clown game

Chapter 182 Chen Xiao?

Chapter 182 Chen Xiao?

Things shouldn't be like this.

According to what Song Xuan said, then the Laughingbird team can be regarded as an awesome team.If you want to join the group, don't you have to be a little polite?But the new member's way of doing things seems to be too direct.He came up with such a murderous look, as if he had a knife on his neck.People say with a smile that they are also the founder and captain of this team, they don't want to lose face.

In fact, it seemed that Song Xuan really didn't intend to give Chen Xiao any face. She took out her mobile phone from her pocket, tapped the screen a few times, and handed it to Bai Xiong.Then Bai Xiong also pressed a few times, and handed it to Chen Xiao again.

Chen Xiao obviously realized what these two people were doing, so he yelled bitterly: "Hey, you two are going to do this now, right?"

And the eyes of these two people in front of them are obviously saying: "Stop talking nonsense!"

Chen Xiao reluctantly took the phone.

On the screen, there was a sentence with a very clear meaning.


Please confirm the registration of field team members.

Team name: Laughing Birds
Residency: Asia Branch of the Order Foundation
Team members: C-level member: Chen Xiao, C-level member: Bai Xiong
Application to join personnel file: Song Xuan, a member of the C-level field team, task overview: D-level tasks 6 times, C-level tasks 34 times.Fund Exchange: Muscle Elasticity Serum x4, Nerve Reflex Sensitivity Enhancement Serum x6, Metal Dagger Replacement x2

Below these lines of words, there is another line of relatively large words: After confirmation, please scan your fingerprint.If you need to change personnel, you need to apply separately.

At the bottom of the screen, there is a blank space with a flickering "fingerprint" pattern drawn.

Chen Xiao couldn't help swallowing after reading this. Obviously, these two people got together, Song Xuan used her high-level authority, coupled with Bai Xiong's own advantages in the foundation's key training targets, directly through the mobile phone, you can The matter of "new team member registration" has been handled, and there is no need to go to Ms. Liu's side.

En. In contrast, Chen Xiao is like an orphan in the Foundation.

Of course, what made Chen Xiao more concerned was that this woman named Song Xuan had performed 34 C-level missions.According to her performance, it is estimated that she can be promoted eight or nine times, but why is she still squatting in the C-level area?But when I think of her identity as the "supervision team", it seems to be understandable. Maybe the scope of supervision she is in charge of is the C-level district.Thinking of this, Chen Xiao became even more puzzled, could people from the monitoring team really join the field team, and what was the purpose of this woman joining his team?

He definitely can't get an answer to this question now.

Then, let's look at the woman's fund exchange situation again,

Chen Xiao knows about the "Nerve Reflex Sensitivity Enhancement Serum", which can greatly enhance the reaction speed of human beings and the extreme frequency of muscle fibers. To put it bluntly, it is to make people's movements and reactions faster and more agile, but there are side effects. It is also very large, that is, during long-term high-frequency exercise, it will consume a lot of energy, so it is understandable why this woman is so thin, and the reaction is too sensitive, so it is not suitable for users The spirit of the body is also a kind of devastation, and what is the concept of x6 behind this serum, it is estimated that it is not as simple as multiplying the effect by 6.Chen Xiao could even imagine how terrifying her speed had reached, and how great the pain she was enduring.And this "muscle elasticity serum x4" also meant that her body could no longer bear the huge side effects of the drug, and began to gradually collapse, so another serum was needed to maintain a balance.

Otherwise, it is very likely that at the moment she accelerated, her muscles would be torn to pieces.

"Ah, all the funds have been invested in the route of "speed" like this. Is this woman's brain really okay with such a single direction of strengthening?" Chen Xiao thought in his heart, and looked up. He glanced at Song Xuan.

And Song Xuan happened to be looking at him coldly.

Chen Xiao looked at the white bear again, and at the same time, he didn't know what he was thinking, and then he shrugged his shoulders. Well, Chen Xiao seemed to accept his fate. Under this helpless situation, the laughing bird ushered in The third member of the team - Song Xuan.

Next, under the gaze of the two, he pressed his fingerprint on the screen.


Dip——, the confirmation is passed, and the new team members have been registered.

At that time, the member will enjoy the team's shared funds, tasks can be shared, and has the right to accept team tasks.


Such a short sentence means that Song Xuan has become a teammate.

Although Chen Xiao had only met her for less than 10 minutes.

The matter has come to this point, there is nothing to say, Chen Xiao tried his best to squeeze out a very polite smile, and raised his head, wanting to say hello to this new member
But the second Song Xuan and Bai Xiong saw her name appeared on the team information, they turned around and walked out of Chen Xiao's apartment without even saying goodbye. And they didn't even close the door.

Chen Xiao was dumbfounded and sat on the sofa in the living room. After a long time, he stood up suddenly!
"You bastard, what are you doing? You haven't even answered a phone call for a month, and this time you finally showed up, but you brought back a woman who still looks like that!! And she left after finishing her work~ she didn't even say hello! Who do you think I am! Huh?!"

Chen Xiao crossed his hips, pointed to the front and cursed, but the entire apartment was empty.

Well, although it is very absurd, anyway, things are like this, the white bear returns, and brings back a new player.

A few minutes later, downstairs in the apartment, in Boss Xiaoyu's maid cafe.

Song Xuan and Bai Xiong found the most inconspicuous seat and sat down.Because the difference in body size between the two is too great, people around will always cast some strange eyes.

The two didn't care about it, they just quietly ordered two cups of coffee.

"During this time, he performed a C-level mission alone, and also participated in an elite competition. Of course, as usual, the mission was successfully contained, and the elite competition was still the thinking group, and finally won the final victory." Bai Xionghao Said without emotion.

Song Xuan nodded, her expression was normal, but her tone seemed a little helpless: "As a member of the monitoring team, the degree of grasp of information is not as good as that of a C-level field team member. It's just ironic to say it. By the way, you How did you get your authority to reach such a high level?"

"It doesn't matter. You and I both know that authority is just a tool." Bai Xiong still said calmly, but what he said meant that he didn't seem to talk about this matter anymore.

"Well, everyone has secrets. If you asked me such a question, I wouldn't say it." Song Xuan picked up the coffee on the table, brought it to her lips, frowned, and put it down. It seems that she I don't like this kind of bitter thing: "Then, let's talk about him."

"En." Bai Xiong also nodded, "I did find something this month."

As he said that, he took out a paper folder from nowhere and pushed it in front of Song Xuan.

Song Xuan hesitated for a moment, and turned to the first page of the file. On the upper left corner of the page, there was a frontal photo of a man.

The man in the photo is wearing a loose hospital gown, with a pale complexion, a high hairline, and a narrow and sharp face.

It looks a bit like Chen Xiao.

But the difference is that his hair color is black, and there are no two disgusting looking scars on either side of his mouth.

The most important thing is his eyes.

Dull, unfocused, unfocused, lifeless.
It's like those mental patients who haven't seen the sun for a long time, and haven't even communicated with others for a long time. They have just been taken out of the single ward and have been given a few tubes of sedatives.

(End of this chapter)

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