clown game

Chapter 21 Boring Chapter 1

Chapter 21 The boring chapter

Chen Xiao opened his eyes.

"Well, this ceiling—I've seen it!"

It was speechless to say that Chen Xiao opened his eyes every morning for the past week or so, and what he saw was a strange ceiling, either he changed the place or he forgot.

He struggled to support his body, and every muscle was so sore that he couldn't hold on to the half-sitting position for even a second, so he had to lie back down again.

"By the way, what did that machine do to me yesterday?" Chen Xiao looked at the eaves motionlessly, the half a second of supporting himself seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and now he was struggling to even grin.

At this time, the door of the temporary rest room made a "beep", and then the door was pushed open, and a person walked in, wearing high heels!
Chen Xiao wanted to tilt his head to take a look, but he really couldn't move a little bit.

"The sound of this shoe. Could it be?" He already knew who the person who came in was.

Sure enough, a familiar face came into Chen Xiao's sight.I can't say I'm familiar with it, I've seen it for about an hour.And when they met that time, Chen Xiao couldn't move at all.

"I didn't expect that you were the newcomer to the field team they were talking about." Ms. Liu said flatly.

Chen Xiao tried his best to put on a smile that he thought was not bad but was actually ugly: "Hey, I didn't expect that either!"

Ms. Liu didn't show any expression, but said coldly: "From now on, I will take care of you!"

As he spoke, he threw a black mobile phone to Chen Xiao.

"I'm very busy, I'll leave you an hour tomorrow morning, come and find me in the office"

Immediately afterwards, Ms. Liu turned around and walked out of the room.

"Aren't you going to say something to me today? I'm going to hang out here for a day?" Chen Xiao was slightly depressed.

The footsteps fade away.
"Hey, don't you even help close the door?"

This is really a bad day, because Chen Xiao can't do anything, he can only lie down, and there is pain everywhere in his body.

until nightfall.He just tried to move his arm a little bit.

"Well, it should be able to move!" He nodded in satisfaction, and then wriggled on the bed like a big meat bug. His target was the communication board by the window!
This process was very difficult. First of all, Chen Xiao's limbs could only move very little. Secondly, the bed was really soft, so Chen Xiao needed to use all the muscles in his body to twist, but these muscles just moved. It hurts like hell.

But Chen Xiao must get the communication board!Because he can't bear to have nothing to do.
Finally, with his unremitting efforts, Chen Xiao reached that thing.

He pinched the communication board with his fingers hard.

"3, 2, 1, let's go!"

After that, Mou worked hard and used the inertia of his shoulders to swing his arms over.

"Hehehe, I finally got it!" He shouted in his heart, and then clicked it eagerly.

the first item

"personal information"

Sure enough, after fingerprint recognition, this option is turned on!

Name: Chen Xiao

Position: K City (No. 15 Anomalous Biology Research Area) field team member

Grade: D
Past missions: none
Honor: None
Fund: 0
Ability Overview: "Details"


Chen Xiao looked at this page: "Well, it seems that this level can be promoted, but I don't know the method of promotion. It is probably related to the following funds or honors. Since each contained item is divided into levels, that is to say, every A level can only accept tasks of the corresponding level. If the fund is obtained by completing tasks, then what the hell is this honor?"

Chen Xiao knew that it would be unreliable to guess here now, so he might as well save it and ask Ms. Liu tomorrow.

Immediately afterwards, he clicked "Details" behind "Capabilities Overview", and another panel popped up.


Power: 4
Agility: 5
Thinking: 2
Serum: no

Weapon Exchange: None

"Well, from this data, the foundation roughly summarizes the abilities of each field team member in "values". Although it looks like the setting of a computer game, it can indeed understand each person's tendency more intuitively. .”

Based on his own understanding, Chen Xiao can probably infer that the value of ordinary people should be 10 as the upper limit.For example, this guy with a strength of 10 is probably like a certain governor plus a weightlifting champion.Agility 10 may be equivalent to practicing Shaolin Qinggong for more than 20 years, climbing the second floor vertically in two steps.

So the question is what does this "thinking" 2 mean?
Chen Xiao looked at the "2" with an expression of "you are fucking meowing me".

He thought, if the average of normal people is "5", doesn't it mean that he is mentally retarded?
Chen Xiao stared with dead fish eyes, expressionless, thinking that he should find time to talk to the staff who tested these values.

Depression is depression, the plot still has to continue.

Then the next word "serum" is very suspicious.Recalling Mr. Zou's speed that almost surpassed the time of line of sight, this serum [-] achievement is used to increase the value of the ability.So what are the restrictions on his use, he can't "snap" dozens of tubes down, let's make a Hulk.

