clown game

Chapter 159 The Dice Game 3

Chapter 159 The Dice Game Part Three

1 minute passed quickly——

During this period, there were no "rule supplements" at all.

In other words, until now, I still don't know what this so-called "chip" is for.

The electronic sound came as expected.

"The second round of the dice game begins. Everyone please choose the number of points they want to throw. The time limit is 3 minutes, and the game begins!"

As soon as the word "Start" fell from the electronic voice, the gorilla said: "Although I lost the last round, I voted for 2 points! I have done enough for the team, and I will abstain this round!"

With that said, he threw the phone on the table, and looked at everyone present with a gloomy expression.

"Hey, why did you abstain this round? You said you voted for two points and you got two points, and I also said that I voted for all three points in the last round!" Kidney Xu Boy was the first to yell unconvinced.

But the gorilla closed his eyes and didn't even look at him. His attitude couldn't be more obvious, "Believe it or not, I won't vote anyway."

"What a bastard!" Kidney Xu boy scolded directly.

In fact, if he didn't feel that he might not be able to beat the opponent with a shot, he would probably jump up and fight the opponent right now.Because his team was already one round behind, this bastard orangutan still played in a temper and abstained.This is tantamount to driving the other three in the team to the edge of a cliff.

Hmm. Not to mention, this gorilla is really blatantly forcing his teammates!Moreover, his screaming behavior in the last round was also paving the way for his own round.

Although he looks like a human ancestor, he is actually a guy who is very good at playing with his mind. This behavior is a very general psychological tactic.

"Psychological Resilience!"

It can be seen in almost all interpersonal relationships related to "pressure" or "boss and boss".

The name of this psychology is: if the spring is pressed too lightly, it will definitely not bounce high!If it is too heavy, it may exceed the bearing range and become a ring of scrap iron.Therefore, only by pressing it lightly and lightly can it pop up to a good height.

That's the way the game is now.

If the pressure on your team is not too great, just like in the last game, when the two sides were 0-0, someone must have a fluke mentality, which led to at least one person abstaining in the last game!

Well, now that the score has come to 1-0, and his team is behind, playing such a scene of "I abstain" at this time will undoubtedly put pressure on the team. points", and the opponent team will definitely slack off because they are already in the lead. If there is no "external danger" for the time being, they will definitely resolve the "internal conflicts" first, so the opponent's points in this round will not be very high.

But if I adopt this psychological tactic in a 2-0 situation, it may get the opposite effect. After all, I will go home after losing three games in a row. At this time, if I show such an irresponsible attitude, Nine times out of ten, he angered all his teammates.At that time, let alone losing the game, it is estimated that the other three will have to be beaten up after they go out.

In short, now is the best time for this tactic. In this case, you can reduce the "points" you throw, and force your teammates to throw more points. "Otherwise, I will definitely win this round, killing three birds with one stone, it's perfect!
The gorilla thought so, and wished he could take a mirror and kiss himself a few times.
But when he was complacent, the short-haired man in the black team spoke:

"I have a proposal." With that said, he placed the phone screen down on the table.

When the rest of the people saw his move, they naturally turned their eyes to him intentionally or unintentionally.
"Ah? What's your suggestion?" The man with kidney deficiency hadn't recovered from his anger towards the gorilla, so his tone of voice was a little uncomfortable.

Immediately afterwards, the weak aunt rushed to say, "It's better to have a suggestion than no suggestion, let's hear it!"

"Oh, of course I will say it, but before I say it, I would like to ask everyone to put their phones on the table like me." While speaking, he pointed to the phone he had folded upside down in front of him with his chin: "Within 5 seconds, if everyone puts their mobile phones on the table, I will make a proposal. Otherwise, it will be treated as if I didn't say anything just now. Of course, if you think my proposal is not good, you can put your mobile phone away at any time. Just take it back"

The second after he finished speaking, the "little man" put the mobile phone on the table. "Okay, I really want to hear it."

And the gorilla glanced at his mobile phone and emphasized, "No matter what your proposal is, I will never touch the mobile phone this round."

Well, under the circumstances of this general trend, everyone buckled their mobile phones on the table within two seconds, including the girl who came in last. Seeing that everyone else took out their mobile phones, she put on a look of "I don't know what to do." What are you doing, anyway, I’ll do as others have done.” With an expression on his face, he took out his phone and put it on the table.

Originally, in this embarrassing atmosphere, there was finally someone who wanted to be the first bird, and everyone must want to take a look. This might be an "opportunity", and it doesn't matter whether his proposal is good or not. Yes, let's talk after listening.
The "short-haired man" saw that everyone had followed suit and said slowly: "Before I put my phone on the table, I had already voted for 3 points. And I also voted for a point in the last game, a total of 2 points, so... Next I won't throw any more points unless the team wins 2-[-]! Do you think it's ok?"

"Ah?" The little man was the first to question: "If you said three points, you should vote three points." But just after he finished speaking, he put on a look of sudden realization: "Oh, so it is like this. "

Immediately afterwards, the "short-haired man" also took up the conversation: "Yes, the rest of the black team can all abstain! Let me play this game alone." After speaking, he added: "Of course, what do you think? If you are not safe, you can vote as much as you want, and I can't stop you."

After listening, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then put on a thoughtful expression.

The words of the "short-haired man" are obvious. He cast "3 points" in one round, and he himself said that his teammates can all abstain. Therefore, the possibility of him cheating his teammates is almost ruled out.As for deceiving the opponent's amount, it is reasonable to say that using "6 points" or more to make the opponent infighting. Using "3 points" to deceive the opponent is not sick.

In short, this is a very hard way, because when your team leads by one game, all the players may only vote "1 point" at most, or even abstain directly.And the proposal of "short-haired man" directly raised his team's points to "at least 3 points". Although he will abstain from all the subsequent "up to three rounds", if the score reaches 2-2, he will still Join again. For the black team, this deal should be regarded as a profit but not a loss, and it is not a loss for the "short-haired man" himself.

(End of this chapter)

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