clown game

Chapter 198 Child Chapter

Chapter 198 Fairy Tale Ten

The story continues
But when the two of them ate the candy house indulgently, an amiable voice came from behind: "Who is eating my house?"

The brothers and sisters were taken aback, and turned around to see a luxuriously dressed and very beautiful lady.

"Sorry, we are children lost in the forest. We were so hungry that we only ate a small bite."

The lady put on a sad expression, and said very gently: "Oh! Poor child, come in and eat! There are still many delicious things in the house."

The siblings were invited in and ate countless candies wantonly.

After eating, the noble lady let the two of them sleep on a beautiful and comfortable bed.The brothers and sisters were so happy, they fell asleep after a while.

Every day after that, the brothers and sisters lived such a life, eating!sleep!eat!sleep!All have forgotten the pain of the past.

Gradually, the brothers and sisters discovered that their bodies began to emit a sweet smell, and after that, golden syrup even began to flow from the pores.

However, the brothers and sisters who have been immersed in "happiness" don't care about these at all, they are still eating non-stop!eat!eat!Like those bugs who eat up all the crops and don't know how to be satisfied.

until your body gets bigger and bigger

Soon, the siblings ate up all the food in the candy house, and even the house itself.At this moment, their bodies have become incomparably huge, and they can't even stand up.

At this time, the lady appeared again.

It turned out that this was not a noble lady at all, but a witch, and she also summoned the bugs that crazily gnawed on the crops.

And the reason why she let them eat endlessly is not to pity them, but to punish the greedy siblings.

She summoned the group of crop-eating bugs and told them that there are better candies here than the farmer.
Sweet! ! !

Insects like sweets, they crawled onto the two brothers and sisters in groups, and began to bite the bodies of the two brothers and sisters. Of course, the two couldn't stop the endless insects, they could only cry helplessly, and that The absolutely unbearable pain also made the siblings' pores secrete more syrup.

The meat was torn off bit by bit, and the blood was mixed with honey, which made the original sweetness stink, making people sick, but the bugs seemed to like this taste even more, and they ate it even more crazily!bite!eat!bite!Without an iota of mercy, soon the brother and sister's feet were eaten, followed by the legs, then the waist
Coranti and Bangier could only hug each other and cry bitterly, allowing the bugs to penetrate into their bodies and brains and eat themselves bit by bit from the inside out.

But powerless.

Many days later, the brothers and sisters suddenly remembered something. Since the bugs all crawled over from the village, they could follow the trails out of the forest and ask the villagers for help.

Seemingly grasping the last bit of hope, the brothers and sisters struggled to climb towards the village with their remaining hands.

After an unknown number of days, the two finally climbed out of the forest.

When the villagers saw these two monsters covered in syrup and lying on their stomachs, they were very frightened.However, Coranti and Benjer's father recognized his child.

Afterwards, the two also expressed their pleas to him.
However, the father rejected them.

"No, son, it's because of you brothers and sisters. Now bugs seldom come to the village, and we can farm again. For the sake of the whole village, we can't help you two. Of course, our whole village will be grateful to you, you guys He is a hero!!"

hero! ! !

hero? ? ?

The brothers and sisters endured endless pain, but this group of people were talking about heroes to themselves.

What is the point of a hero living in such pain, and what is the use of the gratitude of the whole village.

The brothers and sisters became angry, and they began to take revenge on the village crazily, smashing houses, destroying dealers, and spreading the syrup on other people, letting those bugs eat them, and let others taste their own pain! ! !

As a result, the brother and sister turned into monsters more terrifying than bugs.

Now, the brothers and sisters Coranti and Bangier have been tightly glued together by the syrup, and their bodies are completely covered with candies. The bugs build nests, lay eggs, and reproduce in their bodies. Knowing that pain can make these two people secrete syrup, inexhaustible, inexhaustible.

For the bugs, the siblings are a living candy house.

In the days after that, Coranti and Bangir also frantically destroyed one village after another. He wrapped all the people he could meet with the syrup on his body, and while taking revenge on them, he could also slightly relieve his own pain. pain.

In this way, year after year, until today.

If you smell a strong sweet smell on a certain day, remember to run away.

Because, Koranti and Bangier brothers and sisters are here.

Here comes the candy house filled with dense bugs.



With the word "end".The whole story also came to an end.

Chen Xiao licked his lips, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly as if nervous, and then lowered, it seemed to be twitching strangely.

"Well, this is some kind of fairy tale. Hehe, although it looks a bit different from "Candy House", hahaha. It's really wonderful!" He shouted happily.

While he was reading this curious story, the rest of the team gathered beside him and read it.

"Hey, compared to whether this story is exciting or not, why don't you think about why the brothers and sisters Coranti and Benjer really appeared in this small town, and they chased us for several blocks!" The red-haired With an expression of "do you fucking know what the main problem is?", I couldn't help but complain.

But others didn't talk much, it seems that they have already resigned to their fate, if they don't understand the brain circuit of Chen Xiao, they don't understand, maybe if they understand, it will be even more troublesome.
Brother Decadent ignored the red-haired complaints, and took out a cigarette again and lit it.

"Well, let's make a hypothesis! One day, a person in a small town opened a seemingly ordinary book of fairy tales, and this book was C-177, and its power enveloped the entire small town instantly. Town, distorting all human beings into another space, and here, the things in the story will become reality to some extent, just like the brothers and sisters of Koranti and Bangier" he said, deeply sucked Take a sip: "Although this is just a hypothesis, but in the absence of any other clues, let's move forward with this line of thought."

"Does that mean that if we find this book, we can get rid of this C-177?" the man of science and technology asked casually.

Brother Decadent took another breath of cigarettes, looked at the dim light and the distorted scene outside the town that hadn't changed since just now in the sky: "Who knows. If that's the case, then in this book, is there any How many stories."

(End of this chapter)

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