clown game

Chapter 180 Apartments

Chapter 180 Apartments
It seems that Boss Xiaoyu's coffee shop is quite famous. Of course, it's only in the "house" circle.

Here I would like to mention that regarding Jing Jing's sudden appearance, Boss Xiaoyu put all the responsibility on Chen Xiao.

What he said to his cousin was that Jing Jing was a distant relative of Chen Xiao. A few days ago, she had a sudden car accident and her parents died. Although she survived, she became an orphan. The only relative, but Chen Xiao knows that his character is too poor and he has many bad living habits. If he is not careful and makes some unreasonable mistake, he will regret it.
So Chen Xiao was very self-aware and entrusted Jing Jing to himself.
This kind of plot that doesn't often appear in third-rate movies is really full of loopholes, but my cousin is too nervous enough to accept this setting in its entirety, and she is very caring, asking to live with me quietly.

Well, it seems that she also can't trust her cousin's character.

After that, everyone can guess what happened.

A tall and gentle big sister, an arrogant and indifferent little girl, can drink a cup of coffee beside them, feel the gentle eyes or cold dismissive glances, this kind of comfortable and wonderful feeling is not ordinary coffee comparable to the

Such a unique opportunity fell in front of Boss Xiaoyu, so this maid cafe naturally evolved successfully.

Uh. If you ask, gentle eyes are understandable, but how do "cold and dismissive" connect with "comfortable and beautiful". Regarding this question, I can only say that with a meaningful look, then Add the sentence "You are too young." to answer everyone.

Gossip less, because Chen Xiao is really not interested in "otaku culture", and Boss Xiaoyu is busy in the back kitchen and has no time to complain to each other with Chen Xiao, so he is in this two-dimensional style. After eating a piece of cake in the cafe, he left resentfully.

He is going to go home and have a look.
I haven't been back for a month, and I don't know how my room was ruined by "Eyeball Lord".

Room 221, Apartment Building, 603 Baker Street

Chen Xiao pushed open the door of the room.

Well, a little bit unexpectedly, everything in the room didn’t seem to have changed, the corners of the table and the gap between the floor were still aligned to form a straight line as if obsessive-compulsive, and the cups and tableware remained where he left , without moving a bit.

"Uh————" Chen Xiao drew a long tone and hummed.

Because of all of this~~ something seems wrong. Everyone knows that it is impossible for that big eyeball who is wandering around in the cabin for nothing to be so quiet.

At this point in his thoughts, Chen Xiao's eyes aimed at the corner of the wall almost without going through his brain.

Sure enough, there were a few scattered pages.

Everyone also knows that this room and the small wooden house that does not know which world it exists in have different degrees of intersection, and the corner of the room, in that position, the two spaces can transmit some information to each other.

Chen Xiao immediately realized something, walked over quickly, and picked up a piece of paper with his waist.

On that page, there were a few crooked handwriting, the ink marks had long since dried up, seeping into the fibers and blending into one, as if after tens of thousands of years, they came here at this moment just to impress some people. glance.


Chen Xiao frowned.

Looking at these highly recognizable ugly handwritings, Chen Xiao could even think of the posture of "Mr. Eyeball" sitting on the ground with his eyeballs and his two "hands" sticking out to write in mid-air. That is to say, this sentence The words are what "Sister Angel" wants to say to herself.

"Be careful with that old woman?" Chen Xiao muttered with a laugh:
He rummaged through his few months of memory, and found that he didn't seem to know any "old women."If one had to be screened out, it would be that "Sister Angel" was the oldest woman in terms of the degree of decay.

"Women are really annoying, why do you always talk in half?" Chen Xiao scolded to himself, then immediately picked up a pen and wrote on the paper


These two words.Then he sat on the ground and waited for the other party's reply.

Judging from each of the previous conversations, after writing the words on the paper, the angel sister should reply soon.

but this time

Nearly 10 minutes passed~ but nothing happened.

"???" Chen Xiao's affection became more and more confused.

"What are you doing?."

Just when Chen Xiao was about to start all kinds of wild thoughts in his mind

"Ring Ling Ling~~"

his cell phone rang
Chen Xiao took out his mobile phone and glanced at it.
"Huh???" He froze again

The person who called was the white bear who hadn't contacted for a long time.

Um, it seems that apart from him, no one else has called Chen Xiao on his own initiative.

Chen Xiao answered the phone
"Yo hoo~~ Long time no see~!"

He greeted him in what he thought was a warm tone.

The voice on the other end of the phone was still calm, as if without any emotion.

"Room 221, 6th Floor, Apartment Building 603 Shell Street?"

White Bear said flatly.However, it can still be heard from the subtle tone change at the end that this is an interrogative sentence.So Chen Xiao didn't understand, so "Huh?"

"This is your address..." Ice Bear said again.

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment: "Of course I know this is my address... The key is how do you know? Hmm... and what are you going to do?"

The voice just fell
There was a "click"... the door of Chen Xiao's apartment was opened just like that... Afterwards, Bai Xiong's mighty body walked in.

"Fuck...?" Chen Xiao looked at the white bear who just appeared in front of his eyes, and was a little confused for a while.

After holding back for a long time, I finally regained my composure and asked, "You, you, uh... how did you open the door?"

This question was obviously not the point, but he had so many questions that he didn't know what to ask at once.

Bai Xiong didn't answer Chen Xiao's question, but just made a "silence" gesture casually, then took out an electronic device the size of a coin from his suit pocket, and pressed it.

There was a slight vibration, and Chen Xiao obviously felt an invisible magnetic field swept over him, making the hairs all over his body stand upright as if they had been subjected to static electricity, and soon spread to every corner of the room.

Bai Xiong stared at this small device, seeing that there was no change in the sound, he put it back into his pocket...

And turned to the door and said:

"It's okay inside, come in..."

(End of this chapter)

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