He doesn't know what he's after.
If life is so empty, what's the point?
But he finally found the answer to this question.

And the one who gave him the answer was the guy in front of him who no longer had a complete body.

He is a very strange person who always puts his mind in places that are different from normal men.

I remember one time, Billy Wang and himself were assigned to the same task by coincidence. During the waiting time in the middle of the task, they discussed the "meaning of life".

Of course, the meaning of what they said that day was not what those other people often said.For example, getting up early to go to school, studying hard, crossing the road after school to help the grandmother, getting home to wash the feet of parents, ah, what a meaningful day and so on.

As I said at the beginning, this is a philosophical question.

As for philosophical issues, it is naturally difficult to express them clearly in words.

That night, just in the silent night, my breathing gradually became clear and I slowly closed my eyelids.The facial features gradually calmed down, and the body slowly changed.Feeling that the bed under him disappeared, he sank into the darkness, the connection between the world and him was completely cut off, and he felt... no longer empty.

And when he tries to comprehend this feeling and experience this pain, he also understands the existence of meaning.

The telephone pole looked at the empty tombstone in front of him, "Hehe, maybe it's God, and I want to wrestle too."



sight back to story
It is said that when Chen Xiao played the "elite game" in the D-level area last time, after choosing the game type, the number of people and the waiting time for this game should appear, but this time is different. After he just clicked on the phone screen, Immediately, an electronic map that usually guides the mission location appeared, and what this map pointed to was undoubtedly the location of this competition.

"Hehe~" Chen Xiao sighed slightly, but he was not too surprised, because this is a "branch" of the foundation after all, and its number must be much larger than the research institute he stayed in before. The number of people in this kind of competition will certainly not be small.

So he just had a good time, and walked along the map pointing.

After passing through several corridors and turning a few crooked corners, Chen Xiao came to an elevator door, and on the wall next to the elevator, there was a small sign that said "Elevator for elite gaming competitions".

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly. It seems that this competition is still very important here.So, he stepped into the elevator directly.

However, as soon as his feet stepped into the elevator, the elevator door closed immediately. The next second, with a "click", on the roof of the elevator, a beam of fan-shaped red light shone in from top to bottom. What followed was an electronically synthesized voice speaking very fast.

"Confirm the identity of the contestant—C-level field team member, Chen Xiao."

It took only one second for this passage to finish playing, followed by a slight pause, and the electronic voice continued: "The timer starts!"

At the same time, the elevator shook slightly and then began to move.

Chen Xiao was taken aback by this series of quick operations.

"What's the matter?" He muttered softly.

Immediately afterwards, the phone in his pocket began to vibrate.

Chen Xiao was also moved by the flustered atmosphere, and immediately took out his mobile phone.

I saw a string of numbers appearing on the top of the screen of the phone.

And the last number is changing with the number of seconds, and instantly becomes

It's all like this, even a fool can see that it is heralding some kind of countdown.Its time setting is 5 minutes!

And during this dwindling time

 Uh, it really shouldn't be put in the text.I was wrong~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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