It's useless to think too much, Chen Xiao glanced at the bottom "weapon exchange".That's literally nothing to think about.

So, he withdrew from the first option.And directly clicked on the "Bonus Redemption" column.

Because he couldn't wait to see what the "serum" and "weapon" had.

After clicking on it, he found that the only thing he could inquire about was "D-level exchange".

"Is the exchange item limited to the corresponding level? It seems that this level is very important!" Chen Xiao thought, and opened the "serum" column.

Then, he let out that signature exclamation: "Huo~~ (three beeps)!"

"This is basically an enhanced version of a supermarket that sells illegal drugs, okay?" Chen Xiao didn't think of this sentence, but he yelled it out regardless of the pain in his body.

Because there are too many strange medicines here.

Although the column is "serum", it includes many oral medicines, external medicines and injections that are carried.

At this moment, Chen Xiao was very excited, and like a reader, he flipped through the "serum" column of the entire D-level area at a glance.This took him more than two hours.

Now to summarize, these drugs are roughly divided into three categories.

The first is serum, which is also the most expensive, and generally requires a fund of about 200:

After using this thing, a certain ability of the user is almost permanently increased, such as muscles, reaction speed, eyesight, hearing, etc. Chen Xiao even saw a kind of ability that can strengthen the character's "taste bud sensitivity". serum.By the way, who will use this thing, will you grab a handful of it wherever you go when doing tasks in the future?

Second, fast-acting drugs:

As the name suggests, these medicines are strong and come on quickly, but the duration is short, and the side effects are obvious, and they must be serious.Just like an injection, the user's strength increases instantly after injection, and it can stimulate the sensory center for a short time, making them feel no pain.After 10 minutes of using this thing, the muscles can't bear such a huge strength after the medicine is over. It is estimated that breaking a few tendons is light.

The third type is some emergency medicines, such as painkillers, swelling spray, hemostatic gel, etc. Chen Xiao looked at the instructions and found that although the names were very common, the efficacy of the medicine was really explosive.Just like the hemostatic gel, its effect can stop bleeding instantly, and penetrate directly into the tissue of the wound to form a layer of protective tissue similar to "regenerating muscle group".To put it bluntly, the wound will heal within a few hours after you spray it on, leaving a scar at most!And most are cheap.

"Heiyu ointment intermittently!" Chen Xiao vomited again in his heart.

Next, Chen Xiao clicked on the weapon column.

Although he had already made mental preparations in advance, the corners of his eyes still twitched involuntarily.

"Why hasn't this organization conquered the world yet? Do you think it's too easy to conquer the world without a sense of accomplishment?" He said to himself.

So, what are the D-level weapon exchanges?

First of all, the things here can't be summed up by guns or knives, it's just a mess!Chen Xiao looked at it quickly and kept complaining.

"Is this a pistol? It's for shooting elephants! A silenced Barrett 150? Do you have to shout for a [-]% discount? Are you sure that Barrett can be silenced? What the hell is a portable howitzer? It looks like it can kick Put it in the trouser pocket! And this titanium alloy vibrating dagger, what does he usually put in it, it feels like the scabbard will be cut to pieces."

Chen Xiao just finished flipping through the weapons, and then started to look at the armor.

"Well, the things here don't look so thrilling!" Chen Xiao calmed down a little, and after clicking on an item called "Light Body Armor", what appeared in front of him was an ordinary-looking suit!
"Uh~ That is to say, is this suit bulletproof?" He squinted his eyes and muttered, "Looking at the thickness of the fabric, it seems that even the wind is fine! It also comes with pure leather adsorption climbing gloves, with a record Fingerprint function. Is this the fucking way I open it?"

"Is there a booster installed in these shoes? The nitrogen fuel can maintain 200KM/H for 3 minutes! Humanoid Ferrari! There is also this bonus dorsalis pedis artery injection of cyanide, which guarantees death within 5 seconds. What the hell! Is the task of this organization so embarrassing?"

Chen Xiao just finished reading almost all the exchange items with his face full of pain. He raised his head and found that his body seemed to be barely able to reach the strength of walking.

"Why don't you report to Ms. Liu first, so you can ask more about the field team."

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao rubbed his face, which had been hurt all night, and laughed.

"I'm really looking forward to the days ahead!"

"Hey hey hey hey hey—"

(This chapter is actually quite boring. I don’t want to write about the bonus exchange system, but it will be difficult to do if I don’t write it, so let’s leave it at that.)
(End of this chapter)

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